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Thread: What if it was backwards?

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  1. #1
    Morbid Angel What if it was backwards? Ulteka Mako's Avatar
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    What if it was backwards?

    I always wodered how the story would have been if Seifer was the main charecter instead of Squall and Squall was the enemy like Seifer is to him. Tell me how you think things would be. I wonder how it would look if Squall joined Edea instead of Seifer aswell. Do you think Squall would have played a good enemy? What is everyones thoughts on this?
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  2. #2
    Registered User What if it was backwards?
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    Interesting concept. I never really thought about it before until now.

    I don't think that Squall would make a very good Seifer, if you know what I mean. Seifer had passion that you could plainly see. That's what made him so good of an antagonist. Squall kept things on the inside. It would annoy me to have a guy like that who's motivations for doing things were hidden. It made me happy to defeat Seifer in battle, because he was such a jackass (I still think he's cool). I don't think that Squall would have given me the same feeling.

    I would like to say that I think that Seifer would have made a good protagonist, but I really don't think he would have. He likes to push people's buttons, and he revels in doing so. I suppose he could have been written to where it could have worked, but it would probably be hard to sell him off as the hero.
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  3. #3
    Bringer Of Light! What if it was backwards? Messiah's Avatar
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    I agree with Dodie, his attitude would make it near enough impossible to make him a hero, interesting concept though.

    It would be fun but unfotunatly I wouldn't see it working.
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  4. #4

    Re: What if it was backwards?

    Good question but they would have to change their personalities around though because Seifer is a complete twat but I think it is better the way it is personally Squall makes a cool main character and Seifer would be a better Villain than Squall simple as that!!!

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