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Thread: bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs

  1. #31
    Ive only played like 7 games so far and i won 2 and tied one. the est I lost by at least 4 goals. But I have a better team now. I use tidus and Lina(i think thats it) at the fowards. I use letty at mid beccause his pass is good. I use jassu and kyou as defenders. No one evemn tries to go through kyou because if the did he would strip the ball. And in goal I use nidia(o something begining with N. Her catch is only 12 but with the defenders blocking it makes it hard for the other team to score.

    What I need to know is how to get the jecht shot. were you supose to get it on the ship where he tries it because no commands ever showed up and he messed it up. Is there another way?? and how do you copy techs?? I alwas seem to press it at teh wrong time???

  2. #32
    you have to make the character who u want to learn the movego after that character when ur setting up the game, but of course i think u already know that. then u must press it right when the thing goes DING or right before they hit the ball

  3. #33
    Ohh ok. Now what about the jecht shot??

  4. #34
    Jecht shot 1 rocks, jecht shot 2 almost sucks. I'd rather use the first one. It doesn't matter if it adds 10 points or 5 points to the SH, when Tidus shoots it always goes in. My team:

    Giera Guado

    Graav is my highest player, at lvl 60 and Tidus is lvl 58 I think.

  5. #35
    Oh well forget the jecht shot. I just started a new season and im 3-0-1. I tied the Al Bed because they are about 2x as fast as my players. The sphere shot works just fine for me and slip tackle is the best ability!! Also during the new season no one had scored a goal on me yet because of my nasty goalie Myiu who has a catch of 17 and has super goalie and stick gloves as abilities. And he is only at level 10!! Also I finally got learning new techniques.

  6. #36
    Akira Mishima
    What does Jecht Shot 2 do?

  7. #37
    jecht shot 2 is a lame addition to the regular jecht shot, it knocks downb three other players in your way and is an invisible shot, meaning u have to control the ball by doing this lil mini-game where the ball spins around a circle and u have to get in the right corner of the thing. Its a giant waste of time

  8. #38
    Akira Mishima
    Hmm sounds challenging how do you get it?

  9. #39
    It comes up as a Blitz prize........only i finished the league and it wouldnt let me have it said no one in my team could learn it

  10. #40
    You have to have all 3 of Tidus's key Techs to get it. But don't bother. The first Jecht Shot is better.

    And don't spam, Ultimaflare.

  11. #41
    Guest that gone for good now?Whats so sucky about it.Its still a shot aint it

  12. #42
    Akira Mishima
    It knocks down 3 defenders so that's pretty good. 3 less things to worry about.

  13. #43
    Yeah, but it uses up 999 hp and then you have to control where the ball goes and if you send it into the wrong place the goalie will catch it no matter what.

  14. #44
    Is it worth getting though? And can you get it without jecht shot 1?

  15. #45
    I don't know if you can get it without the JS1. It's useful if your players aren't that powerful, but in my game, Tidus's shot is like 55 points, so it usually goes in no matter what. I mean, if you screw up on controlling the ball, it doesn't matter if your SH is 40 points higher when it gets to the goal than the goalie's CA. The goalie will still catch it if you send it to the wrong place.

  16. #46
    My Blitzball team is (All at L99):

    RF: Tidus (Has best techs in game)
    LF: Larbeight (Best forward. Period.)
    MF: Vuroja (Good allround center. Debatable wether him or Kiyuri is best center.)
    RD: Ropp (Best Defender. Period.)
    LD: Kiyuri (One of a handful of excellent defenders, but not as good as Ropp.)
    GK: Nimrook (Best 'Keeper. Period.)

    I know these are the best as EVERY blitzball player in my game is at L99, and i checked everyone elses stats, and they're not as good as my characters'
    Out of all 563 games, i have not lost 1. I don't play anymore tho as its too easy and i have all items needed from it.

    - Peace
    Last edited by Woot; 06-30-2002 at 01:00 PM.

