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  1. #1
    Registered User 10's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    10's Best Character?

    I just had a couple of games that I found this question interesting for. 9 was one since a lot of the backup characters wound up with a lot of pub, but 10 is another. Characters like Auron & Wakka wound up doing well for themselves I thought, so how would you rank the (Main) characters of 10?

    I go like this,,,

    1. Auron - The guy makes my top 6 all-time FF character list. That's how slick and cool he was. He was powerful, I loved his voice over. His backstory was tragic and heroic. I particularly loved comparing how much his personality had matured between the flashbacks and his in game character. I truly loved this guy.
    2. Yuna - She was the lead of this game for me, moreso than Tidus, although it's close. She was one of the very strongest female leads, and though she came off as shy and unassuming, just consider that she was prepared to sacrafice more than any other character in the series and she knew it from the beginning.
    3. Wakka - It's close between Wakka and Tidus, but I loved Wakka more. He had a pretty unique ability within the series, was very strong and provided a more upbeat perspective on the "everybody is going to die" kinda vibe that was happening. Plus the whole turn of events dealing with Yevon really hit him hardest and he was the one who we saw the effects through. He let us in on what it would be like to have your world shatter around you.
    4. Tidus - It's hard to rank him higher, given he is the lead, and he capable and strong i guess I just wished the chosen one to be Sin hadn't been a blitzball player of all things. I mean, why was Jecht involved anyway? Why not somebody like a dream that was connected Yevon itself. I don't know, where to go with that, but Tidus just didn't really seem to fit much at all, and I know that was the point, but still.
    5. Lulu - Now Lulu I'd actually love to rank higher and I think she is the character that really bolsters this overall cast. She's so dark and dreary, and other than VIVI, in FF9 is one of the only clear cut black mages in the series. I love with her morose personality how she wound up falling in love, and really she's actually quite respectable and likeable. I enjoyed her.
    6. Kimarhi - Ya know,,, these last two could have been more, but I get it. If they were the last 2 of a cast of 8 or 9 characters the cast overall would be stellar, but Kimarhi only rarely showed flares of importance within the game. I did love his stone breath and mimic abilities overall though. It was difficult to find a good line on the grid for him though.
    7. Rikku - On the occassion where she got to deactivate a machine, she was useful, but other than that I wasn't overly excited about her. She did make sense within the plot and all, so not useless or meaningless, but she just wasn't one of my all time faves.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 04-06-2011 at 01:27 PM.

  2. #2

    Re: 10's Best Character?

    Yay, another ranking! In FFX it's WAY easier for me to rank the characters. ^^

    So here we go:

    1. AURON
    Probably not very surprising, as I have a pic of Auron in my signature... *coughs* Well, I'm a kind of Auron-fangirl. He is probably my most favorite video game character EVER. I love how loyal he is, how silent (don't like the ones who talk too much ^^"), strong and determined (!). He knows what he has to do and he does what has to be done. I like the way he treats Yuna as well. He promised Braska to take care of him... and he does. :/ No spoilers here.

    2. Lulu
    Yes, I like Black Mages. ^^" Plus, she's been a good friend for Yuna. A friend and a Guardian. She knew how to speak with Yuna. One time she was a friend, but when it was needed she was also strict as a Guardian should be. Oh and I love her outfit. And the way she talks. She's always so calm. :>

    3. Rikku
    I must admit, I began liking her when I played X-2 for the first time, mostly because she's the only character who didn't change her personality drastically. ^^" I like her hyperactive way of jumping around. Plus, she spreads positiveness all the way. Yay!

    4. Tidus
    Like in all the other FFs, I like a lead character who doesn't give up though his life is pretty hard. And sad. He may have whined a bit, but seriously: Who wouldn't? It probably isn't easy to know what he knows... Also: positive character. :>

    5. Kimarhi
    Loyal, silent. I like him, but he's mostly okay. Didn't use him that much and I don't think he got enough screentime.

    6. Yuna
    When I played X, I sometimes wondered why she became a Summoner. I mean, she IS strong in a way, but sometimes she was so annoying with all her doubts... And her shyness. But I must admit... I don't like her anymore since playing X-2 ^^"""

    7. Wakka
    Annoying, I hate the way he speaks. And all this "Blitzbaaaaaall and Yevoooon" talking was SO annoying!

    9x-7i > 3(3x-7u)

  3. #3
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    1. Auron: Yeah, Auron rules. Usually the badass, strong, silent types wouldn't be my favorite, but in this game, he is. I don't know if that's because I didn't care for the rest of the cast, or if Auron is just that awesome. Maybe a little of both (though I didn't hate the cast in this game...) He also has the added benefit of being a seasoned veteran with a checkered past, so he has a reason for being a jerk if he ever is one (which I can't actually think of an instance where he is. All I remember is badass.) That other thread where we made our ultimate FF party, maybe I should've put him in there too...
    2. Lulu: She actually seemed pretty cool. I wish they would've done more character development for her, aside from one side quest-type area... I guess there are things implied about her past, but I don't remember if I actually caught them in game or if someone told me later. I got that
    her fiance/boyfriend/whatever-also Wakka's brother-died at some point in the past. What I didn't get was that Wakka tried to date her afterwards; someone else told me that. I was like "Wha?"

