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Thread: The Ending??

  1. #1
    Can I be forgiven for what I am now The Ending?? xXCloudXx's Avatar
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    The Ending??

    How did you like the ending of FFX?

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  2. #2
    I'm DYING to see you! The Ending?? ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Of course I did but, should we really make a post of this.
    It's just so people that haven't played the game, or are halfway through might see people that have posted the ending....

    Anyway It doesn't matter, I think it was a dramatic and great way to end the game... Why in hell did they NEED a sequel... Not that I don't like the sequel, I think it was pretty good but it really REALLY wasn't needed. Except to get the perfect ending to that game and watch yet another great ending.

    If you get the Japanese international and Last Mission version of the game, there is a new mode where you have to travel up this tower. (No not the Via Infinito) and when you get to the 80 floor
    Yuna talks about her new life with Tidus on Besaid Island, She doesn't say his name because she can't but you know its him.

    This dialogue only appears in you get the perfect ending on the normal game then take the bonus tower.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
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  3. #3
    Can I be forgiven for what I am now The Ending?? xXCloudXx's Avatar
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    I'm not asking anyne to explain what happens in the ending of the Final fantasy X game. I am simply asking if you think that it ended Right. Did you like the way that the game ended as in a sence did it make you happy or sad ect. I thought that the game had a good ending. It was very dramatic. It also made me sad though. And as far as the sequal, it was alright. FFX-2 was a good game but I didn't see the point in it. I enjoyed playing it and the perfact ending was good. It just didn't seem to make FFX any better than its already greatness. So I agree with you Vivi.

    My TFF Family

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  4. #4
    I'm DYING to see you! The Ending?? ViviMasterMage's Avatar
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    Sorry I made a mistake...
    On February 19, 2004 (The day before the European and PAL release of X-2) a special edition of the game was released in Japan only. The new version features two modes: International and Last Mission.
    International is the entire game itself, with some general tweaks to the look, feel, speed and dialogue of the game; as well as two extra Dresspheres, new Garment Grids and the inclusion of a Creature Create system similar to the Monster Arena where fiends can be captured, trained and used in battle. Among these are Strongest Shinra (A Demonic-Energy Infused Shinra) and Major Numerus (The Final Boss of The Last Mission: A Four-Headed snake beast that rivals other Final Fantasy bosses for the spot of most difficult) Many of the FFX and X-2 non-player characters can also be trained and used in battle, including Tidus, Auron, Seymour, Lulu, Kimahri, Lucil, Nooj, Baralai, and several others. Over 150 additional party members can be gained through this system, with the majority having their own very small storylines and interesting endings (some including familiar faces such as Seymour and Jecht).
    Last Mission is a story-line based mission set three months following the defeat of Vegnagun where Yuna, Rikku, and Paine meet up for the first time since their victory three months before to explore the recently-discovered Yadonoki Tower ruins. The tower has 80 levels with a boss battle on every 20th level. On every 10th level, the girls have a conversation regarding current events in their lives and in Spira, adding many post-game conclusions for NPCs. These conversations can be altered depending on how you begin the mission. If you select New Game at the start screen, you will be prompted to load a save game file from FFX-2 normal or International, or to begin without loading. When beginning from scratch, the dialogue will be based on the Normal Ending of FFX-2, however, if you load a save game file with the Happy or Perfect Endings, Yuna will talk about her new life with Tidus on Besaid Island at 30th level. It is also possible to remove certain pieces of dialogue: i.e., at one point the girls mention Wakka and Lulu's baby Vidina has grown a tooth, but by loading a save game set before completing Besaid in Chapter 5, any references to Vidina will be removed as the girls have not met him.

    It's the 30th floor of the maze not the 80th...

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    My Okami-playing, Sephiroth-fangirl American cousin Dodie16
    My brother and stealthy swordsman of poetic power genome's blade
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    My Fatey!:

    Quote Originally Posted by Meigumi
    ....... I was reaaally hoping you'd say something else, but whatever! HEY, EVERYONE! WE'RE HAVING A CONVERSATION! 8D
    Fate's beautiful haiku:
    Lost in reverie
    Memories drifting through me
    So calm like the sea

  5. #5
    Registered User The Ending?? Yesha's Avatar
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    The ending of FFX for me.. is reaLLy quite sad.. seeing many goes away.. and seeing Yuna's bursting her feeLings.. is so very touching.. I must say.. I Like the ending but somehow.. I don't Like it.. LoL! Know what I mean?

    About.. it's sequeL.. FFX-2, I think it's reaLLy needed especiaLLy to those who's Looking forward for Yuna and Tidus to be with each other again..

    The story is not that very cheesy nor disappointing, and I Like the idea of having new characters and seeing what happened to the first characters that are in FFX Like Wakka and LuLu.. I say that.. I Like it so much as I Like FFX..

