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Thread: bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs

  1. #121
    Well lets see My Besaid Auroch's are pretty good. Still have all the originals though i sent Jassu away (it was kinda by mistake). I still didn't get a replacement though. Am still looking for someone. but i got 3rd place 2wice in the 2 tournaments i played after the tournament at Luca which i won. My guys have lots of techs pretty cool. I think my highest level is Botta level 9 or 10. he's a great defence. So for now i can't play since am lookin for someone to replace my Jassu

  2. #122
    Captain Anarchy
    ya man u don't have to replace him at all..he's still in besaid take a hike and hitch a ride on the boat or if your far enough get in that airship and fly to besaid to recruit him..can't really give suggestions for a new player because i don't really play blitzball much but the people in this forum seem really knowledgable(that has to be spelt wrong) about their favorite players so look around this post for that...wait thought of a sugestion while writing this to replace and keep all aurochs team..recruit wakka but i'm pretty sure you can only recruit him at a certain point in the game i think when you first get the airship you can

  3. #123
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Rinoa.Heartilly's Avatar
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    LF: Graav
    RF: Rin(I need a replacement for him)
    CF: Tidus
    LD: Botta(needs replacement)
    RF: Jassu
    GL: Durren

    Graav has good stats. Good Block, GREAT pass, ok EN, Ok shoot, good attack.

    Rin: I dont know why he is on my team the only thing he is good at is pass and still he is not the best at. He has ok EN and he makes up for it in pass. This being so, he never has the ball stolen from him. His ATK lacks which is why i may dump him.

    Tidus: WONDERFUL EN AND SH!!!!! The Jecht shot is the main reason. He can take a few players and even knock 2 out. Not to mention even is there is a player left his shoot is so high that it doesn't even make an influenece whether or not the shot makes it in. The ATK isn't so good but it is an average of 16 when i add in techs.

    Botta: Good attack and techs. He has really low EN which is why I may get rid of him.

    Jassu: Is also well balanced but... he has a low level so he aint ass good as Graav. Even within balence his ATK is so high.

    Durren: Has great CAT(I mean wtf else would he be there for?). He also has a lot of anti-status stuff and he knows Grip Gloves and Super Goalie. I think I am, the only 1 with this goalie.

    There you have it my blitzball team. Make fun and critcize.

  4. #124
    Dark cloud
    my blitzball team kinda sucks i just got into it so here it goes

    lf:wakka yes you CAN hire wakka
    rf:vurjoa or however yoy spell it
    ldah guado
    rd: rin(need replacement waiting for glories to fire good player)
    gl: keepa (needs SERIOUS replacement he cant catch a ball if it was handed to him)

    see it sucks (exept agaist the ronso fangs!) now that i have the airship i can go to differant places im going back to luca now to hire a ronso i saw earlier

  5. #125
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Yeah I know you can hire Wakka, he plays for 1 gil a game, which is the cheapest player in the game, you wonder why. He doesn't want to play much anyway, no wonder he is cheap. But Keepa is one of the best catchers in the game once you lvl him.

    ~~Andromeda the Kitty~~
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  6. #126
    Lord Bahamut
    My Blitz team ruled I won every game then my brother decides to earse my memory card and I gave up on Blitz

  7. #127
    Dark cloud
    ok i have changed my team we rock the team has only played 18 games and so far i won 16 out of 18!

    lf- wedge whew 19 shot
    rf- tidus i win almost every match with his jecht shot!
    mf- wakka cheap and good
    ld- shuu no idea why
    rd- botta he rules!
    gk- jumal

  8. #128
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    This was my favorite Aurochs team when my memory card was still on my possession, but has been lost since (but I'll make it once again):

    LF: Tidus (Jecht Shot 1 is great, has nice stats)
    RF: Wakka (my backup whenever Tidus has no shots left, has nice endurance)
    MF: Brother (not the best, but it's fun to run opponents all over the field) or Kiyuri (nice attack, pass and shot: a nice all-rounder)
    LD & RD: undefined, but last time it was Jassu and Berrik
    GL: Nimrook (all hail Nimrook!!!)

