I've been playing FF8 like it's my job...literally. I had 3 days off of work this week before I work 4 straight and when I wasn't seeing my girlfriend, I was playing Final Fantasy 8, and some of my favorite parts are from Balamb Garden which brings up a question. Who would do to Balamb Garden to become a SeeD?

Take away the pressure to become a member of a miltary force and Balamb Garden looks like an awesome school to be in, I would totally join. But you need to input the miltary facilities. Still...with it being a pretty cool school....hot teachers and a place to practice battling, I think it would be sweet.

But could you hack it to become a SeeD? To be an actual soilder to follow orders without questions, sure no problem? But how many people here can actually do that? I know for myself, I would do what I could to help people and take out the evil...but to become a warrior without thought? Just doing what to do by orders...I'm not sure I could do it.

The reason why I bring this up is because I really found the character Squall really interesting, and it's interesting how he's just able to follow orders even if he thinks it isn't right, he's part of SeeD. Needs to do what they said. I would love to be able to wield a gunblade and kill some Galbadia soliders...but I couldn't hack it.

But what about all of you? Could you live in Balamb Garden? Could you handle being SeeD? And if you could, would you face Seifer?