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Thread: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

  1. #1
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    It's obvious that Yuna's sex appeal was astronomically boosted since X, but did everyone approve of this, or do we prefer the delicate, innocent respectable looking Yuna from X?

    I was personally a little disapointed with her, she had changed so much, a completely different person... but was I complaining when she was skinnydipping in the hot springs? not entirely.
    However I think this may have been one of the fundamental reasons why people didn't like X-2, Yunas character was just too different...

  2. #2

    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Yuna was way too different.

    Yuna was respectable in FFX. Sure, in FFX she didn't have the greatest confidence at first but nobodies perfect. She was attractive without being very flashy. In todays real world jammed with sluts it was nice to actually see one (even if a video game character) that was actually delicate and showed some vulnerability.

    In FFX-2 though she was definitely a "slut". Ok, she didn't literally go around sleeping with every one but she was in every sense of the word but that. She was a giggly, air-headed, in-your-face, prancing around in skimpy clothes slut. She is almost unrecognizable in personality from the first game. She had some confidence now but it was over-the-top at some points then randomly she would get all nostalgic and weepy. Overall very annoying, I lost all "respect" for her and if I had met her in real life I would treat her rudely/distantly for being the teasing slut she is.

    Confidence is over-rated and when people strive to hard for it they just come off as really annoying and in many cases un-respectable because it just looks desperate, uncaring or sad.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? HUNK's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Question: Did Yuna turn into a slut?

    Answere: Yes.

    Simple answere, with explenation. Without Tidus (Possibly because of Tidus) Yuna realised she could be with guys and party and be all flirtacious and toss the teachings of Yevon out the window. Hence her "appearance and actions" in X-2.

  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Nah. She may have some booty shorts but one side was mostly covered by that long half-skirt thing (blue gradient in the Official artwork). Her top was small but she had the hood that covered some of her shoulders and upper back. Besides she didn't have the lower-back tattoo, therefore it is safe to say she wasn't slutty. She was dressing appropriately to the climate of Besaid (though she wasn't in Besaid all the time.)

    Rikku, on the other-hand, is more "slutty" looking than Yuna.

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    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    My perspective is that Rikku influenced Yuna to dress that way. That's just me though.

    It also shows how much a person can change in 2 years. Although I don't think the change was THAT drastic. People do go through a change when they lose someone they love. Trying to rid their sub-conscience of memories of what they used to be. That's what I went through and from the looks of it, that's what Yuna went through, until she saw a sphere of him. After which she did what anyone would do and search for some answers. Possibly closure.
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  6. #6
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    All very good points there,
    I used the word 'slut almost jokingly, I wouldnt base it all on her clothes really, but her personality just went awol, I would agree that it was the loss of Tidus that prompted a change, and Rikku's influence would be another,...

    Dan's comment there seems accurate, confidence was something she may have lacked in X, and maybe also independence, she was always under the influence of her main guardians,... maybe the sudden independence/fame/hysterical loss was just a little too much for her...
    perhaps this was what the writers were thinking of all along...

    any more opinions??

  7. #7
    chocolateer Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    My perspective is that Rikku influenced Yuna to dress that way. That's just me though.

    It also shows how much a person can change in 2 years. Although I don't think the change was THAT drastic. People do go through a change when they lose someone they love. Trying to rid their sub-conscience of memories of what they used to be. That's what I went through and from the looks of it, that's what Yuna went through, until she saw a sphere of him. After which she did what anyone would do and search for some answers. Possibly closure.

    See that would make sense IF there wasn't the Eternal Calm disc that was released with another SE game. I can't remember the game though, sorry.

    Spoiler: The short Eternal Calm footage takes place two years later showing Yuna with the exactly the same personality and in her Summoners outfit, granted this was made before SE considered making ffx-2 and the reaction from this video was the reason they made ffx-2 but because this video was released that means Yuna's change took place in only one month.
    Can one month with Rikku really change her personality that much?

  8. #8
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    Yuna's change took place in only one month.
    Can one month with Rikku really change her personality that much?
    But it isn't certain that it was only one month is it? and if it was I believe it would be possible to change that much, the mind is very vulnerable and could drastically change in such a short space of time, however I think this is a little off the point... do you think it was a good/bad change habbo?

  9. #9
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    See that would make sense IF there wasn't the Eternal Calm disc that was released with another SE game. I can't remember the game though, sorry.
    Actually, it comes with the international version of FFX. I really should invest in a Japanese PS2 one of these days.

    Here it is, if any of you all care. SPOILERS obviously, but FFX is almost a decade old for God's sake. It's pretty interesting if you don't mind the hamfisted fan service.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

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  10. #10
    Banned Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    I thought she was ALWAYS a slut. First she's with Tidus, then she's with SEYMOUR? Oh, you silly little skank!