    This team is great because it almost never let the other team get to my goal (especially with Nap 3 techs...marvelous to see the entire other team sleeping). BTW, Auroch's Spirit depends on Wakka learning all his Overdrives through Tournaments, and it can be useful if you have all Aurocha (so there's your reason to let Keepa have 99 Wakka can use it). Also, can you reccomend some good defenders...all I can think off is Ropp from one of the agencies...glad if you could tell me

  9. #129
    Dark cloud
    anyone know where 2 find durren? oh i changed my team again!

    lf- wedge
    rf- tidus
    mf- blappa
    ld- shuu
    rd- kyou

  10. #130
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Leroy's Avatar
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    Oh you're shitting me...
    You ppl still use wedge!?
    and jumal's CA doesnt exceed 50, hes pathetic, so is durren, you need to get Nimrook, Tidus and Wakka are crap, because they're SH stops at about 75, and neither of them have anything othe than SH to rely on, Ill keep i nplain and simple, the players whom appear to be good at the start, actually turn out to be the worst! Players like the kilika beasts, and Nedus, the slowest character in the freaking game, hae the most potential, Nedus lvl 1 30 SP, Nedus lvl 99 99 SP!!! hesa friggin rocket, with powerful SH to boot, around 70 or something, Wedges SH doesnt reach 30, stops at 27 lmao, and while im at it, i may aswell mention that Wedge is probably the most intricate player throughout the game, as he starts off a shooter, than some of you may have noticed an immense boost in his EN and AT, making him a perfect defender, than at lvl 70+, he gets a HUGE boost in CA...Ill shutup now!
    Get the Kilika Beasts damn yous!!

  11. #131
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jet
    ...Tidus and Wakka are crap, because they're SH stops at about 75, and neither of them have anything othe than SH to rely on...
    Are you sure about Tidus, Jet? The reason why Tidus is almost a default
    in many people's teams (myself included) is because of the Jecht Shot (mostly for the first one). Simply put, it is an unfair advantage!!! And Wakka's good 'cuz he boasts great endurance and shot for a cheap price. And about Kilika, well, my opinion's divided...the team's nice mostly because of Vuroja, since he's the best non-free agent midfielder I've seen, but seriously, I prefer having the Aurochs or the Psyches to the Beasts (Psyches are pure abuse as they start, then they wane in power)

  12. #132
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Leroy's Avatar
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    Yeah, Tidus is definitley crap, his PA and EN are pathetic, and yes Jecht shot comes in handy, but in the later levels, Jecht Shot falls behind Nimrook's CA, therefore making it crap and the best thing to do is rid yourself of Tidus as soon as possible, and replacing him with someone like Blappa or Eiggar, until Larbeight or Vilucha become avaiable, remember, Vilucha can be found in Besaid, the house below Wakka's house, shes a valuable player!

  13. #133
    here is my team, i like using tidus..i think he is good so baah!

    Mf-svanda or is her name savanda...<sigh> she is by where you get joyimbo
    GK- Jumal
    and that will is mah team O_O

  14. #134
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Leroy's Avatar
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    heh, good team Manji, you've done the right thing by hiring Ropp, he's awesome, but brother, whom is an exellent player to start, cause hes fast and SEEMS to have great stats, actually starts to suck later on, you should be considering repacing some of you're players, like your MF for example, Svanda is also awesome later on, getting very high EN and SH, but for a killer MF, ya need PA, so hire Linna, 99 PA and 99 SH later on in the game, okay? oh, btw, shes outside Macalania Temple...

  15. #135
    Dark cloud
    eat this!!!!

    brother and his invisibal shot are inpossible to beat if you know how to do the shot right. and tidus's max. shot might not go past 75 but if you time the sphere shot right....

