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Thread: bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs

  1. #91
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs sabin_66's Avatar
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    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    how the hell do you people have wakka? how do ya get him? i never knew that! anyway my allstar never lost one match and never had ONE goal scored against them team are as follows:

    LF-Zev Ronso
    <img src="">

  2. #92
    You can get Wakka once you have the airship; just push Square on him like you would to anyone else you were trying to recruit.

  3. #93
    LF- Tidus- But of course...
    RF- Wakka- For Novelty I guess
    MF- Brother- Amazing Passer, lvls so damn fast
    LB- Botta- He's decent, i never usually depend on my backs
    RB- Jassu- Same as above
    GL- Nimrook- He rules. :-p

  4. #94
    My best team is:

    LF: Tidus
    RF: Zazi Guado
    MF: Brother
    LD: Jassu
    RD: Botta
    GK: Jumal

    but at the moment the team im trying to build up is:

    LF: Datto
    RF: Bickson
    MF: Wakka
    LD: Ropp
    RD: Letty
    GK Nimrock

    i want to combine those teams but waiting for players to come off contract is a bitch. Blitzball better be in the sequel

  5. #95
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Time to revive this dead thread.

    With a question: Does anyone remember what team that they got Anti-Vemon 2 from, because it is taking me forever to get it and still hasn't showed up. I got Tech Find to open it up.
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  6. #96
    One True Madali
    The best way to obtain anti-venom 2 is just to go through an entire season. Don't even bother looking for it, seeing though as it would be tedious. I got it from all the seasons I play. Blitzball is a waste of time after you already obtained Wakka's overdrives. My entire team is lv 80-99 and believe me, there is nothing else left to do.

  7. #97
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Ronin
    I also won Jecht Shot 2 but said no one in my team could learn it, which was dissapointing, and i also think sphere shot is a brilliant tech, you can have your shot jump from 27 to 50 if you hit the x button at the right time! Its great.
    Tidus can only learn the Jecht Shot 2 if he has learned all three of his key techniques, Venom Tackle, Drain Tackle 2, and Anti-Venom 2. I'm pretty sure knowing the Jecht Shot is also a requirement, but I haven't tested that theory.

    My record as of right now is 76-3-3, mostly because I sucked when I first got addicted, heh.

    My team as of now is

    Left Forward - Tidus
    Right Forward - Vilucha or Wakka
    Midfielder - Rin
    Left Defense - Wakka or Vilucha (depends on my opponent)
    Right Defense - Jassu
    Goalie - Jumal

    *shrugs* It wasn't too hard once I got a decent strategy going, if you can call it that, heh. I just use Rin to lure all the opposing players back toward my goal, then just before they catch up I have him pass to Tidus and then it's a clear shot to the goal, muahahaha. Even if there's 3 or 4 other players around, I can still get a goal usually, since I have that oh-so-useful Jecht Shot, heh. Defense isn't much of an issue since rarely does the other team get that far.

    I guess I'm doing pretty good, I'vce only been playing for the past week or so though, heh. I have all of Wakka's Overdrives, now I just need to win his Sigil, which shouldn't be too hard. Not that it matters, since I've beaten the game already, but it's not like I have anything better to do...and I'm addicted to Blitzball anyways, so it's just a plus, heh.

    Family: Psiko, Mistress Sheena, Djinn

  8. #98
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I just want to get the Jecht Shot 2 to see and say that got everything. Though I want to also get the Tackle Slip 2 also. I never lost a game on my current game, but I am still missing the Anti-Vemon 2.
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  9. #99
    i dont know if im that good at blitz ball but win-lose around 100-20

    LF - Tidus
    RF - Wakka
    MF - Brother
    LB - Gazna Ronso
    RB - (an al bhed guy)
    GL - Keepa

  10. #100
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs sabin_66's Avatar
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    Crammed into a colonial APC like a sardine, preparing to jump out into LV426
    My team? who cares they trash ALL and i aint lost or drawn one match. ah well, if u really must know...

    LF -Tidus
    RF- Eigaar (al bhed psyches)
    Mid - Zev ronso (in luca at dock 1 i think)
    LD - Jassu/ropp (i cant mind, but ropp is at mi'hen agency)
    RD - Balgerda (cant remember her old team but she rocks)
    GK - Nimrook (al bhed psyches)

    WOW cool. has this thread been running that long? i just saw me old post i did ages ago!!! see how me team has changed.
    Last edited by sabin_66; 04-22-2003 at 06:42 AM.
    <img src="">

  11. #101


    Hi all.
    I have a Question?
    How do u get the jecht shot 2?
    Ive played a tournament to get it but when i had won they said none of my characters could use it why?
    PLZ answer my Prayer........
    Last edited by FF-Freak; 06-02-2003 at 02:39 AM.

  12. #102
    Originally posted by FF-Freak
    Hi all.
    I have a Question?
    How do u get the jecht shot 2?
    Ive played a tournament to get it but when i had won they said none of my characters could use it why?
    PLZ answer my Prayer........
    Yes you win it from a tournament, but only tidus can use it and he needs to know all of his Key Techniques for him to learn it

  13. #103


    My Tidus doesnt have far to go with the techs he has nearly learned all of them.......
    But why o why dos he have to have them all before he can get Jecht shot 2????
    Thats some crap

  14. #104
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well the good thing for you to know is that, the Jecht Shot 2 is very rare in popping up, but as you increase your level, the percentage of it showing is equal to Tidus's level. So more work, the better the chances.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  15. #105


    Is it the same with wakka`s Auruchs spirit?
    Does wakka have to have all of his key techs???