    (I never played FFX-2.)

  11. #11
    Gingersnap Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Wait, Yuna had multiple sex partners in X-2?

    Read more.

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  12. #12
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Wait, Yuna had multiple sex partners in X-2?
    No, well I don't think so, but she definitely lost her innocent, polite charm... in favour of a more audacious persona...


    Quote Originally Posted by IdiotWithHair View Post
    I thought she was ALWAYS a slut. First she's with Tidus, then she's with SEYMOUR? Oh, you silly little skank!

    (I never played FFX-2.)
    I have to say I wouldn't agree with that. She was 'forced' in a certain sense to marry seymour. and as regards Tidus, the worst they did was kiss ...
    Last edited by OceanEyes28; 04-27-2011 at 04:16 AM.

  13. #13
    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by OceanEyes28 View Post
    Wait, Yuna had multiple sex partners in X-2?
    HAHAHAHA!!! I was wondering when someone would refer to that. I laughed.

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    See that would make sense IF there wasn't the Eternal Calm disc that was released with another SE game. I can't remember the game though, sorry.

    Spoiler: The short Eternal Calm footage takes place two years later showing Yuna with the exactly the same personality and in her Summoners outfit, granted this was made before SE considered making ffx-2 and the reaction from this video was the reason they made ffx-2 but because this video was released that means Yuna's change took place in only one month.
    Can one month with Rikku really change her personality that much?
    Aye, I forgot about that footage. That being said, half of what I said still applies. If Rikku noticed that Yuna was 'still in a rut' Then she would have forced the change on her. It's not unlike Rikku to do that. That being said, I'm going to pick apart this Prologue because I haven't really seen it until now. Rikku hasn't changed after 2 years either. Yuna has had more of a kind of mysterious side, kind of like an 'I want to do more' attitude. But the problem was, she was also afraid of letting the people down. So Rikku and Yuna go through this change together. The next time we see them, Yuna's doing a concert in Luca. And they've both gone through a drastic change. It's hard to tell whether or not that took place over the span of 1 month though. Being that they were still saying that 'it's been 2 years' in X-2, they might have disregarded the prologue completely and carried on with the story.

    The original question was "Did Yuna turn into a slut?" My answer is no. It showed us the answer in the Prologue. She doesn't like being used. In any means. It was an outfit that Rikku picked out for her. Trying to fit into the 'celebrity image' and looking pretty damn hot at the same time. I like the outfit tbh. I don't see the problem.
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  14. #14
    chocolateer Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    But it isn't certain that it was only one month is it? and if it was I believe it would be possible to change that much, the mind is very vulnerable and could drastically change in such a short space of time, however I think this is a little off the point... do you think it was a good/bad change habbo?
    No you're right it isn't certain I can't remember where I read it was a month but still it is a short period of time since the Eternal Calm footage takes place two years later and that is certain since Yuna says so herself.

    Regarding her change it would depend, if I put aside that it's unbelieveable she would change in a short period of time, then I would say it was a positive change. Yuna was very naive and lacked confidence. Now she is more independent, more confidence and doesn't let others use her, I didn't really see her as a slut, I didn't think her clothes had gone too far, it seemed to fit with Spira and with herself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Polk View Post
    Actually, it comes with the international version of FFX. I really should invest in a Japanese PS2 one of these days.

    Here it is, if any of you all care. SPOILERS obviously, but FFX is almost a decade old for God's sake. It's pretty interesting if you don't mind the hamfisted fan service.
    I know that but it also came with the other game so that people outside of Japan could get a copy. It's a game called Unlimited Saga. Anyway the video I like but it bugs me about the time period and how Yuna could have changed so quickly

  15. #15
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    I didn't think her clothes had gone too far, it seemed to fit with Spira and with herself.
    I would agree with this, it wasn't too far at all, but was such a shock when I seen her compared to FFX Yuna that I was used to.
    Confidence wise she did become a better person.
    I suppose when you think of it, the game would not have worked if Yuna was in her old attire/persona ...

  16. #16

    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    ahh i can't believe people are coming to accept her slutty ways! She was a much worse person in FFX-2. Now shes on the road to becoming spiras Lindsey Lohan. Of coarse the game went overboard on fan service, but it bothers me that these days it's much more acceptable to be a slut/loudmouth party-girl, and any woman who is kind, nice and quiet is immediately considered repressed or not expressing herself enough.

    Yuna turned into a terrible person in FFX-2 and her slutty attitude is a big part of it.
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  17. #17
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    HAHAHAHA!!! I was wondering when someone would refer to that. I laughed.

