A simple tip, build your team around Brother, you really cant go that far wrong, with him and tidus.
My Blitzball team is good enough and scores more than 8 goal per game!
A simple tip, build your team around Brother, you really cant go that far wrong, with him and tidus.
If you play Savage Battle for Newerth, pm me.
You are right. Brother's extremly fast and good at everything. He's the best player around!
My Guys And Gal Are of course up front with Tidus n Blappa, Middle Man changes every quarter to make it more fun with Berrik n Judda, defense is Zalitz and my goalie is Mya or Mirryu i don't know how to spell her name but she's a pretty good goalie and you can get her right brfore you go into guadoaslam.
Anyone else have the Final Fantasy X guide book? Hello! Keepa has the best shot out there! And I'm not kidding! Don't beleive me? Look it up in a guide book. At lvl 99, Keepa's shot is lvl 99..nobody else get's passed 70..even Tidus. Got the time to get Keepa to lvl 99? Go for it, you'll never lose a game. Realize this means that you could still leave Keepa in the goal spot, seeing as how he's also one of the best goalies. At lvl 99, he can shoot from the goal spot, and make it every time, no problem. Get ready to hear that annoying man yell "GOAL!" every 15-20 seconds.
i think you that think if bliz baal is for dummy you must can't understand who to play it because blitsball is one of the coolest minigame in FF so you must understand how to play it then you can fell the how cool that game
i just kep all the origanal and i eventually started winning ever game i played so i dont no about u but i like the origanals
LD- Biggs
RD- Blappa
GK- Nimrook
This my best team:
LF: Tidus
RF: Brother
MF: Eigaar
LB: Jassu
RB: Blappa
G: Miyu
Blitz Ball not dummies, I think its a good and cool game.
But If you learn more about this game, I think you can enjoyed.
This is the Ultimate team as far as im concerned:
LF - Tidus
RF - Brother
MF - Tatts
LD - Kyou
RD - Jassu
G - Miyu
I always lose at Blitzball
SoD: What should I give to my girlfriend for Valentines Day?
Pete: My suggestion is two presents. Get her something of meaning to the both of you, and a dildo. If she doesn't like the first gift, she can go **** herself.
My Family:
My awesome sister which I love very much <3--Vampiric.Delirium
My lazy, random, super-duper, twice-removed cousin-- Ralz
My forever intoxicated vigilante brother--Celtic_Silver
My Godsmack Addicted Brother--Omega Weapon
My dark wolf obsessed somebody--Darkwolf
My Bahamut loving sister--Bahamut1990
My forever banned cousin--Dark_Angel2
My sweet vanilla cousin--OceanEyes28
My wacky evil loving sister--Annikit
like quite alot of people i have all original players.
<img src="http://i43.photobucket.com/albums/e357/typo420/Typo420signature.jpg">
Family Members: Al Bed Psycho<table border="0" align=center><tr><td valign="top"><b><a href="http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php3?client=SorceressKnight"><img src="http://home.midsouth.rr.com/yamahaman/lostboy/ff8gifs/Kiros.gif" border=0 align=left hspace=12 alt="Which Final Fantasy 8 Character Are You?"></a></b></td><td width="100%"><p><font face="Arial" size="2"><b>You are Kiros!</b> You're a pretty practical sort of person with a<br>good sense of ethics. Because you keep physically fit, you<br>look good wearing just about anything. Helpful and capable,<br>you're always a great person to have around.</font></p><p><a href="http://www.selectsmart.com/FREE/select.php3?client=SorceressKnight"><font face="Arial" size="2">Take the Final Fantasy 8 Test here!</font></a></p></td></tr></table>
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all origional players, except i recruited brother and wakka also. too good to let up. so, my team stands as this.
Left-Foward Tidus
Right-Foward Wakka
Mid-Field Brother
Left-Def. Jassu
Right-Def. Botta
Goalie Keepa
i forget if the left and right Def.s are right, it was either of them or the others...
My players are all level 70 and ive played at least 250 games and ive won about 240 of them and i have everything.
Blitzball ****ing rocks
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Yeah, my players are around level 70 and Tidus is ahead of them all with general stats. took a long time for me to do this though... need patience really.
