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  1. #1

    FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Hey everyone i'm new here

    Well other than that, I have recently heard that FFX is coming to the PSN store and should be under "PS2 Classics". I mean they should, as a lot of Final Fantasies from the PSOne are there! Plus they should make it have Dark Aeons and Penance as us in North America never got to enjoy them!

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    i would love if thay inluded the dark aeons i cant wait till it comes out in the psn store
    if you live a creative life you will live a long and happy life

  3. #3
    Jack of all trades FFX coming to PSN Store? Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Sounds good but it will get over shadowed when the HD remake comes out.

    Hi there were Red Mages. We can hurt you with our Black Magic and heal you with our white Magic just so we can kick your asses some more. If we run out of MP or is just bored we can shank you with our sword. No need to waste your slots on a Black or White Mage since we can do both and more. So what if our stats aren't good or we can't use the best Magic of either classes, we can still hold our own far better than those two. Did we forget we also have a pimp hat and a badass feather on it. Our outfit's color is the same as your blood that is about to be spilled the second you fight us.Muhahahhaha Blue Mages,Dragoons,Monks, all of the classes don't got shit on us. Were just that good.

  4. #4

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Quote Originally Posted by Red Mage View Post
    Sounds good but it will get over shadowed when the HD remake comes out.

    There's an HD remake scheduled to come out??

  5. #5
    Jack of all trades FFX coming to PSN Store? Red Mage's Avatar
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    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Yes. Its coming to the PSP Vita and PS3 somewhere in 2012.

    Hi there were Red Mages. We can hurt you with our Black Magic and heal you with our white Magic just so we can kick your asses some more. If we run out of MP or is just bored we can shank you with our sword. No need to waste your slots on a Black or White Mage since we can do both and more. So what if our stats aren't good or we can't use the best Magic of either classes, we can still hold our own far better than those two. Did we forget we also have a pimp hat and a badass feather on it. Our outfit's color is the same as your blood that is about to be spilled the second you fight us.Muhahahhaha Blue Mages,Dragoons,Monks, all of the classes don't got shit on us. Were just that good.

  6. #6

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    ya, i dont see it happening since they are making a remake

  7. #7

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    That is pointless really if they are bringing the game out in HD might as well just wait for that to come out.

  8. #8

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    I have recently heard that FFX will be coming out in HD for the PS3 and the PSP Vita. However it is supposedly only coming out via the PSN Store so if you want it and haven't got the ionternet get it sorted!!!

  9. #9
    The King of Blitz & Modding FFX coming to PSN Store? Jecht's Avatar
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    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    I remember when i heard this SO many time ago...
    aright, i feel so good... after i heard "no, it don't gonna be a Remake, it gonna be a Rematerized version, just changing only the texture to HD" i was like: "GREAT... another shame from Square Enix..."

    for me that "remake" it's more like a joke for the fans of the FFX.

    plus. in any PC of this time, ya can play the FFX ON HD if ya have a good PC+Emu, and ya don't spend nothing of money.

  10. #10

    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jecht View Post
    I remember when i heard this SO many time ago...
    aright, i feel so good... after i heard "no, it don't gonna be a Remake, it gonna be a Rematerized version, just changing only the texture to HD" i was like: "GREAT... another shame from Square Enix..."
    I believe its the international version of FFX that wasn't available for me. So I will have new content. Not sure about everyone else.

    plus. in any PC of this time, ya can play the FFX ON HD if ya have a good PC+Emu, and ya don't spend nothing of money.
    Except for all that money you spent on getting a good PC.

  11. #11
    The King of Blitz & Modding FFX coming to PSN Store? Jecht's Avatar
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    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bias reduX View Post
    I believe its the international version of FFX that wasn't available for me. So I will have new content. Not sure about everyone else.

    Except for all that money you spent on getting a good PC.
    but at least the PC at the power, ya can use for ANYTHING ever more than any console.

    i have played any, and i have all, so, for me it's like a shame this one...

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy FFX coming to PSN Store? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: FFX coming to PSN Store?

    To my understanding, they are rolling out PS2 games on the psn. This would also include FFXII. Both games would be made playable in HD since FFXII looks absolutley feral (and practically unplayable) if you have tried playing it on a hd tv. This should be happening very soon, I expect it early next year.

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