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Thread: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

  1. #31
    Gamer Girl FF X HD Remake has been announced! Sakaea's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Hey, I'd be happy with that, too. What is Penance? And the Europeans got the Dark Aeons? Lucky bastards...

  2. #32
    Registered User FF X HD Remake has been announced! Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Well FFX was my first and last ,so having a remake would even be greater !

  3. #33
    Everyone needs a savior FF X HD Remake has been announced! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    im just kinda spit ballin here after readin through all this but i think there is alot that can be done with this game dont get me wrong defietly my favorite used to be viii but now its x. they did alot with vii and quite a bit with iv and there are quite is quite a bit that can be done with x

    like im sure alot of people have after playing this game i did some looking around for anything i could on it and the story behind dream zanarkand and the war between bevelle and zanarkand and sin and its story quite frankley with everything out there the possabilities are endless. they actually could expand the whole end of the game into a game itself into one making yunalesca the first boss and finishing with BFA. If anyone ever played GOW kratos spends almost half the game on kronos' back obviously this is a stretch and would be overkill but it could be done aside from it there are still quite a few possabilities

    For example SE could: Make a spin off from aurons point of view for braskas pilgramige etc, make a back story to X-2 on tidus and his wearabouts during the story (obviously he didnt disappear completely if you have the whole perfect ending scene) they could make a seperete POV game as a prequal with auron as a narrator to the story and different paths that bring the party together, they could make a game were it ends with the war of zanarkand and bevelle and the creation of sin another one that i think would be good completely is a completely "prequal" of sorts like crisis core is and that would be the story of wakkas brother chappu

    i think the best games would be spin off but really only could do it with three charactors, Yuna which they arleady did (and even included rikku ) Auron with his pilgramige with braska like i said before and with tidus (not really a spin off) and his time during leading up to the perfect ending in X-2
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  4. #34

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    I'll be waiting outside at 5am for this one.

    It better have the International extras.

    They better not F*ck it up.


    Edit: I love Tidus.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

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    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
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  5. #35
    Everyone needs a savior FF X HD Remake has been announced! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    while ur waitin at 5 ill already be at opreation mihen
    Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your story.

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    Most Played FF = FFVIII
    FF7-12, FF8-28, FF9-12, FFX-23

    Every story must have an ending and every story needs a savior

  6. #36

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    WOOO HOOOO yes! i love ff X and now its going to have a hd remake sweet! i don't know why most people hate ff X i personally love ff X

  7. #37

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Quote Originally Posted by smurphy View Post
    Im still holding out that they will release X-2 and XII along with it, thus releasing the most
    superlative package out of all the HD re-releases.

    They could seriously make this game 50 times less cringeworthy by editing out Tidus's laughing. That was painful to watch. The option to skip cutscenes would be nice as well as the over-bloody-long tutorial sequences.
    I thought the laughing scene was cool. It was a wtf moment, and I had a good laugh especially when the other characters commented on it

    The tutorial was good, if you press x then it will skip the talking. That cuts down on some of the tutorial.

  8. #38

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    word is this is more than simply an HD facelift for X. I hope they recreate it with XIII's game engine.

  9. #39
    Nobody Shaves Me FF X HD Remake has been announced! Gummy's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

  10. #40

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    thanks for the news.

  11. #41

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    At last some confirmation! Thanks for that I am looking forward to seeing this already rocking game (my personal fave) rocking in HD it is gonna be super sweet providing they don't change anything or if they do not too much new stuff.

  12. #42
    Nobody Shaves Me FF X HD Remake has been announced! Gummy's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Another small update:

    "There's one bit about Final Fantasy X HD in the interview. The staff says that it will be a bit longer before we get screenshots. However, they hope to not take too long in releasing the game."

    At the very bottom ~ Mega Lightning Download Content Coming to Final Fantasy XIII-2 --

    Late 2012 release maybe?

  13. #43

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    IGN just posted a few details on FFX HD

    "However, we now have a little more clarity on just what Final Fantasy X HD will be. According to Andriasang, Shinji Hashimoto, a famed Square-Enix producer, confirmed that Final Fantasy X HD is to be considered more of a "remaster" than an outright remake. These comments came from the Taipei Game Show, where inquiring game journalists wanted to know more about the mysterious game-to-be.