  16. #136
    My team:

    ld-Ropp (Luv drain tackle)
    G- Nimrook/ Keepa (Oddly, Keepa gets quite a high Block value towards the end of the game if you use him often)

  17. #137
    Registered User bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs neoistheone's Avatar
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    my thoughts

    blitzball is easy if you have jecht shot and if you have jecht shot 2 then your unstopable

  18. #138
    Delivering fresh D&D 'brews since 2005 bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs T.G. Oskar's Avatar
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    Whoa, dude, you're jumping the gun a bit here... Jecht Shot 1 is one of the best skills but is a bit overpowered, and using it a lot will fatigue Tidus, and that is bad. Anytime. And, if you don't have a good idea of how to manage the Invisible Shot, the Jecht Shot 2 will be lost (believe me, that has happened to me). And besides, think of soccer: part is attacking the opponent's zone to get points for your team, part is defending your own zone. And Al Bhed gets very nasty later on, especially for a original Aurochs team. If your own zone can't be defended, the game is as good as lost. So, building a good team is essential to winning, not just goaling with Tidus. Besides, some people say Tidus starts to suck as the players get to higher levels compared to other shooters.

    Also, wanna make the game REALLY EASY??? Equip everybody with Nap skills (Nap Shot, Nap Pass, Nap Tackle) and get the better versions fast. That'll leave the enemy team sleeping on their tracks.

    Still looking for good MF/Defender ideas. Also, I better remember not to use "and" to introduce every sentence...

  19. #139
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Doomsayer's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know

    My Team (and locations)

    LF: Tidus/Wakka - From the start/ Airship Bridge
    RF: Wedge - Luca, stairs leading to Blitz stadium
    MF: Brother - Airship Bridge
    LD: Ropp - Mi'ihen Highroad Travel Agency
    RD: Kyou - Path leading to Djose Temple
    GK: Jumal - Luca, near the cafe (But Nimrook when he becomes available)

    For an entire list of payer locations and starting stats, go to

  20. #140
    Forwards: Tidus/Wakka (Waiting for Larbeight to get released)
    MF: Kiyuri ATM, may switch Brother in later
    Defenders: Brother, Svanda
    Goal: Nimrook

    And I recruited Miyu and Wedge so people couldn't get them, consider Miyu's a decent early game Keeper and Wedge ends up one of the best goalies end game. =P

    IMO, I think the Jecht Shot is too overrated. In my experience, anyway (with the consideration that Tidus kept running out of HP early on and is now 4 levels lower than the rest of my team - still above average for the league, though). I find Sphere Shot a lot more economical. With Tackle Slip, he really doesn't have to worry about defenders all that much, and Sphere Shot's only 90 HP vs. 120 for a chance for a hecka lot more SH.

    Anyway, I had a question for you all. As it is, my team's already several levels higher than probably 95% of the players out there right now. Funny thing is, I can't copy the key techs I need (particularly Wither Tackle 2 for Brother) even if they're available and my other players can TechCopy. The don't show up in blue for Brother, that is. Any ideas what's going on?
    Last edited by chaohuei; 12-30-2004 at 01:09 PM.

  21. #141
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Doomsayer's Avatar
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    Wouldn't you like to know
    To get a key tech for a player, you need to have the one thats listed before it (if any). Otherwise, you wont be able to get that tech until you get the previous one.

    EG: Tidus' key techs are Venom Tackle, Drain Tackle and Anti-Venom 2. In order to obtain the tech Drain Tackle, Tidus needs to have learnt Venom Tackle, and to get Anti-Venom 2, Tidus needs both Drain and Venom Tackle

  22. #142
    Okay. My friend Ryan said that he played blitzball and scored SEVENTY-FIVE goals in ONE GAME...impossible. That is IMPOSSIBLE!!! The most points I've ever scored in one game was like 10, but i can do better. I've not learned the Jecht Shot, I want to. I use the Central Attack thing. That's all I've learned in Formation beside All-Out Defense. Is there only one chance to learn the Jecht Shot??

  23. #143
    tidus blows
    yeah theres only one chance to get the jecht shot, but you can get the jecht shot 2 later if you want to. or maybe not, i dont know if you can get it without the first one, i bet someone here would know.

