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Thread: What type of government is Esthar?

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  1. #1

    What type of government is Esthar?

    I've been scratching my head at this question for a few days on a project i'm working on and can't seem to get my head around it.

    What type of government is the country of Esthar?

    A Republic, a Constitutional Monarchy (with the president as the Monarch), a Democracy? nah...really?

    Any clues based on in game evidence and then some? It almost seems that Laguna had ultimate power as President, even though his aides, citizens and Dr. Odine talked him down sometimes.

    Thanks for the help. I may be back continuously with additional Esthar questions and analysis.

  2. #2
    TFF's Token Imp What type of government is Esthar? Martin's Avatar
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    I always thought it was a combination of a republic and a constitutional monarchy. After all, the people of Esthar elect Laguna as leader when he overthrows Adel and flashfreezes her.. His reign is so popular and he keeps Esthar so secluded (one of his main duties) that his reign remains uncontested for the seventeen years following.

    Care to have a look at my WordPress Journal?

  3. #3
    Thanks for the fast reply Martin! I really believe that the Constitutional Monarchy is part of it, even if his title isn't "king". Being president, he seems to have the same powers as a King, with no elections in sight.

    What makes you think the Republic ingredient is in there too? I actually like the name "Republic of Esthar".

  4. #4
    TFF's Token Imp What type of government is Esthar? Martin's Avatar
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    Oh no worries, it's an interesting question.

    Well, a couple of things really. There doesn't seem to be a privy council or actual monarchy mentioned (not to say that there isn't of course) but Laguna does state that post-Adel, he became in essence a de facto ruler. But it's not mentioned in-game, at least not that I can remember that he has not been challenged, I mean it's assumed that he hasn't like I said previously.

    But then no-one in-game makes any complaint to his leadership - so the public clearly like him, and they chose him so.. Just my thoughts on the matter.

    Care to have a look at my WordPress Journal?

  5. #5
    I think your right. How about a Republican Dictatorship? Rulers are voted in and have absolute power until death or otherwise?

    BTW, I ask because I'm working on a Second Life Project to build Esthar. Others are completing other tasks. I plan to set Esthar about 50 years in the future of the events in FFVIII.

  6. #6
    Registered User What type of government is Esthar? HUNK's Avatar
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    It would make perfect sense that Laguna stayed simply cause the people liked him. Laguna is shown to be silly (Hence the people like Dr Odine talking down to him, despite his position of power) but still supposed to have great charismatic leading skills. (Gotta give him that, he's always got a plan)

    I always just kinda (in my clearly american mindset. xD) assumed that after the dictator sorceress was overthrown that democracy prevailed and Laguna was elected because the people figured a man who could kill the sorceress and free us from her tyrany couldn't be that bad a leader. (In retrospecitive, that's a horrible way to decide your leader... lol ) If you're doing a story wherin so much time has passed, I'd be curious to know what kind of a leader would follow up a president as respected as Laguna.

  7. #7
    Well, me and my friends used to sit around as kids in middle school and pretend we were part of some FFVIII or FFVII nation and think up all this stuff, sorta like roleplay as kids.

    I remembered or collected all this info over the years. The issue with FFVIII's Esthar, is there is a massive amount of missing information when you are building or creating an entire Esthar Society. History, where they've been and where they are going...or should I say where we're going.

    I want it to be realistic, but in reality, I've had to make up most of it as I go. For example, after the Lunar Cry events in FFVIII (an Esthar V. Galbadia battle I call "The Lunar War), Esthar manages to recover. Laguna retires and moves to Winhill several years later and Squall becomes president of Esthar. That kind of stuff.

    I don't want to upset FFVIII fans with it being unrealistic, but I need something to fill in the gaps.

    I've used a timeline similar to ours, with the FFVIII events setting around 1955, and our current date set with real time. I don't want to modernize Esthar too much beyond what it was in FFVIII though, and I want it to coincide with the current building of Galbadia Garden in Second Life among other FFVIII locations, so that hopefully we can set up some kind of network for FF fans. For example, a Galbadia or Balamb Garden mission might be to travel to Esthar and speak with the president (me) about something important, etc.

    Since we can pretty much expect Square Enix not to remake a lot of the classics we've loved and enjoyed, I feel its up to use to complete that task, the best way we can.

    I'm American as well, as probably most people around here are. So I've kinda "Americanized" it a bit too. For example, my Esthar will have a department of defense with 4 armed services, Army, Navy (which also has a Coast Guard Division), Air Force and Marines. Since I have served in the Marines, I was a little biased and gave the Esthar Marines the duty of being strictly a Special Forces/Secret Agent duties basically.

    Governments departments, such as the Department of Domestic Affairs, International Affairs and Armed forces I add as I go as as are needed.

    It's a big task for one guy. And I don't own any $1,000 set-up, $300.00 a month expensive *** land yet in SL, but I eventually plan to purchase some. In the meantiem, I am just building buildings, such as the presidential palace. I'm not very artistic i'm afraid, so it's an uphill battle, but i'm learning a lot as I go.

  8. #8
    Registered User What type of government is Esthar? HUNK's Avatar
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    Well first of all, you must've had some cool friends cause I didn't meet fellow FF fans til I was in highschool. Hahaha, that's why I joined here.

    Second, as a patriotic MF-er, I must thank you for your service to our country. (I'll be joining the Army myself here in about a week.)

    I guess it would only make sense for someone like Squall to be the next president of Eshtar, but I kinda feel myself that given the way the game ended (With Cid kinda retiring and stuff) Squall would more likely take a position as Garden Headmaster of Balamb Garden. (Although given alittle more training (Aquired on her journey with Squall) Quistis would make an excellent candidate for that. (Or hell, after the world was saved, it's very likely that Edea/Cid would rule the garden together again.) )
    Keep in mind, as time progresses, people will change and learn to walk different paths, some original characters of your own will have to take on some positions of power. (I dunno about most FF fans, but frankly, for me, it just pisses me off when I find a storyline where all the important character from the game are basically the rulers of everywhere in the game after they parted ways. I mean, how realistic is that? (Vote Zell for Mayor of Balamb. xD ) )
    I'd recomend using stuff the games leaves kinda vauge as events that could reshape the world in a different way. Like if scientists from any given country decided to refurbish the Deep Sea Reasearch Center and create weapons of mass destruction there after Squall basically lead the way and cleared it out. (That'd be some pretty cool stuff right there. )

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