View Poll Results: Can Yuna and Lenne Sing?

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  • Yes

    24 88.89%
  • No

    3 11.11%
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Thread: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

  1. #1
    O Rly? Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Arch's Avatar
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    Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    They were pretty good i just thought it was such a random thing to put into the game

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  2. #2
    Huh? Of course they can sing. Yuna at least can when she wears the song-dress. Lenne was the one who wore it originally, so she is the one who can definitely sing. (Why else should she wear a singer's dress?) And when Yuna changes into the song-dress, then she of course can sing to, as she is... some kind of Lenne "reborn". You.. know what I mean. xD" I just can't put it into great words.

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  3. #3
    If they couldn't sing it'd be worrying... I don't think they could put in the soundtrack the vocals of drowning rats ^~.
    So all in all I thoroughly enjoyed the song, and the FMV was a nice touch. Intregrating the flashbacks with the concert was too an excellent idea. The FMV's were one of the plus points for X-2, despite the fact that there were very few.

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  4. #4
    O Rly? Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Arch's Avatar
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    Oh you guys dont get me wrong ,i shouldve re phrased the question a little bit better, i DO think they sing great i heard some complaints about the randomness of the Music Vid though, i understand why they put it there to re unite spira in all its trouble, but some people didnt like the idea at all.

    And Freya you bring up a good point it is really Lenne that can sing,since her soul kinda posseses the song dress, which i think is slightly creepy if you think about it like that,but i should have rephrased the question too " Do you think it was a good idea that Yuna and Lenne sang?"

    sry for the misphrasing of the question

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  5. #5
    Registered User Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??
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    Yes, I think they can sing. Actually, I think that Jade Villalon/Jade Valerie from Sweetbox can sing. She's the one doing the actual singing.

    I thought it was strange that off all the places in Spira to hold a concert where many people will attend, they decide that the Thunder Plains was the best choice.

    WTF made them think that was the best place? I thought the Luca Stadium would have sufficed, but no. Let's have all the concert goers stand out in the rain while Yuna sings her pretty little song, and lighting crashes all around the plains.

    And as far as the question goes about if I thought that it was a good idea if Yuna and Lenne sang, I have this to say:

    Sure. Why not? This game is full of randomness, so why not the concert?
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  6. #6
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    LOL No Shit Sherlock...Obviously they can sing...And they are pretty good Singers too. If they couldn't Sing Well...I would've Trashed my Disc...LOL

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  7. #7
    レイール★レイヴン Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? SacredAngel13's Avatar
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    ofcoz they can sing dude! what made u think they cannot sing?
    it's been very clear since the opening of the game, Yuna sang Real Emotion. right??



  8. #8
    DAYUM I LEAVE FOR 3 YEARS AND THIS PLACE DIES Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Ethan Blitzball King's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    the dress sphreres only change the way someone looks not their abilities

  9. #9
    Do the elements trust you? Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    If Lenne couldn't she wouldn't be famous for it.
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  10. #10
    O Rly? Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Arch's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    people look at my comment i misphrased the question

    Arch, Pronounced Ark

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  11. #11

    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    i never connect the song or the video with the story in FFX-2... I just think it reminds us all about the strong love yuna has for tidus from two years ago...

  12. #12
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    I thought it was strange that off all the places in Spira to hold a concert where many people will attend, they decide that the Thunder Plains was the best choice.

    WTF made them think that was the best place? I thought the Luca Stadium would have sufficed, but no. Let's have all the concert goers stand out in the rain while Yuna sings her pretty little song, and lighting crashes all around the plains.
    I was wondering the same thing for quite some time, but if you remember at the end of the song the thunderstorm stops and the sky clears up. So I'm guessing that they wanted to have it their so they could add that last scene, and make it feel that much more epic with her stopping a storm that has never stopped before with just a song.

    To the thread topic:

    Yes I thought they could both sing very well, and I think the scene was added to give a background story on what happened to Lenne and how her & Yuna are similar. (I could be wrong though because I didn't finish this game)
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  13. #13

    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    I say no, because the whole idea of Yuna/ Lenne singing to begin with is the weirdest and most random thing I think I've ever seen in a game.

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  14. #14

    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    Those 2 people who voted no on this poll need their hearing checked. Both songs Kick Ass (A Thousand Words just edges it as my favourite though).

  15. #15

    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    hey everyone yes they can sing and i think they both sound very beautiful.i love both songs and its jade from sweetbox and not hedi buress.

  16. #16
    Badass Military Agent Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    I enjoyed that scene so much, I created a new save file just so I can relive it. Then I got the soundtrack and now I can hear it as many times as I want. Ah gotta love the originality of it..... (oh wait... remembers Opera Scene with Celes in FFIII)

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  17. #17
    Registered User Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing?? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: Do you think Yuna and Lenne can sing??

    I liked their singing but the intro song is kinda silly.
    But once you get into the game feeling it's kinda fun at times

  18. #18
    Quote Originally Posted by Arch View Post
    Oh you guys dont get me wrong ,i shouldve re phrased the question a little bit better, i DO think they sing great i heard some complaints about the randomness of the Music Vid though, i understand why they put it there to re unite spira in all its trouble, but some people didnt like the idea at all.

    And Freya you bring up a good point it is really Lenne that can sing,since her soul kinda posseses the song dress, which i think is slightly creepy if you think about it like that,but i should have rephrased the question too " Do you think it was a good idea that Yuna and Lenne sang?"

    sry for the misphrasing of the question
    I'll answer for both forms of the question.

    Whether or not either of them can sing should be placed on the Songstress Dressphere's purpose. As we know it came from a recording of Lenne who was a famous songstress of her time, it is easily established that she can sing. Yuna, on the other hand, derives her ability from the dressphere, which could easily mean she has no natural talent for singing herself. Her popularity in this respect could be seen as part of the shifting culture of Spira, which became much less traditional after Sinfall. It may in fact be that Spirans no longer considered augmented abilities like being able to sing due to a dressphere's power as being distinguished from a person's true capabilities so, in spite of Yuna's inability to sing, her using the dressphere to giver herself that talent was perfectly acceptable. I've actually developed a timeline of events that would link use of dresspheres to expand on one's own abilities to the Final Fantasy VII use of Materia for the same purpose.

    As for why Yuna would sing for the people of Spira as a way of pacifying their aggressions, this can be seen early on in the game. Yuna can be manipulated by Lenne's emotions through the dressphere. And the Songstress' abilities in battle is to cause status effects and ability boosts, which is an in game representation of Lenne's Songstress powers. Her singing is literally able to affect others seen most exaggeratedly in the Thunder Plains becoming clear after the song. So it is a good idea. Lenne's power was used to pacify the warring factions. I will say, though, that I believe the "music video" they would see is more related to Lenne's pyreflies being a part of the dressphere, which sort of makes her an unsent and, as an unsent, she would have the ability to manipulate the pyreflies around her to show memories. With such powerful emotions driving her, Lenne was able to show the most important point in her life and, coincidentally, show the people watching the consequences of their continued fighting. While her song would have had the effect Yuna wanted of pacifying them, it was Lenne's memories that taught them that they needed to stop.

    In terms of a game cinematic, though, I can see where people might be opposed to the decision. However, I'd also like to say that this was one of my favourite scenes in Final Fantasy X-2 and I don't think I would have been as much of a fan of it as I am without it. The scenes shown and the song play heavily in my fanfiction of this game, too. ^.~


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