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Thanks for the tip, dude. It's a pretty good list.Originally Posted by Boco
an easy way to get players is to just play exhibition if u have the airship that is and wen the person ur after has 1 game left save ur game and keep reseting until they get released from there current team im unbeaten as of yet reset my data so my chars are low levels but i have
FWD ~ Tidus * default player*
FWD ~ Nedus / Datto (depends if i want the speed or the END + Nedus speed is ment to rise from 30 ... wen he levels up more) *Nedus dock 1 of luca and datto either original aurocs or the aurocs locker room in luca*
MD ~ Kiyuri (pretty avrg in all areas apart from her block) *SS liki i think its called boat ride btween Luca & kilika girl by the steps to lower deck
DEF ~ Ropp ( brillaint block good atack ok endurance and pass hes in the travel agency at the top of mihen highroad)
DEF ~ Naida (good speed to catch those ANOYING gaudos good high atack low endurance tho higher than average pass and a good block)
GOAL ~ Nimrook ( yeah i used the exhibition to get him fast 18 CA to start no1 can beat him people catch up to him later on but then his CA starts to pick up and he becomes nearly unbeatable
ill list a few good players for u new starters to pick up
FWD ~ Tidus
~ Shami * found in luca camera women by the fountaine*
~ Wedge *top of the stairs by the locker rooms *
~ Datto * original aurocs good END and great speed*
MD ~ Zev ronso *found at dock5 luca slow but good pass and endurance
~ Jassu *put jassu here he can play better in MD
DEF ~ Zalitz *found up from shami towards the video dome like botta but is alot better replace botta for him *
~ Ropp *top of mihen highroad an upgraded jassu basically brill DEF*
GOAL ~ Jumal *found outside the cafe were kimahri hits the other ronso man on the bench hes good until u can get either nimrook or miyu
~ Miyu *u will have to wait until the moonflow for her shes the girl in red on the NORTH side of the moonflow on the bench
out of these for a not brilliant but winning combination have
FWD ~ Tidus
~ Shami
MD ~ Jassu
DEF ~ Ropp
~ Zalitz
GOAL ~ Jumal
u will definatly win a fair few games with this team until u can get better players later on
have fun and messege me if u need anymore help
and sorry about that shami is the girl with the mic not the camera =P
mt team isfw i have tidus and eigarmid ihave brother(hes the best in the game no doubt)in the back i have doram and lekkamand goalie nimrook i always win with these and brother is the best get him before its too late
I hasn't win this game.....make me confusion...
But I just want to use you all strategy....and hope that I will win this game...
^ Your post make me confusion.J/k
I haven't played Blitzball for ages. I really need to get into it more so I can get better at it. I don't understand how I can be so bad at it, I played a few games but have never gotten any better. I can't even seem to score a goal. I've scored about one goal in my whole time playing FFX. When I actually do win a game, I will make sure to post it here and celebrate! I don't think that is going to happen anytime soon.
I am going to practice some more then we'll see how I go!
I tried to put Nedus on my team, but he was just sooooo slow. Though his stats are like an onion knights and he looks cool (I wish I had a gas mask).
<a href="http://img150.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=92655_MVC_han_122_417lo.jpg" target=_blank><img src="http://img150.imagevenue.com/loc417/th_92655_MVC_han_122_417lo.jpg" border="0"></a>
TFF Family:
My worthless grandson Itachi Uchiha.
My disappointing brother who has never bested me in armed combat Fishie.
My amish sister with an odd adiction to butter Xeim.
My creepy uncle who always gets drunk at family reunions and tries to touch people Echo.
My goofy cousin from the mountains Devil Summer.
The only advice i can give you is get Brother(One of the Best)
also for goal keeper get Nimrook from the al bhed team...
But kappa is pretty good too so you can choose..
Here's my team line up:
LF - Tidus
RF - Vilucha(he's in the house at Besaid Village)
MF - Brother(Pilot of the airship)
LD - Ropp(he's in the Travel Agency at the Mi'hen Highroad
RD - Wedge(He's in the Main Gate of Luca Stadium)
GK - Nimrook(He's in the Corridor of the Airship)
I suggest that if you get to your highest level ,use those line up...
It's only a suggestion though![]()
A very Powerful Combination
A truly Legendary Game
My team was...
RF: Tidus- He has high Shoot.
LF: Wakka- He had high Shoot as well.
MF: Brother- He had amazing Pass, Atk, End, and HP.
LD: Letty- He had good Pass, and End.
RD: Botta- He had good End.
GK: Keepa- He seemed to keep a high Catch.
If there are any suggestions, they are most welcome.
I'm not a Blitzball "noob" by any means, because on my last file, I had every player at level 60 at least, but because i've decided to start a new file, I do have a few questions on how to recruit good players at the generally early stage i'm at in the game, the reason I don't remember all the good players is because this is the first time i've played FFX for 2-3 years now. Anyway, i'm currently at Macalania, and I have the original Auroch's in my team (there so bad at Blitzing!), and i'm in need of good players, so are there any good players near the location i'm at? Or should I just wait until I get the Airship, then browse Luca for players?
I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.
I recall that once you get in the airship, you're able to recruit some good players like Brother and Wakka. Brother's insanely fast on the playing field. Wakka's a strong player. A strong shooter as well.
Luca has some good players as well. Trying recruiting one of the Goers once their contracts expires with their team. Hope this helps. ^^
It's up to you if you want to or not. Personally, I'd recruit Brother and Wakka first to just try them out. And if you don't like them, then you can always get someone else to fill in their spot.Originally posted by KeyranSolo
So, basically I should wait until I get the airship and scout around Luca?
Yeah, that's a good plan. In all honesty, you can play Blitz for HOURS and HOURS anytime during the whole game. I played a lot after I got the airship because that's when basically all the players were available to recruit that were worth recruiting. I'd play through the game until you get the airship and then start playing Blitz more often, but it's not like you couldn't make a decent party anyway.![]()
Got it memorized?
If you would like a member for your family, send me a PM!
Ok guys, thanks for the advice. Appreciate it![]()
I think I'm beginning to understand. An answer from the Planet, the Promised Land...I think I can meet her...there.