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Thread: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

  1. #61

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Judge Magistrate View Post
    I don't think the newer games are bad. Look at it this way, if the storyline for FFXIII was released before say...VII or VIII than you would think it was a good storyline. However, since the FF series has used such great storylines in all the earlier ones you find the stories of the newer ages kind of blah. Don't try to compare the games to another, they aren't meant to continue, just look at them for what they are.
    Its not about the storyline in XIII... its the linearity...all you do is ... a cut cut datalog..... ALLL GAME LONG!!!! its so linear and boring....

    the storyline is not bad...but come ON!....i didn buy the game for that....wud have bought something else instead...

    anyway thats going off topic again...

    still my vote stands at .... NO REMAKE

  2. #62

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by FF9isthebest View Post
    That may be your opinion, but the game looks like it was meant for voice acting and cinematic drama, text based doesn't really portray much emotion. To me any voice acting, is better than silence.
    and that may be your opinion... I know many people that read books and when a cinematic of that book comes out and tries to protray the same spoils .. text based > voice over

  3. #63

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    I would love to see a remake just to see one if that makes sense.

    I'm not sure that I'd like if they changed way too much, but I don't really see how updated graphics, and voice over could hurt the game too badly. I'd even settle for some added story, extra bosses, etc etc.

    Where they will run into trouble is if they "update" the gameplay too much. It would ruin the game. In my opinion anyway.

  4. #64
    Registered User Who wants a FF8 Remake? Alex's Avatar
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    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Yes, I would love to have a remake.
    I'm not concerned that Square Enix will destroy the game in any way, it'll be awesome

  5. #65

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Additionally: i am not agree for remaking Final Fantasy VIII because we can say that this is a perfect one, the story, characters are so awesome even though there is no voice to all characters.

  6. #66
    Registered User Who wants a FF8 Remake? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    While I'd love for there to be a remake, I highly doubt that it ever comes to fruition. They released it onto the PlayStation Store in 2009 so I think that's their way of "bringing the game back" so-to-speak. Pretty much, I don't think they're going to completely re-master the game when they made the game available for download not too long ago.

  7. #67

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    I'd love to see a remake, but only if they didn't temper with the original story and game mechanics. Making some bonus dungeons wouldn't hurt either, I guess, but only after you returned from time compression. All I can say is, FFVIII looked gorgeous and breathtaking. Having it with better gfx would make it beyond awesome.

  8. #68

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Sorry but there isent going to be a remake of ff8 because there bot doing a remake of ff7 are no. but it would be nice to have a remake of all th ff games for ps1 like 7 8 9 and just to quote u on this i know they are remaking ffx making ffx better in graphic wise and for ps3 and psp viter. So i doubt it ther will be remakes of the ps1 games sorry.

  9. #69

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    If they did a FFVII remake, there's still some hope they'll do other ones. Whatever the chances are, I hope they do it.

  10. #70

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    they wont do a ff8 remake sorry to burst your bubble but there will nerver be aff8 remake what makes you sure that will happen. if the japanese remaked 8 dont you think they will remake ff7. you are getting a bit to far a head of your self. no one can rely on the japs to remake ff8 can we of corses not. but if they were to make a remake one of the game they are more likly to remake 7 the 8 because ff7 is the best game ever.

  11. #71

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    They seem to want to remake all of them nowadays, lol. Is 7 really that great? I read some reviews from people and they said it's more overhyped that great. Maybe if the Japanese audience us really crazy about it then they won't make the other ones. I think they might... I never got the chance to actually play it, even though I had a PC version of the game. For me, FF8 was a revolutionary game as well.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 10-14-2011 at 03:34 PM.

  12. #72
    I want to play a game. Who wants a FF8 Remake? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    They seem to want to remake all of them nowadays, lol. Is 7 really that great? I read some reviews from people and they said it's more overhyped that great.
    Final Fantasy VII was the jrpg that opened up the genre to the masses. Before jrpgs were a niche genre. They still are but FFVII broke down the wall. Many jrpg fans today were introduced to the genre by Final Fantasy VII. The Final Fantasy series also owes a lot to FFVII. For it increased the popularity of the series immensely.

    There are people who don't like the game flat out or like it but feel it is over-hyped. I like it a lot but don't consider it the best jrpg or FF ever. There was a period in time, like a few years back where the fandom of FFVII was "on a rage". That has quieted down since then. If anything people have a problem with the fans of Final Fantasy VII more than they do with the game.

    Main series FFs Beaten - FF: 4x, FFII: 3x, FFIII: 3x, FFIV: 3x, FFV: 3x, FFVI: 4x, FFVII: 5x, FFVIII: 5x, FFIX: 3x, FFX: 4x, FFXII: 3x, FFXIII: 2x, FFXV: 2x

  13. #73

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    If you were to compare FFVII to FFVIII, which do you think is better? Which has better esper, magic, battle system?

  14. #74
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Who wants a FF8 Remake? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    If you were to compare FFVII to FFVIII, which do you think is better? Which has better esper, magic, battle system?
    Out of the two, I prefer Final Fantasy VIII, but mostly due to nostalgia as both games have some serious issues. Storywise, both games suck, there's a lot left unanswered, quite a few parts either don't make sense or are poorly explained leaving fans themself to come up with their own theories which are quickly shoot down by Square. Individualy, Final Fantasy VIII is more ****ed up in that regard, but if you count all the sequels and prequels Final Fantasy VII has things change rather fast.

    Both games have interesting gameplay, I love both battle system's, and even though both are easily exploited they're still fun to mess with around. Junction system however has more deepth to it thus slightly better. As for main protagonists, Squall all the way. Even though he's a douche at start he does change for better, he grows up and you're there to witness it. Cloud on the other hand stays all confused and faggoty through almost entire game, he does get better near the end, unfortunately he goes back to his former self in Advent Children.

    Both main villains are rather poorly done, there's almost no substance to Ultimecia while Sephiroth's behavior and actions are stupid to say the least. I like music of both Final Fantasy VII and VIII, some pieces more than others but great soundtrack in both games. There's more sidequest's in Final Fantasy VIII, the game itself is more challenging, and in my humble opinion it has a better mini game oposite to VII's mini games. Final Fantasy VII has probably the worst translation in the entire series, and a huge list of bugs and glitches. Graphicswise, it doesn't fare well anymore, while some might say it was revolutionary for it's time that's not true, not even close, there were quite a few better looking games before Final Fantasy VII was even released.

    This is just my view on it, don't take it as a fact.

    EDIT: I forgot to mention summons and limit breaks. Summons look better in Final Fantasy VIII for an obvious reason, not just that but they play a key role in your character development and can be putt for a better use than just attack. Same goes for Limit Breaks, there's strategic feel to them as you can't store them for later use, although Aura does enable you to use them more often. They're also harder to obtain as you need to collect magazines, various items, and of course new weapons.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 10-14-2011 at 04:44 PM.

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  15. #75

    Re: Who wants a FF8 Remake?

    I really liked the complexity and storyline as well. It was pretty warped, to say the least and I don't think any game will have a storyline as warped as FFVIII. I kind of liked how it left stuff unanswered. More room for pondering, speculation and even sequels or remake addons. And yes, the game design was pretty solid. Magic, GF's everything was very well thought out. Damn, this discussion even got me excited about seeing an addon or a sequel.

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