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  1. #1
    Registered User Character Journies Chocobo_Lover17's Avatar
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    Sep 2011

    Character Journies

    Which characters journey did you find the most interesting to watch develop? In my opinion one of the things that makes FFX, and many of the FF's for that matter is the individual "Stories" of the characters, I really enjoy watching them, they are all so different in the game, which is your favorite?

  2. #2

    Re: Character Journies

    Yuna's journey was obviously the most 'important' one in regards to the overall story, but i personally enjoyed both Auron and Kimahri's stories. Auron in particular went through so much s**t and still showed restraint and loyalty to the summoners even though he knew the truth about it.

    Kimahri's story was interesting as well i found because of how he ends up being one of the very last Ronso alive after
    Seymour wipes out the Ronso race living on Mt. Gagazet.

    My TFF Family:

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    My brother of honourable justice - Judge Magistrate
    My Canadian sister who travels the skies- R.Kyra
    My nameless brother of legend - Hero without a Name
    My brother, the Gunblade master - Lion Heart
    My supernatural sister of mysterious intrigue - belleZ

  3. #3
    I will save the world Character Journies Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Aug 2011

    Re: Character Journies

    This may come as a surprise, but I actually think Wakka's story was the most interesting. A blitzball man who lost his family to Sin after he *spoiler alert*
    joined the crusaders and died on shore


    But Wakka became Yuna's guardian after the Blitzball tournament and he hated a large hatred for the Al-Bhed and was a full follower of Yevon's teachings, but as he continued on with Yuna, he sooned learned the truth and rather than turn his back on Yuna, he fought against Yevon and helped Yuna to achieve her goal, and he also didn't become a rock head at the end and became welcoming to the Al-Bhed.

    "I may save the world, but you'll never know why"

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    Chocobo_Lover 17- Sister who is breeding my army of chocobos

    Lion Heart: Gunblade hero under our hero clan

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