    As Andriasang points out, "Remaster refers to HD updates like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus rather than full remakes."
    Article Here

  14. #44
    The White Wizard of Fynn FF X HD Remake has been announced! Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    IGN just posted a few details on FFX HD

    "However, we now have a little more clarity on just what Final Fantasy X HD will be. According to Andriasang, Shinji Hashimoto, a famed Square-Enix producer, confirmed that Final Fantasy X HD is to be considered more of a "remaster" than an outright remake. These comments came from the Taipei Game Show, where inquiring game journalists wanted to know more about the mysterious game-to-be.

    As Andriasang points out, "Remaster refers to HD updates like ICO and Shadow of the Colossus rather than full remakes."
    Article Here
    I always figured as much, which is why I haven't bothered posting in this thread before. It was really random of Square to announce a remake of X out of the blue, when the fanboys have been crying out for a remake of VII for years. I had my doubts they would even put resources into "remaking" X when the original is still perfectly playable, and besides, nobody has really asked for one. If X was a third, fourth or fifth generation FF game, I could understand it, but not with a PS2 game.

  15. #45

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Oh... That is just awesome. They remaking one of my Favorite Final Fantasys in HD sweet so buying it when it is released.

  16. #46
    Registered User FF X HD Remake has been announced! + Revenant +'s Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    I'm pretty sure this is just FFX on PS3 with modernized graphics. Actually, I hope that's all it is. When they start throwing stuff in that wasn't there before, it's hard to know where to stop...they could mess up the experience that way.

    I guess this is great news for people who have PS3s and care about HD and all that, but it's not very exciting for me. Square has done enough spin-offing, sequeling and remaking. I've been waiting over 10 years for them to give me another great FF game, and giving us an old one with souped-up graphics doesn't count.

  17. #47

    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    I agree with you about it not counting as a nother good game but i disagree with it not being exciting. I love final fantasy x and making it in HD would be awesome no doubt about it. the one thing i want to know is i originally heard it was coming out on psp vita and the ps3. however someone recently told me is is only coming out on the vita does anyone know for sure on this?

  18. #48
    Elementalist FF X HD Remake has been announced! IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Quote Originally Posted by Joleine ann taylor View Post
    I agree with you about it not counting as a nother good game but i disagree with it not being exciting. I love final fantasy x and making it in HD would be awesome no doubt about it. the one thing i want to know is i originally heard it was coming out on psp vita and the ps3. however someone recently told me is is only coming out on the vita does anyone know for sure on this?
    It is coming out for both the PS3 and Vita.

    I probably will end up getting this game again like I have all the other FFs. I don't have the old consoles anymore since I could just download my fav RPGs from the PSN.
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  19. #49
    Boxer of the Galaxy FF X HD Remake has been announced! Rowan's Avatar
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    has anyone heard anymore news about this recently? Im really itching to play it again but would much prefer to play it on Vita/ps3 since my ps2 isnt hooked up at the moment and I would rather enjoy being able to play it from any location via the Vita. It would be great if they released X-2 or XII with it as a bundle, they are some games I would enjoy having in my portable collection.

  20. #50
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. FF X HD Remake has been announced! Polk's Avatar
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    I think the only news is that there is no news. Still happening, but still a far way off.

    It would make sense to have some sort of FFX/X-2 HD bundle, but I have a feeling if an HD version of X-2 is coming, it's a long way away. Besides, why put out two games in an HD package when you can sell them both for full price? Then you're making like, DOUBLE the money.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  21. #51
    Registered BRUISER FF X HD Remake has been announced! Nidogod's Avatar
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    So it's been a year and change since it was announced that an FFX remaster is not only in the works, but actually quite far along. Considering that they aren't literally remaking it, just remastering it in HD, and we haven't heard a thing since "Yup, it's being made and shouldn't take that long to hit shelves," in September 2011, as much as it pains me to say it, I'm assuming it was trashed.

  22. #52

    FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    As of just a couple of months ago, it's still in development. It wouldn't surprise me if square has to much on its plate to worry about. KH 1.5, Versus 13, X HD, PS3 FFXIV, next gen console Final Fantasy. Who knows what else they could be working on.

  23. #53
    King of Fur FF X HD Remake has been announced! Cerberuswaltz's Avatar
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    As long as this happens I will be happy. A bundle with X-2 would be awesome, too. My favorite
    Sig in production... Feburary

  24. #54
    Everyone needs a savior FF X HD Remake has been announced! the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: FF X HD Remake has been announced!

    Im thinking all i want is upgrade graphics and merge with the international version.
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