    Aye, I forgot about that footage. That being said, half of what I said still applies. If Rikku noticed that Yuna was 'still in a rut' Then she would have forced the change on her. It's not unlike Rikku to do that. That being said, I'm going to pick apart this Prologue because I haven't really seen it until now. Rikku hasn't changed after 2 years either. Yuna has had more of a kind of mysterious side, kind of like an 'I want to do more' attitude. But the problem was, she was also afraid of letting the people down. So Rikku and Yuna go through this change together. The next time we see them, Yuna's doing a concert in Luca. And they've both gone through a drastic change. It's hard to tell whether or not that took place over the span of 1 month though. Being that they were still saying that 'it's been 2 years' in X-2, they might have disregarded the prologue completely and carried on with the story.

    The original question was "Did Yuna turn into a slut?" My answer is no. It showed us the answer in the Prologue. She doesn't like being used. In any means. It was an outfit that Rikku picked out for her. Trying to fit into the 'celebrity image' and looking pretty damn hot at the same time. I like the outfit tbh. I don't see the problem.
    I used the word 'slut' jokingly, referring to a stereotypical view that someone could use if they only seen a picture of her without playing the game.

    The real intent of this thread was to see if people were disappointed/pleased with Yunas transformation.

  18. #18
    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Then you should have said that in the first place. I'm pleased with it. She has a positive attitude. Better outlook on life. Still willing to help out whenever she can, but also willing to do more for herself.

    Dan, I can't really tell if you're joking or not. Did you even play the game?
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    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
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    ve yourself
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  19. #19
    chocolateer Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan558 View Post
    ahh i can't believe people are coming to accept her slutty ways! She was a much worse person in FFX-2. Now shes on the road to becoming spiras Lindsey Lohan. Of coarse the game went overboard on fan service, but it bothers me that these days it's much more acceptable to be a slut/loudmouth party-girl, and any woman who is kind, nice and quiet is immediately considered repressed or not expressing herself enough.

    Yuna turned into a terrible person in FFX-2 and her slutty attitude is a big part of it.
    Her kind, nice and quiet personality was not bad, but it's not something you can stay as forever, you don't get heard if you are quiet, you need confidence to speak your mind, also Yuna was naive she just got used by Seymore in FFX. It was a natural growth for Yuna. I disagree that she turned slutty, she wasn't a terrible person she turned into a better person, she was able to speak her mind and help more people. With her confidence she even jumped into situations to help other people that put YRP into trouble themselves.

  20. #20
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan558 View Post
    ahh i can't believe people are coming to accept her slutty ways! She was a much worse person in FFX-2. Now shes on the road to becoming spiras Lindsey Lohan. Of coarse the game went overboard on fan service, but it bothers me that these days it's much more acceptable to be a slut/loudmouth party-girl, and any woman who is kind, nice and quiet is immediately considered repressed or not expressing herself enough.

    Yuna turned into a terrible person in FFX-2 and her slutty attitude is a big part of it.
    ^^ Although this is tongue in cheek, this is basically my view, she was strong enough in FFX, a change of clothes and a louder voice doesn't make you a more outgoing expressive person.

    R.Kyra, I'm sorry if I seemed misleading.

  21. #21
    chocolateer Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? 01habbo's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    She didn't just get more louder, she had more belief in herself that she could change things around her, you can see just through her actions that she does things that she wouldn't have done in ffx. Yuna admits she was used two years ago in ffx-2 and that she wont let anyone use her anymore. She can stand on her own two feet she has more independence in ffx-2. It's all these things combined which makes her a stronger and outgoing person and not just because she got louder.

  22. #22
    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by 01habbo View Post
    She didn't just get more louder, she had more belief in herself that she could change things around her, you can see just through her actions that she does things that she wouldn't have done in ffx. Yuna admits she was used two years ago in ffx-2 and that she wont let anyone use her anymore. She can stand on her own two feet she has more independence in ffx-2. It's all these things combined which makes her a stronger and outgoing person and not just because she got louder.

    If this is what you think makes people a slut, then call me a slut.
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    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
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  23. #23
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    OK, the wrong end of the stick is beginning to be got

    FFX - Yuna. (Polite, caring, thoughtful, respectful, calm, quiet, reserved, strong, determined.)

    FFX-2 - Yuna. (Audacious, outgoing, talkative, hyperactive, giggily, flamboyant.)

    My conclusion: 2 different characters.

    The only reason the word 'slut' was used was because I thought it made a catchy title as I have stated.

  24. #24
    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    You'd be the same way if you were dying. She also wants to try to laugh a lot in X, but certain events would pull her back to reality.

    Now that she doesn't need to die, she can be herself fully.
    The one and ONLY Female member of CPC8 Makin' it HAPPEN!


