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Thread: What is the Ultimate Squall?

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  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What is the Ultimate Squall? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    What is the Ultimate Squall?

    Hey there guys, I have played and beaten FF8 several times, solo with squall.
    I just want to know, what is the best solo squall you can have at end game?
    Elemental spells did about 70 dmg, non-elemental does about 140's, I almost literally never get hit physically, I attack 3 times before an un-graded Quistis, and I almost always do 9999. I have Death junctioned to attack for non bossy and as a status defense on bosses. All my status defense is about 80%
    I fed on some monsters with Edens devour to raise my stats.

    Anything else I could have done? I want to have power... I need it all... Time... It will not wait...

    Oh and, this is not meant to be anytype of egotistical rant on myself if it seems that way

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  2. #2
    Badass Military Agent What is the Ultimate Squall? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: What is the Ultimate Squall?

    This is from my recent game save, but at the end, my Squall absorbs all elemental magic, status effect magic barely to never work. Always did 9999 damage, plus physical attacks virtually are useless to him.

    I junction either Ultima or Quake to absorbed the magic, and Death for status effects.

    I had more, just can't remember the exact spells, gonna have to recheck

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  3. #3
    Everyone needs a savior What is the Ultimate Squall? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: What is the Ultimate Squall?

    Status defence=esuna bio confuse berserk
    status attack= death
    elm attack=none
    elm defence=ultima flare protect shell
    HP=full life

    get through the game as fast as possible and get bahamut so you can get ability x4 before you level up to much then get str vit spr maj bonus equipped up to level 100 get str +60% maj+60% auto haste initiative

    boom best squall ever!!!
    Don't look to others for knowledge, this is your story.

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  4. #4

    Re: What is the Ultimate Squall?

    If you just use bonues and stuff plus devour lots of enemies etc you could make the ultimate Squall but you would have to work really hard to achieve it personally I wouldn't bother but hey that's just me!!!

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