View Poll Results: Did you keep your character's weapons?

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  • Yes

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  • No

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  • Screw you I hate that game!

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Thread: Did you keep the character's weapons?

  1. #1
    Death comes on silent wings Did you keep the character's weapons? bobbo087's Avatar
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    Did you keep the character's weapons?

    Did you keep the character's weapons or did you give them cross class weapons? I gave Vaan a hammer, I gave Balthier a hammer, I mgave Fran a staff, I gave Basch a staff, I gave Ashe a javelin, and I gave Penelo a staff.

  2. #2
    SpellWarrior Did you keep the character's weapons? Hinj's Avatar
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    I keep them throwout most of the game but when I got the strongest weapon I found I just gave it to Vaan.

    Vaan: strongest
    Penelo: spear, dagger, staff, rod, pole
    Balthier: gun, bomb
    Fran: bow, spear
    Basch: sword, hammer,spear, pole
    Ashe: sword, hammer, spear, pole, rod, staff

    But I still wonder why there are scales, there useless.

  3. #3
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Seerax's Avatar
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    I kinda changes thier wepons through out the game;

    Vaan: Sword and sheild
    Ashe: sword and sheild
    Basch: Two-hand sword
    Penelo: Bow

    As for Balthier and Fran I kinda forgot to use so they are to weak for me to use right now... I greatly regret that >_<

  4. #4
    Death Before Dishonor Did you keep the character's weapons? Josh_R's Avatar
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    the only person I kept the same was balthier I changed everyone and gave them weapons I felt they were better suited to use...

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  5. #5
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Seerax's Avatar
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    Kinda the same for me

  6. #6
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Locke4God's Avatar
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    I give them general ideas.

    Vann, Belthier, and Bache more or less got the same class of weapons, although Balthier I tried to get more polls and guns to, and Bache more axes, and strenth enhancing attire for all of them.

    Frann & Ashe were exclusively mages for me, so rods only and magic enhancing attire.

    Penello was my hybrid character. I gave her a lot of bows and outfitted her to maintain a balance between her strength and magic.

  7. #7
    Keeper of Balance/Defender of Order Did you keep the character's weapons? Materiathief00's Avatar
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    I heard somewhere that the weapons a character starts out with might not necessarily be their best. For instance, Balthier is the worst gun user. So, yeah, I switched them up a bit. Mostly if a character was faster, I would give them a lighter, faster weapon. Stuff like that.

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  8. #8
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Throughout most the game I kept Vaan with a Dagger, Pinelo I switched to Bows. Fran got switched to 1 handed swords. Basch had spears, poles. Ashe had bow and Balthier had 2 handed weapons. I like to give characters key rolls. Like my Fran was mainly a paladin build, Vaan was a quick thief with high defense. My Pinelo and Ashe were the same, healers. Basch and Balthier were my front line damage users.

  9. #9
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons?
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    Fran is the only one in my game who kept the same type of weapon.

    Fran always had a bow. I just liked her with it, because she was also a mage character for me, and with that weapon she could pretty much stay out of harm's way but still deal some pretty heavy physical damage.

    Vaan got either an Axe or a Sword (when he was in my party).

    I would alternate Gun or some sort of Sword for Balthier. It depended on what I needed him for.

    I used all kinds of weapons for Basch. He has been equipped with Axes, Sword and shield, Greatswords, Katanas, Poles, and sometimes Bows (when he wasn't leading my party).

    I never bothered playing with Ashe or Penelo in my party long enough to care what they were equipped with.
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  10. #10
    Bananarama Did you keep the character's weapons? Pete's Avatar
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    I mixed it up a little bit, and tried to create classes for my characters.

    Vaan and Basch were just my mashers. Vaan was given a 2 handed sword (Tournesol). Basch would have whatever hammer or axe was most powerful at the time. Heavy armor for them as well.

    Ashe was something of a white knight for me. She'd have a sword and shield, and would be set to use whatever healing spells were necessary. Heavy armor for her.

    Pennello was my white mage. She used a rod or staff and would just cast support and healing magics. Robes/ mage armor.