    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  25. #25
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    You'd be the same way if you were dying. She also wants to try to laugh a lot in X, but certain events would pull her back to reality.

    Now that she doesn't need to die, she can be herself fully.
    Yuna was happy in X in my opinion. and she did laugh a lot. She new this was what she was meant to do, and acknowledged the honour of following in the footsteps of her legendary father. She knew how important her job was to the population of spira, and was proud to be the one that could help.

    I dont know if I would be the same if I was granted years more to live unexpectedly, I doubt I would sit back and my personality transform into something abnormally different.

    Another thing that got me was the whole popstar thing, for me Yuna is not a glamorous pop idol.

  26. #26
    Memento RK Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Wrong you are. She was a pop idol. She became a pop idol when she acquired Lenne's dressphere. She also started to sing in order to make the people happy and bring them together. As what she thought would happen if she got married. She does things for the people. If it made the people happy, Yuna would do it, no questions asked.
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    Sneaky Member of EVIL BAD GUYS

    Brett Litz says (5:50 PM)
    (my first letter of my first name key is ****ed up, so i can't type that)
    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

    Best RP:Final Fantasy Chronicles of Exigo~The Fall of Spira
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  27. #27

    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Quote Originally Posted by seanb View Post
    OK, the wrong end of the stick is beginning to be got

    FFX - Yuna. (Polite, caring, thoughtful, respectful, calm, quiet, reserved, strong, determined.)

    FFX-2 - Yuna. (Audacious, outgoing, talkative, hyperactive, giggily, flamboyant.)

    My conclusion: 2 different characters.

    The only reason the word 'slut' was used was because I thought it made a catchy title as I have stated.
    I agree, why would Tidus even still like her with her new FFX-2 attitude? She was annoying and not really the same person anymore. Things like the hot springs in FFX-2 compared to the lake in those crystal woods in FFX proves how she became more slutty. She went from romantic and sweet to just plain bimbo eye-candy. It's all phoney self-worth, theres nothing to respectful about it.

    As I said, people seem to think there is something wrong with quiet and reserved people where I believe the opposite. Yuna just seems like a pathetic bimbo trying too hard in FFX-2. People need more modesty and calm contemplation in the world not loud, hyper, "who cares about tomorrow" flippant disregarding people.

    Like I said she became the Lindsey Lohan of Spira and theres nothing to respect Lindsey Lohan for.
    Playstaion ID: Setzer_All-in

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  28. #28
    Hewerya love...? Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? seanb's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    I'm not wrong, I just have an opinion, as do you. And thats the fun of it all isn't it? Final Fantasy means different things to everybody. And we are all here to express/admire/question opinions. It has been interesting to see your viewpoints.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dan558 View Post
    I agree, why would Tidus even still like her with her new FFX-2 attitude? She was annoying and not really the same person anymore. Things like the hot springs in FFX-2 compared to the lake in those crystal woods in FFX proves how she became more slutty. She went from romantic and sweet to just plain bimbo eye-candy. It's all phoney self-worth, theres nothing to respectful about it.

    As I said, people seem to think there is something wrong with quiet and reserved people where I believe the opposite. Yuna just seems like a pathetic bimbo trying too hard in FFX-2. People need more modesty and calm contemplation in the world not loud, hyper, "who cares about tomorrow" flippant disregarding people.

    Like I said she became the Lindsey Lohan of Spira and theres nothing to respect Lindsey Lohan for.
    I seem to share most of this opinion.

  29. #29
    Boxer of the Galaxy Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    They had already recycled 80 percent from ffx, they had to make changes somewhere. I wasnt surprised... that much

  30. #30
    Gingersnap Did Yuna turn into a SLUT? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Did Yuna turn into a SLUT?

    Ugh gross. The misogyny in this thread is ****ing disgusting and you all should be ashamed.

    One's attitude does not make a woman a slut, nor does her clothing. It may make her obnoxious to you or perhaps inappropriately dressed, but it does NOT make her slut or worthless. Your attitude, however (Dan in particular), does feed directly into the rape culture so prevalent today which supports the idea that because a woman dresses or acts a certain way, she deserves whatever abuse she gets, be it verbal, sexual, or physical, because after all, she's a slut.

    Also. If you didn't mean "slut," don't say slut.

    Read more.

    TFF Awards:

    Nicest Female 2006. Best Couple 2006. Nicest Female 2005. Best Couple 2005. Tie for Nicest Female 2004. Best Couple 2004. Flamer of the Week 2005.

    "I hope I never ridicule what is wise or good. Follies and nonsense, whims and inconsistencies do divert me, I own, and I laugh at them whenever I can."

    . SOLDIER ('04) . cHoSeN ('04) . Por Rorr Kitty9 ('09).
    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

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