Expansions and added content are usually imported to existing games on PC, I see no reason why you'd have to start a new game for an expansion.
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I mean boosted levels and maybe having the optional characters at start of game.
For example:
FF6 New game+
Start with Umaro and Gogo
Blitzes are all learned at start of game
Keep Gau's Rages from end of last game
Keep non-storyline espers.
Keep items
This is a few ideas.
Personally I think Square Enix has enough on their plate and that a FF VIII remake would make things harder for them.
If your a company. You make whatever will create revenue. Obviously they think right now FFXIV and FFXIII-2 are going to haul in more than a 7 or 8 remake.
The voice acting would be nice, but I rather like that it's a read-only game. It keeps my fiance from taking over when I'm playing it, and I can turn the volume to next to nothing.
What I'd like to see, with a remake, is more of an expanded version. I've always felt that VIII didn't have near as many side-quests that were worth it as compared to say IX or X (Probably VII as well, but I still haven't played it). The Obel Lake quest, for example, netted you a Three-Stars item. One item, after hours of figuring it out (in the first or second playthrough). The Shumi Quest, with the stones, got you a Phoenix Pinion.
I'd like to see something more done with maybe the ruins on the Centra continent and the crater on the Trabian continent. Also a reconstruction effort with Trabia, or the orphanage. Winhill got no decent stuff after Laguna became president, just cut-scenes and a silly vase quest.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love the game. I loved the Junction system, and the various GFs and abilities. The story line was awesome, except for some loose ends. Nobody knows who Utimecia is, or her story. Deling City seems to run just fine, after their dictator is killed and Caraway has nothing better to do than to play card games. After you remove Ultima Weapon and Bahamut from the DSRC, I think it would have been cool for scientists to take that project up again. Also, what the heck is the dimensional door? SE left that up to us to assume Gilgamesh took a side trip on his way to FFX to pick up Odin's sword.
Anyhow, I'll stop before you're completely bored to tears, I would play an extended version. I don't think a remake or updated graphics would be fair. I would also play a sequel, one that explores the aftermath and possibly another conflict, or one that explores the history preceding Ultimecia and her side of things during her foray into the past.
How about instead of a Sequel, how about a Prequel where Laguna is the main character and the whole story revolves around him.
Actually, that's not a bad idea. I think the only problem would be the repeating of parts you already know. But, you'd be able to travel the world as Laguna. There is lots of appeal in the scene where he traps Adel. I would definitely play it just to trick her lol.
Im surprised that this idea hasn't come up sooner with everyone liking Laguna so much.
Im not saying FF VIII was bad its one of my favorites. Its just thats starting a new project when xiii-2 is almost done.
I think a remake would spoil it honestly, I would love to see squall, rinoa, zell and the rest in awesome new gfx engines but u knw what, it wud mean voice-overs. and that would mean, whatever we imagined squall, rinoa, quistis ,zell and the rest, would have sounded like.... all those wonderful imaginary voices would be ruined by some american voice artists...boo for that
That may be your opinion, but the game looks like it was meant for voice acting and cinematic drama, text based doesn't really portray much emotion. To me any voice acting, is better than silence. I really don't get you guys, always claiming that things are better off with silent emotionless bots... I want a remake but only after FF7 is remade, if you guys don't like it, don't buy it when it inevitably comes out, stick with the old silent films, we'll move on to something brighter and better.
100% for a remake.
Remakes would do these games justice, storywise, gameplay wise, expansion wise, I really don't care for all you pessimists who wanna bash something that would be epic...
I want FF7 remade first, then this, I want voice acting and I want better more awesome graphics, I'd love to see new versions of those old summons, you guys can hate these ideas all you want, doesn't mean everyone else should, cuz a lot of people do want the remakes, so sorry your going against a majority and to be honest I still back my claim, any voice acting, is better than text.
I'm for a remake, as long as absolutely nothing is changed. By this I mean all spoken dialogue will be the same as the original game, as well as all of the characters' actions are kept the same.
I say this because I was EXTREMELY disappointed with Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes.
So basically, Nintendo has no right to make FFVIII or any other good Final Fantasy game.
I think a remake of ff8 would be great. I agree that it looks and plays like a game that was meant for actual dialog and the ps3. Those who say it would ruin the nostalgia surrounding the originals are full of it. I didn't like all the voice acting in advent children but it hasn't ruined ff7 for me. I still read the original dialog like I did back when it first came out. Plus it would expose the series to a new audience and show squareenix that the original game structures can still work. No need for pretty but extremely linear gameplay (wink wink ff13).
Hey everyone does anyone want a ff8 remake. i don't see the point cause there might not even be and ff7 remake. and i think 7 8 are ok the way they are bt then again it would be nice to have a 7 and 8 remake you know to make the craphics look better.then again whonknows in a few years time there might make a remake it depends if tey did make a remake it migt have to be for a diffrint console like the playstation 4.
I agree, but what I'm saying isn't to remake FF8, its to remake many starting at FF6 (in my opinion) remember Kefkas tower? Firing lasers decimating city's and towns, that's what I want on PS3, screw all these text loving haters...So we want things bigger and better, don't freak out, you still got those old games...
I got one question for everyone who loves the text, do read that text? I mean on multiple playthroughs? Do you really read all that stuff you read 10 years ago? So whats wrong with others wanting it to be more than just a book with visuals?
Lets be honest here, FF7 is not the Judea-Christian bible, it is not sacred... It was a GAME!!! Games get constant sequels, games get xpansions, games get rereleased, games get remakes. If this annoys you so much please keep it to yourself because the rest of the FF community would love to see their fav games with amazing visuals...
First of all, is it just me or has the "No double posting" rule gone away? Because.... Damn.
Second, the only really big reason for me not to want a remake of an already perfect game like FFVIII, is the fact that it might be completely ruined. However, it seems safe that as long as Nintendo doesn't get it's hands on the remake, it'll be fine.
Sorry I'll try to edit my posts but I feel strongly about what I think.
Tell me if they followed it by the book, every quote in english voice, every word and story, and every event? Kept it all the same just with better stuff, would you be against that?
How about the same FF7, with new added content towards the end, to add to the game? Would you not wanna buy this? Cuz not much on PS3 is exciting me lately....
All FF's below 10 should get a remake and i'll actually play them all.
I'm pretty sure ff V and VI are getting a remake for the DS or PSP.
i'd say remake FF8 i don't like the game at all but the ff gameplay always caught me.
I don't think the newer games are bad. Look at it this way, if the storyline for FFXIII was released before say...VII or VIII than you would think it was a good storyline. However, since the FF series has used such great storylines in all the earlier ones you find the stories of the newer ages kind of blah. Don't try to compare the games to another, they aren't meant to continue, just look at them for what they are.
If its not broke, don't fix it.
Simple as that.
Leave the classics alone.
oh yes thats a classic 1 which i dont find understandable.
example: a pillar is about to collapse and a building will go down but lets not make the pillar more resistant because its not broken yet.
By the way i didnt say the new ones are bad someone else stated that :P
I'd like to see one done. As much as I love the original, I can't help but want to see it done with PS3 style graphics or even psp graphics. Voice acting would be nice too. Almost any game is improved by voice acting, helps give a better feel for the characters. VIII has been my favorite in the series since I played it, so I'm all for a remake.
Classic aside, I would pay money just for a full HD 3d model of Squall doing what he does best.
Puts his hand up to his head while turning away from the conversation, adding with the perfect voice acting, a cold "Whatever."
Or I'm just really bored, could be both.