  24. #144
    Quote Originally Posted by tidus blows
    yeah theres only one chance to get the jecht shot, but you can get the jecht shot 2 later if you want to. or maybe not, i dont know if you can get it without the first one, i bet someone here would know.

    Idiot..... if you fail the first time on SS Liki dock, after you get the airship, fly to besaid and board the ship to kilika and TRY AGAIN.....*coughmoroncough*
    Life and death are strange things. When you look at your hands, do you think of the lives you give or take with them? Do you feel as if many lives rest upon your shoulders? Or do they end with your hand? Are you a saint? Are you a heathen? Of course not. Existence cannot be defined by such generalizations. We all live in a complex web of life, and affect it in our own ways. When we throw our stone into the water, how big will the ripples be?

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  25. #145
    The Old Skool Warrior bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Hey, look! You're flamebaiting! The only good that can come from your post is spamming and flaming! Hooray!

    That said, let's see... I tried using the blitzball team on my sister's save file (she wanted Wakka's overdrives and sucks at blitzball) and man, I don't think I've ever seen such a sorry bunch. She only played a dozen games and lost all twelve of them, so it's safe to say that there's no way I could hope to win with her experience-less team.

    Any advice on how to win when the other teams are all five levels higher? I could recruit, but no one is out of any contracts for a while. I think the easiest thing at this point is to just reset the blitzball data. I wouldn't really know though, because I never lost a game with my team.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  26. #146
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    My favorites for recruits are Wedge and Shaami, both found in Luka. I doubt that they have been picked up. Wedge is the best shooter you'll find until you can get Tidus up to par. And then Wedge is the best line breaker you'll have. He can plow throw on Ronso and survive, so he has always been a keeper for me. And Shaami, she is favorite of mine for some reason, I always make her a center and she is pretty solid forward. Though early on I build my Team around Wedge, and then later Tidus finally starts to kick with his shooting and he is king. Jecht Shot or Sphere Shot and you can have a lot of fun and goals. With just those two recruits, I manage to sweep the Ronso 12-0.

    That is my opinion, and always try to recruit the Al Bhed when you can, they are great defenders. I tend to keep Keepa, because you give him time he becomes a solid goalie that is hard to beat. Though I also try to snatch up the Al Bheds Goalie because he is a solid one too. My strategy tends to play that if I can grab all the best goalies in the game, the other teams will have terrible ones. Meaning I can score all the time. Its a little cheap, but hey it works.

    ~~Andromeda the Kitty~~
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  27. #147
    I don't know why I'm going to bother but here is my team

    LF - Nedus\Wakka
    RF - Tidus
    MF - Vuroja\Brother
    LD - Lakkam
    RD - Kulukan
    G - Nimrook

    I know that at the start Nedus takes it but I love a speedy team, which is why I also have Brother. Although I am tempted to recruit Irga Ronso I have let Lakkam grow on me and I don't hvae the heart to get rid of her. The great thing about my team excluding Nedus, Brother, Lakkam and Nimrook (I think) is that they can learn every tech, this is also the case for Irga Ronso and maybe Argai Ronso who isn't too bad either. Also can anyone let me know if they have a guado on their team because I've never wanted one. The other thing is that I would really like there to have been a playable hypello character.
    Because at the end of the day, I don't want to be scared half to death... again.

  28. #148
    i have an original aurochs team and i have never lost and have tied twice or three times.
    if any body is having trouble lvling up their defense ppl, just do what i do, and once you have the lead just keep the ball and pass it back and forth between the players that need lvled up. it takes a while but it works.

  29. #149
    i love blitzball but i cant win even 1 match!

  30. #150
    Look if you are having trouble with blitzball You need help.If you need a good goalie The person at Moonflow sitting on a bench is the best goalie in the game.Forget Keepa he can't even catch a cold! That's right people if you read this DO NOT KEEP KEEPA!!!! If you need a rounded takler get your airship piolit Brother.

    P.S. The Al bead team is in your airship.

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