  17. #47
    bLiTzBaLl fOr dUmMiEs Banned Testicle's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2001
    Why did it say Metal Up your ass in here? How long has it said that? Whaaaaaaa?
    I suck ive played like 7 games and lost all of them and i havent done a goal cause my attack is to low.
    and when a players contrakt goes out does it say so so you can rehire the player cause the palyer Kiyo (something like that,the one at the moonriver with the elephant-transport) has only one game left and i dont have the airship.

  18. #48
    all i got to say is that blitzball in my opinion is kick ass. blitzball is tied into ff10 so well that you actually crave it you need it, it is like a drug. any how all i got to say is i gotta go my next blitzball game is starting

  19. #49
    You do not need Blitzball to play have to play a game,thats it.If you didn't want to play it ever agin tou don't have to

  20. #50
    I didnt know you could get Wakka to play again. And who is the best defenders and where can I find them?

    EDIT: YES!! I just figured out that you can go back on the boat and learn Jecht Shot if you missed it!!

  21. #51
    Brother he is the guy who drive the airship

    My team is
    and the kepper beginning with J (cant remember how it spelt)

  22. #52
    Could that be Jumal? And is Tatta really a better MF for you than Brother? For me it seems like Brother is the best in the game. Ohh and is it worth getting wedge or biggs and leveling them up? Because ill only do it if one of them turns out to be real good.

  23. #53
    yeah it jumal
    tatta is a brilliant medfielder he has much better Passing and En stats than brother and helped me to an 9-0 win over kilka ha

    Wedge and briggs ummm i dont know guess you'll have to try it out

  24. #54
    Wedge has one of the best shots at low level at least, and he's an excellent tackler. Even though he's an attacker, he tackle harder than both Botta and Jassu

  25. #55
    At L99 wedge is 2nd best keeper, behind nimrook.
    Tatts is ok, but at higher levels Kiyuri is better, but Vuroja is by far the best MF.
    Biggs is only average, get Larbeight instead - Huge EN, SH and decent PA and AT - The best forward (Only beaten by Tidus due to his techs)
    Wakka is no good unless u have some Aurochs in yr team. Nuff Said.
    Jumal is useless later on so replace with Nimrook ASAP
    And the best defenders are Ropp, Kiyuri (Also midfielder), Irga Ronso (Just a little slow), Kulukan, and Linna (Like Kiyuri, also a MF)
    I suggest Ropp and Kiyuri out of these tho...

    - Peace.

  26. #56
    My team is wokin out fine for me now...

    RF - Tidus
    LF - Linna
    MF - Brother
    RD - Graav
    LD - Kyou
    G - Nimrook

    Right now I am in the middle of a season where the prize is Wakkas Status Reels. I also just beat the Luca Goers 11-0 in the last game I played. Is the Auroch Reels a prize in a tournament or a season? And what about the Jupiter Sigil?

  27. #57
    Auroch Reels = Tournament
    Jupiter Sigil = League

    (Correct me if I'm wrong)

  28. #58
    Yeah yur right EdgarFigaro.

  29. #59
    ************************************************** **At L99 wedge is 2nd best keeper, behind nimrook.
    Tatts is ok, but at higher levels Kiyuri is better, but Vuroja is by far the best MF.
    Biggs is only average, get Larbeight instead - Huge EN, SH and decent PA and AT - The best forward (Only beaten by Tidus due to his techs)
    Wakka is no good unless u have some Aurochs in yr team. Nuff Said.
    Jumal is useless later on so replace with Nimrook ASAP
    And the best defenders are Ropp, Kiyuri (Also midfielder), Irga Ronso (Just a little slow), Kulukan, and Linna (Like Kiyuri, also a MF)
    I suggest Ropp and Kiyuri out of these tho...
    ************************************************** **

    ok where do i found ropp and kiyuri?

  30. #60
    Ropp is at the travel agency at the top of Mi'Hen high road, hes the one behind the counter, and kiyuri is the one on the boat from besaid to kilika who is by the stairs down to the bottom of the boat.

    - Peace.

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