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  6. #6
    Death Before Dishonor The Ending?? Josh_R's Avatar
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    I felt it was pretty good and I could feel some real emotion there...And I agree with Vivi a sequel was not needed... I liked the sequel but it could have been better

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  7. #7
    Its been a couple of years since I watched it but I loved it.I thought it was a great way to end the game(especially if the second one wasn't so dry).I remember being 13 and FF10 being my first FF.I actually cried about the ending.Then I found out there was a second one,and I didn't feel so bad.

  8. #8
    a daydreamer The Ending?? aerospark08's Avatar
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    i really like the ending of FFX..
    it's really has deep meaning..
    especially in the game..
    the ending was soo touch my heart..
    i like when tidus diseappeared as a fleeting dream..
    so close i want to cry you know
    i give two thumbs up for the ending

    "The people and the friends we have lost, or the dreams that have faded... Never forget them."

  9. #9
    Postingway The Ending?? Maciariello's Avatar
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    I absolutely loved the ending to this game. The part with Auron, especially. I'll never get that part out of my head.

  10. #10
    Registered User The Ending?? Locke4God's Avatar
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    I thought it was quite good, and for a few reasons

    1. Tidus essentially died and faded away. I mean, it's classic really, something that reminds you of Aeries in 7 and esspecially that last imagine of him high fiving his father as Sin dissappeared really reminded me of the flash of Aeries as Holy held off Meteor. Good Stuff.

    2. One of the best parts though was when everybody other than Tidus realized that Auron was dead, and then Yuna sent him. Auron's story was IMO the most interesting and that was a solid ending for him.

    3. And then again back to Tidus' fading, I thought it was a really good touch that he just had to leave, and all of that tension with he and Yuna went out the door in a second. No hug. No kiss, just "Hey I gotta go" and that was it. Very tragic, and very final. You knew they'd never meet again. Poor Yuna was left sitting there like a single mom who was at the club all weekend and just woke up alone to another plus sign!! Bazzzing
    Last edited by Locke4God; 09-23-2009 at 07:35 PM.

  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Locke4God View Post
    3. And then again back to Tidus' fading, I thought it was a really good touch that he just had to leave, and all of that tension with he and Yuna went out the door in a second. No hug. No kiss, just "Hey I gotta go" and that was it. Very tragic, and very final. You knew they'd never meet again. Poor Yuna was left sitting there like a single mom who was at the club all weekend and just woke up alone to another plus sign!! Bazzzing
    Yep, and actually: I was just happy to see Tidus fade away. He reminded me of Luke Skywalker's whiny ass. "UNCLE OWN I FINISHED CLEANING THE DROIDS CAN I GO OUT AN PLAY". (no disrespect to Mark Hamil, who is amazing)

  12. #12
    Death Before Dishonor The Ending?? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    Yep, and actually: I was just happy to see Tidus fade away. He reminded me of Luke Skywalker's whiny ass. "UNCLE OWN I FINISHED CLEANING THE DROIDS CAN I GO OUT AN PLAY". (no disrespect to Mark Hamil, who is amazing)

    I to agree with this and Luke Skywalker was anything but a whiney ass...jk

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  13. #13
    Registered User The Ending?? WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    I think FFX had one of the best endings even though it was sad

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  14. #14
    The Ending?? Gamer X's Avatar
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    Thumbs up Ending was Best Graphic sequence...

    The ending was Best Graphic sequence that I ever saw in a game. It was worth all the time and effort I put into the game. It was disapointing though that Yuna lost Tidus and Tidus lost his Dad to Sin. I hope some day the whole group is reunited for an entirely different quest and they scantily clad Lulu.
    If we forget the experience past in the course of human events we will reap greater tragedies than were once before.

  15. #15
    All is One.One is All. The Ending?? Firefly's Avatar
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    One of the best Final Fantasy Endings I have ever seen.It was really sad when Tidus left,but somehow it was expected.Like Gamer X said.
    I hope some day the whole group is reunited for an entirely different quest
    That would be awesome.
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  16. #16
    I liked the ending....

    I also like FFX-2..the much maligned FFX-2....

    I've even thought about writing a sequel to FFX-2....featuring Rikku and Paine and maybe someday I will...

    I haven't gone back and read all the FFX forum..Has anybody seen the Square video/movie that's a sequel to FFX and a prequel to X-2..I can find a link if no one else has previously posted about it...

  17. #17
    When Your Love Is Lost The Ending?? cbchick's Avatar
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    the ending is soo sad! it was just sad how Tidus had to leave b/c he was fading away and when yuna was like "i love you". the music playing in the background was on point and went really well with the feel of it and all.

  18. #18
    It could've been better. (Throw stones at me now, if you like. xD")

    I liked the ending, especially the part when Auron left. That was really sad, as I liked him best. .-." It was a bit weird that no one said anything and they just... yeah, let it happen?! O.o But okay, just a minor thing bugging me.

