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Thread: Differences between International and NA version

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  1. #1
    Everyone needs a savior Differences between International and NA version the_savior21's Avatar
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    Differences between International and NA version

    Anybody who has played both the international and North American version of the game could you answer a few questions for me?

    1. What are the differences between the two aside from Dark Aeons/Penence

    2. Is it possible to buy the game so it is understandible in english

    3. (probably the dumbest) do you need a different type of ps2/memory card to be able to play it

    4. can you continue a gamesave from the NA version to the I version

    i dont know if these are dumb questions but i dont know the answers and id like to know before i buy it. Thanks
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  2. #2

    Re: Differences between International and NA version

    I have no idea. I've been wanting to know the same thing so I'm bumping this thread.

  3. #3
    #LOCKE4GOD Differences between International and NA version Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: Differences between International and NA version

    2. Is yes; the 'international' version is just the non-North American version, and comes in many languages. English is one, because I live in New Zealand and only speak English and own this game.


    1. Is there an expert sphere grid in the NA version? We get to pick a sphere grid at the start of the game. The expert grid has far fewer locks, but is smaller.

    Also I think you'd need a PS2 that can play PAL games. I know I can't play NTSC (is that the acronym?) on my PS2.

  4. #4

    Re: Differences between International and NA version

    From FFwiki:

    The International Version was released on January 31, 2002, in Japan, and later in Europe (the European release was simply titled "Final Fantasy X"). This updated version of the game has different box art for Japan, and new features, such as an Expert Sphere Grid, which allows for accessing abilities easier, but less overall stat-growth. New abilities were added to both Standard and Expert Grids.
    The Dark Aeons and Penance, all powerful superbosses, were added, as well as many minor changes to dialogue, scenes, the Celestial Weapons' key items (Japan Only), characters and armor & weapon customizations, such as Ribbon. The release also includes a bonus disc with behind the scenes making-of features of Final Fantasy X, and a special movie prologue to Final Fantasy X-2.

    Sphere Grid in the International version.
    The European release has the the Dark Aeons and Penance, as well as the new equipment abilities, but didn't change the name of the Celestial Sigils and Crests. The game has noticeable black borders and a slower running-speed as a result of poor PAL conversion. The black label version also includes a bonus DVD with the title Beyond Final Fantasy, which includes various interviews with the game developers, as well as two of the English voice actors. Additionally, it includes trailers of various Square games, an art gallery, short biographies on Nobuo Uematsu and RIKKI, as well as a music video of RIKKI performing the song "Suteki Da Ne".

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