She became a stronger character not two different ones. Rikku had a very strong influence on her, the new personality traits have only been built upon the old, the old haven't just gone she still has them she's just grown as a character. Whether it's believeable or not is a different matter, but most of her ffx traits are still there.
Polite, caring and thoughtful are all still there and very evident in ffx-2, she still deeply cares a for others and will be polite to higher authority still, I did not see her be rude to anyone in ffx-2.
Respectful is not really a personality trait, and really it's just a personal opinion.
Yuna is able to still keep calm when it is necessary, while Rikku tends to freak out over every problem Yuna will have a think, she is not as calm as she was in ffx-2 due to her confidence giving her that happy go lucky attitude, but she can be calm when it matters still.
Quiet, is not a positive trait, you don't get heard, and you are not able to express yourself, it is a negative trait, although seen as sweet at first, it does not help when you want to join a conversation and find yourself pushed out. I speak from personal experience, and I fight against this trait in me everyday it's frustrating.
Reserved, isn't that the same as quiet?
Strong, Yuna is still very strong in FFX-2 infact I would say she was a stronger person due to her independence.
Determined, she still has this trait too she's determined to not let the Eternal Calm fall and to protect her friends from harm.
The traits you listed for ffx-2 are put on top of the traits she already had in ffx-2, the only thing that has gone in her ffx, is that she is not quiet and that is a good thing, wish I had some of her confidence.