    Then, when Tidus disappeared, it was again a sad moment. We all knew it'd happen and I think I was at least a bit happy when I saw that he met Jecht and Braska - whereever he went to. Also, Yuna finally saying how she feels was great. She wanted to embrace him, but couldn't, as he was already fading... and he jumped. Great ending! Great!!!

    The ending would've been soo~ great... if it had only ended there. ~..~

    What made the ending a bit bad was what happened after that. Yuna's speech. I'm sorry to everyone who liked it, but it just didn't make any sense to me. She talked about Tidus again, didn't even mention his name (which was weird throughout the whole game, what did Square think when they made the game anyways? XD"), talked to all the people... and... I don't know, that was nothing special, really. .-." Did they want to have a happy end? Or something that's close to a happy end? It wasn't, even with Yuna acting as if she was strong.

    It should've ended with Tidus jumping and seeing Braska and Jecht... .-.

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  19. #19
    I found it the most emotional and powerful ending ever made in a FF game. For the first time, the MAIN CHARACTER DIES. The love couple DON'T LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. It was different and awesome...and then X-2 came out and ruined the entire meaning of the ending. All it's impact and tragedy was lost.
    Damn it, I hate that game...
    And no matter how much I try and pretend I'm back in 2001 and X-2 doesn't exist and Tidus really is dead, it doesn't change the truth
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  20. #20
    Registered User The Ending??
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    I enjoyed the ending. I really didn't want Auron to go to the Farplane. He was too awesome to just fade away like that. I was more sad to see Auron go than the whole scene with Tidus and Yuna and thier final embrace. I'm not saying that was not a sad scene, because it really was, I just was more sad to see Auron go.

    I agree with Freya. The ending should have stopped when Tidus was reunited with his dad. But that's just our opinion on the matter.

    Posted by Tokimadoushi
    For the first time, the MAIN CHARACTER DIES.
    As for a main character dying, Aerith died in FFVII, and she was a main character. I suppose you meant main character as in lead character though.

    Posted by Locke4God
    3. And then again back to Tidus' fading, I thought it was a really good touch that he just had to leave, and all of that tension with he and Yuna went out the door in a second. No hug. No kiss, just "Hey I gotta go" and that was it.
    They shared a final embrace before Tidus took a running jump off of the airship and faded away.
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  21. #21
    badass The Ending?? marf's Avatar
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    i also felt sader that auron disapeared like that

    but the tidus and yuna part was alo great

    l thought that the sequel should of been about tidus but ffx-2 was alright one

  22. #22
    SpellWarrior The Ending?? Hinj's Avatar
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    To me the ending could have ended a little happier and with so much sadness, I just hate when a game ends with a sad ending, but at least its a good game.

  23. #23
    For me, the part is when Yuna confesses her love to Tidus by tears in her eyes. So sad.

  24. #24
    Mechi Chan
    The ending reminded me of Romeo and Juliet alittle it was too sad yet romantic in a way I had to fight back the tears.Although I have to admit the ending suited the game and that was the perfect ending for the game and they should have left the ending be.

  25. #25
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES The Ending?? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending??

    i never saw the neding cause i couldn't beat maester seymore in the first fight but i just play blitzball now

  26. #26
    Stream Crosser The Ending?? Ann's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending??

    Never thought I will love sad ending, but this one is awesome. I cried while watching it. Especially when Tidus apologizes because he can't show the Zanarkand, and when he embraces Yuna that way. I think the ending is genius, match with the complex story

  27. #27
    I want to play a game. The Ending?? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending??

    I am flabbergasted that I have yet to post in this thread as I find Final Fantasy X's ending to be probably the best in the series for me - definitely top three.

    When Auron said good-bye and his soul was finally able to rest I felt said that he left and that Spira had lost one cool dude. But after getting b**ch splapped, crawling out of Zanarkand, climbing down Mt. Gagazet, crossing two sets of plains and dying right outside of Bevelle, not before telling Kimhari to take Yuna to Besaid, riding Sin like a tamed animal - the man deserves some well-earned rest.

    The song that played during the FMV scene when the cast was on the Farenheit was very touching as was the scene itself - especially when Tidus hugged Yuna from behind and the music "soared" to a new level - struck a chord in my heart. Mmm. Good memories.

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  28. #28

    Re: The Ending??

    i feel like square enix purposely made the ending like that. like, the disappointment in the relationship in tidus and yuna. but really, out of all love stories, yuna and tidus' is the most touching. especially with the "everytime we touch"(slow version) by cascada video in youtube for the tribute. but good thing they continue their fate two years later in X-2!

  29. #29
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared The Ending?? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: The Ending??

    I thought the ending for X was one of the best out of the series! It was a lot sadder then most, but not every ending is a happy one. It was a great setup as well for X-2 (They just had to let them be together again)
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  30. #30

    Re: The Ending??

    I absolutely loved it and found it extremely satisfying and emotional, and refuse to ever play FFX-2 because Tidus needs to be dead.  8632

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