    Fran was my black mage. I gave her a bow because she could do some damage with it, but mostly she would cast negative status magic, or exposing magics (oil, poison, etc) and then powerful black spells. Depending on what was best, she'd use light armor or mage armor.

    Balthier was more or less useless for me. I gave him guns and bombs, but he didn't really factor into my grand scheme of things. I experimented with katanas, but it didn't really work. He couldn't do as much damage as Vaan or Basch, or even Ashe. He had light armor, and mostly stayed out of my party.

    Towards the end of the game though, I had so many license points that everyone was maxed out, and everyone could use every skill and magic. It was a bit cheap, and the classes were purely based on armor worn and weapons, as well as gambits.
    Last edited by Pete; 10-13-2009 at 09:50 AM.
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  11. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Pete View Post
    Towards the end of the game though, I had so many license points that everyone was maxed out, and everyone could use every skill and magic. It was a bit cheap, and the classes were purely based on armor worn and weapons, as well as gambits.
    Same thing happened at the end of my first game. It kinda felt like I could do anything I want, instead of making the characters go a certain way. It was cool, I guess. I kind of wish that if you started learning things going one way, you had squares taken away from you elsewhere that you could no longer get. Or something like that, anyway.

  12. #12
    All is One.One is All. Did you keep the character's weapons? Firefly's Avatar
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    Let me start out by sayin,that when I firsted played the game,I didn't assign people roles instead I made them like a idk a smashin,healing,dangerous,character.They all had the same magic,weapons,armor,and maybe accessories.
    Fran-I think I kept her as an archer
    Balthier-I put him with a hammer
    Vaan-Two handed weapons
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  13. #13
    i have ears :) Did you keep the character's weapons? Full Life's Avatar
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    i gave Everyone Swords and greatswords
    I got multiple of 1 of a kind swords and greatswords by going into the place that you need to go to get to shadowseer the chests there have 1 of a kind stuff

  14. #14
    R-K H、有名な侍の戦争の神ソウル刈り取り手 Did you keep the character's weapons? Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Seerax View Post
    As for Balthier and Fran I kinda forgot to use so they are to weak for me to use right now... I greatly regret that >_<
    All you gotta do is Train them...Its Really Easy. Then you can use them for wherever your at.

    On another Note: I Did not keep all of Their Original Weapons.
    Basch: 2H Sword/Bow
    Vaan: 2H Sword/Bow
    Ashe: 2H Sword/1H Sword & Shield/Bow
    Balthier: Gun/2H Sword
    Fran: Bow/2H Sword
    Penelo: 2H Sword/Bow

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  15. #15
    No point in giving them their original weapons.

    My Top 3 (fomelhaut for flying enemies)

    Ashe: Wyrmhero Blade/Fomelhaut
    Penelo:Masamune(w/Genji gauntlet equipped) or Tournesol/Fomelhaut
    Fran: Zodiac Spear/Fomelhaut

  16. #16
    Little Pandemonic Carnival Did you keep the character's weapons? Insufficient Mage's Avatar
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    Gensokyo. It is a silly place.
    Nope! As weird as I thought it would be to equip Balthier with anything but a gun, I had him using poles quite early in the game.
    Vaan was, over the course of the game, equipped with every type of sword under the moon (by XII's standards), though I think I've got him with the Save The Queen right now.
    Fran, I kept her using bows. I wanted to keep a long-range character in there. She was also my main healer.

    The above was my main party, but I also ended up making Penelo use staves... even though I never used her. Just for kicks I guess. She was originally going to be my summoner, before I realized I would never use her.

  17. #17
    Tsuna Feesh Did you keep the character's weapons? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I never kept the original weapon that each character was assigned with. I think I mentioned this in another thread, but I read something where somebody found out how Balthier and Fran were the worst with the gun and bow, respectively. It's sort of ironic, actually, but it's meaningless if your characters have 90 or more attack. In any case, I liked greatswords being equipped for each character when fighting most of the time--against ground enemies. I'll switch to a bow or gun when fighting against aerial monsters, but it's usually the Tournesol, Excalibur, and Ultima Blade (I forgot the Zodiac Spear).