  16. #106
    how do u get pictures on your Meeseges???

  17. #107
    Originally posted by FF-Freak
    how do u get pictures on your Meeseges???
    This is a test..............

  18. #108
    Dude thats just not cool.......not only did you double post, which is against rules, but you triple posted and spammed aswell....maybe you should read the rules before you post :S

    And i don't think wakka needs all his key techs to learn Aurochs Spirit, but it sucks so i don't care

  19. #109
    I also dont have Shot2 also..But I win in almost every blitz game hope I spelled right.Oh well.

  20. #110
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well I don't know if you are trying to get the Jecht Shot 2, but if you are. Playing games and winning them won't be enough for you to get it. You have to collect the key tech abilities first.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  21. #111
    guys just a random comment
    at level 99, keepa's shot becomes the strongest in the game, which is why you should all keep him...


  22. #112
    This thread is simply too big to read everything in probably the answer to my question is in it..but yeah..I'm here my question.

    I only have to enter sin yet to finish the therefore I'm gaining all celestial weapons now...I found out that I need to get high positions to get the sigil thing for Wakka...well that kind of sucks since I haven't played a single blitzball game since the one I was forced to do in kilika.

    So I am intending to go and play it..but before that i want to recruit some new remember I haven't played a single game yet...
    I recruited Wakka..but besides that I don't know what are the good characters to recruit..

    So me out people..

    Peace out

  23. #113
    The Quiet One bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Andromeda's Avatar
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    Well Usagy you have the right idea, recruiting is a good thing to do. There are two in Luca that are great. Wedge and Shaami, Wedge is the right guard behind the information booth in the stadium. He is a great shooter for a while and an even better attacker and forward. He kicks butt, currently he has a like 40 or 50 attack for me and 60 endurance if I remember correctly. Shaami is also a good shooter and attacker. Makes a great middle forward in my opinion. I simply put Wedge on the right forward, Tidus left forward, Shaami Center, the two Aurochs defenders, then Keepa. That is how I go in the beginning, then at other team trade players. I scout their out. The Luca Goers and the Ronso Fangs are found in Luca. The Al Bhed Psyics (SP) are found on the airship, Kilika Beasts are found in Kilika across the area either in town or at the temple. Then the Gaudo are in Gaudosalam. That is my advice on recruiting. If you need anymore help, I'll be ready to help where I can.
    Curious? There's no limits but your own imagination.
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    2007 and 2009 Best Writer of TFF and 2009 Most Creative Co-Winner

  24. #114
    Oh... I couldn't play Blitzball... I panicked, i didn't have a clue. Maybe i might be able to get somewhere now. Just like how i used to be on the Sphere Board, screaming and all like, "What do i do?!". I see the light

  25. #115
    I don't really get blitzball. I understand how to play, but the game seems pointless when the real part of the story was better...

  26. #116
    The Old Skool Warrior bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs LocoColt04's Avatar
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    I noticed field positions earlier.

    LF - Tidus or Shuu
    RF - Shuu or Tidus
    MF - Letty
    LD - Botta
    RD - Jassu
    GK - Keepa
    Extra: Wakka and Rin

    Yeah, I actually WON that game against the Goers. Watching the cutscene where Wakka leaves the team is pretty awesome, because he hands them the trophy and all that jazz. The words don't really change or anything, just the visuals.

    I'm currently somewhere around 32-1. I lost my first game against the Al Bhed in the first league I played. I haven't lost since.

    I've only spent like six hours playing Blitzball though... so my characters aren't that good yet. Tidus is at 32, Shuu is at 29, Letty at 27, Botta and Jassu at 24, and Keepa at 19. He's the goalie, so he never gets much action... my defense (and offense, for that matter) own everyone else. Wakka is at level four, and Rin is at three, because those are the levels you get them at, and I've yet to use them. I'm gonna make sure the rest of the team if built up enough that I can sacrifice missing a player to level up the other two.

    My recruiting level is at MAX though, and that always helps...
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  27. #117
    Final FantasyXI

    im new...

    so i hope u dont mind that i might get off topic but i jus wana say i like ur icon

  28. #118
    The Old Skool Warrior bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Who me? Thanks... it's about four days old now...

    And to get back ON topic, I actually wiped the stats for blitz. I was bored with it, and I wanted to work things up differently.

    Now my team is as follows:

    LF - Wakka
    RF - Tidus
    MF - Brother
    LD - Jassu
    RD - Rin
    GL - Keepa

    Yeah, no extras any more, either. These guys are an amazing team as it is... I kinda had to warp Rin to play defense, but he's really good at it now. His attack could be a bit stronger though... >_<
    Community Manager; Forum Administrator

    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  29. #119
    My Team is Awesome Cause i put some time into it All My charcs. Are lvl. 46
    Eiggar-Left Field
    Tidus-Right Field
    Keepa-Goalie (cause Nothing Can Get by Him)
    Zev Ronso-Defense

  30. #120
    Team as of lately is the same as before lol

    LF - Eigaar
    RF - Tidus
    MF - Nav Guado
    LD - Lakkam
    RD - Brother
    GL - Nimrook

    I seriously recommend Nav Guado as a MF, his passing skill is incredible with a bit of levelling. Lakkam and Eigaar are also awesome, but most people know about them

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