    3. Wakka: Dorky guy. Pretty strong, pretty bad ass in certain ways, but his weapon is a blitz ball...? that behaves like a boomerang and comes back to him no matter what. Must be pretty skilled with that thing.
    4. Kimahri: He really didn't have that much character development, and he seemed kinda hard to figure out how to make him strong (he was pretty weak in my game) but he seems like he was supposed to be a badass. So he's cool, I guess.
    5. Yuna: The true main character of the game in some respects. Looking back, she had some pretty cool moments, and maybe she should be higher on my list, but she apologized for a lot of things that weren't her fault (as Spoony pointed out in his review) and she was kinda bland to me.
    6. Tidus: I didn't hate Tidus, like a lot of people did. I didn't think he was overtly annoying all he time, but he was kinda a dumb ass at times, and I kinda wished I could've learned more about other characters instead of having almost the entirety of the character development centered on him. ("It's MY story!" Fuck you, Tidus.)
    7. Rikku: Didn't hate her either. She was the bratty little girl character though, so... Also don't get the attraction the internet has for her. Isn't she like five? Wtf, internet?! (disclaimer: I know she isn't actually 5, but I use that age for any character who strikes me as young.) Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  4. #4
    Registered User 10's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    Hummmm interesting. More love for LU than I had thought, but really how bad ass is Auron seriously? Definately all-star quality Telegraph,,, Go change that post!

  5. #5
    The Collector 10's Best Character? Kyster's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    Auron & Kimahri!
    The wise and the quiet. Epic characters not only from FFX, but from the whole FF series!

  6. #6
    Registered User 10's Best Character? RudetheTurk's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    I'd say Auron for sure, and Yuna, Kimahri, and Wakka. I liked how Tidus was incorporated with the superstar profile. That was a new approach to the main character of an FF game.

  7. #7
    Registered User 10's Best Character? RudetheTurk's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    3. Wakka - It's close between Wakka and Tidus, but I loved Wakka more. He had a pretty unique ability within the series, was very strong and provided a more upbeat perspective on the "everybody is going to die" kinda vibe that was happening. Plus the whole turn of events dealing with Yevon really hit him hardest and he was the one who we saw the effects through. He let us in on what it would be like to have your world shatter around you.

    Wakka had some of the best and funniest lines in the game too

  8. #8
    Banned 10's Best Character? IdiotWithHair's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    Auron is the best, because he's a seasoned old bad-ass. Next would be Jecht, because Jecht's the BEST. Followed by Jecht would be the Winnie the Pooh sound-alike, Seymour. VERY stylish hair, wish I could emulate it somehow.

    After that, who cares? Kimhari, Wakka, and Lulu are alright, I guess. Yuna, I'd put a little lower. Teedus and Rikku suck. Teedus is TOTALLY gonna cry again. Why must I endure your story?

  9. #9
    Registered User 10's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    A list of rankings is preferred you guys,,, like in the original post

    and main playable cast only,,, so no Seymours or Jecht's,,,, sorry

  10. #10

    Re: 10's Best Character?

    I like most of the characters but my order would be Tidus, Wakka, Auron, Rikku, Yuna, Kimahri then Lulu. Also does anyone agrre that even though he is a twisted twat and bad guy that you love to hate Seymour?

  11. #11
    Dalmascan princess 10's Best Character? lady ashe's Avatar
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    Re: 10's Best Character?

    1. Auron
    go Auron!!!!!! hes sooo cool. my best character, very strong. i knew there was something up with him, but i never guessed he was dead, wow!
    2. Tidus
    he looks kinda like a girl but hes still amzing in my eyes. once again one of my strongest characters and best bliztballer around.
    3. Kimahri
    the strong silent type. he hardly ever speaks but theres something about him i cant help liking
    4. Yuna
    the little heroine. i like the way shes so kind ad wont let anyoe be hurt.
    5. Rikku
    my age!!!!!! i love Rikku, shes so energetic and so cute with her fear of lightning
    6. Lulu
    so serious at times, and scary, but amazing at the same time
    7. Wakka
    so f*****g annoying. bliztball this and yevon that, so rrrrr.....

    Ashe and Vaan forever

    I roleplay Daisuke Niwa and DArk from DNANGEL and HAruhi Fujioka from OHSHC and also Ashe, so if anyone would like to RP with me just ask haha

    My twitter - @Host_Haruhi

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