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  18. #18
    Did you keep the character's weapons? ffking997's Avatar
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    this is how i sorted out weapons to charcters...

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  19. #19
    I changed the weapons around a little, but I tried to keep Vaan with daggers, Ashe with swords and Baltheir with guns and Fran with spears. I have no strategy when it came to weapons, I just tried to match the character with weapons I thought fit them.

    Vaan- Daggers and poles
    Ashe- Swords and Arrows
    Basch- Swords and Hammers
    Penelo- Hammers
    Baltheir- Guns, Bombs, Arrows
    Fran- Spears and Arrows
    Larsa- Swords and Guns

    Ta DA!!!:

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  20. #20
    Did you keep the character's weapons? ffking997's Avatar
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    aaa u thoguht fran was matched with a pole??? OMG she is a perfect archer/magician....
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  21. #21
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Toxo's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    I pretty much changed all of their weapons except for Ashe. I always let her have her precious swords. Fran often keeps her bow, too, but usually I give her a katana in the beginning (right after Nalbina dungeon) after killing those werewolves in Giza Plains.

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  22. #22
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Cloudsnakeskin's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    I kept all of mine the same, with one exception changed Balthier's every now and then to a sword and shield.

  23. #23
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    the only character i keep with the same weapon is fran and her bow. im a softy for spears so right now ashe, basch and penelo have a dragon whisker while im playing faves with balthier and equipped him with the zodiac spear. i could really care less about vaan so he's running around with a platinum sword. thats what i think is cool about this game is that you don't have the keep each character with their same type of starting weapon...really leaves it open for character customization

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

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  24. #24
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons?
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post
    thats what i think is cool about this game is that you don't have the keep each character with their same type of starting weapon...really leaves it open for character customization
    Oh, I agree! This game is one of the best in the series for making your characters how YOU want them to be. Really fun stuff when you start challenging yourself to only have certain setups and equipment.
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  25. #25

    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    I always give them hammers

  26. #26
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Discordius's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    Towards the begining of the game I usually have Vaan with swords, Balthier with daggers or guns, Fran with mage equipment until I can send her to the bench permanently, Basch with poles, Ashe with mage equipment such as maces, satves or rods (very rarely) and Panelo with guns or bows.

    When daggers begin to suck, I give Balthier a suit of heavy armor and a spear. Vaan ofent changes his swords into Greatswords.
    Last edited by Discordius; 05-29-2010 at 04:23 PM.

  27. #27
    From the ruins of Zanarkand Did you keep the character's weapons? Yuna's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    Lol the one vote about the third option is they didn't have any special weapon and I didn't try to do my best to keep them...Just the usal ,for ending the game with usual weapons...

  28. #28
    Shiro Ninja Did you keep the character's weapons? Snow Villiers's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    i have Vaan as sword and shield (he does mass damage) and Javlins
    baltheir, as a gunner (guns never miss so im ok with that)
    Fran as a archer and Pole (for flying enemys and she has a really high magic stats in my game)
    Penelo as dagger, tantos, and Katanas (for quick hits and average damage)
    everyone else, everything... i like to change it up alot

  29. #29
    Registered User Did you keep the character's weapons? Sharpshooter's Avatar
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    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    I usually leave Basch with a katana or great sword
    Vaan- ninja swords or regular sword with shield
    Penelo- staffs or maces
    Fran- bow
    Balthier- gun
    Ashe- hmm i could never decide wat I thought was more beneficial for Ashe, I mean like wat I felt comfortable with. For all the other characters, it felt smooth giving them those weapons, but i could never find the 1 thing for ashe, dnt know why

  30. #30

    Re: Did you keep the character's weapons?

    Their original weapons are just crap later in the game. When it comes to physical attack power I will always choose the strongest regardless of wht type of weapon it is. Therefore all the weapons the charcters are wielding are all swords and axes mainly because guns and bows do not come even close when it comes to physical attack power.
    Last edited by markandrewkinzett; 12-16-2010 at 05:47 AM. Reason: Didn't finish it

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