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Thread: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

  1. #31
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    L-lawilet, you are a girl? That threw me off hahaha

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  2. #32
    Controlling With Fear What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Unlucky Rufus's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    Quote Originally Posted by o0Odin0o View Post
    L-lawilet, you are a girl? That threw me off hahaha

  3. #33
    Badass Military Agent What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Linus Li Lelouch's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    Deep down, I would have to resemble Squall the most. Over the years, however, parts of Seifer, and Irvine have slowly been added.

    I say Seifer because I disobey the commands of my superiors all the time in the military, I always strive to do what I see to be more efficient in way.

    Irvine because all I really do talk about is females for the most part.

    Squall because although I disobey the commands, and talk about women all the time, I find some sort of *happiness* in being alone, rather than being lonely.

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  4. #34

    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    I'd have to say Squall. I'm the anti-social and loner type of guy.

  5. #35
    Everyone needs a savior What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    Quote Originally Posted by kennedyfan View Post
    Squall, at the beginning of the game. i'm quiet, and stick to myself
    i agree thats the way i am too

  6. #36

    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    I'd say I resemble Squall. I am quiet and keep my thoughts to myself. However, when placed in groups I am often looked upon as the leader since I make sound logical decisions.

  7. #37

    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    It depends on what mood i Have. But mostly i resemble Zell

  8. #38
    Registered User What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    When i was a kid i was totally like Squall or Edea, but now i don't think i'm not like any of the characters.
    But if i had to pick one it would be probably Selphie.

  9. #39
    Ellipsis What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    I don't even play the game, but I remember taking a quiz and getting Squall. I'm really a cold-hearted person to strangers, and I usually hate speaking, and I find my self more energetic and happy when I'm alone, and I prefer to do any task alone....But, this was waaayyy back.

    I think I'm like Selphie now. Hyper, energetic, and...well, that's pretty much all you need to know, you get the idea.

    I still feel like Squall on the outside, though.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  10. #40
    Registered User What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Zidane77's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    Yay, i relate to you xD

  11. #41

    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    When I was younger I conneced so well with Squall. Like most teenaged people... a large demographic of final fantasy fans.

    In my playthough of VIII last year I could see so much of my young self in Squall. Now I feel I am closest to Laguna. I really don't know what else to say. ..just, simaler to Laguna

  12. #42
    Griever is junctioned to me. What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Lionhearted's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    I think I am very similar to Zell in that I am also very laid back,have a strong sense of justice,a willingness to do what's right and really like hot dogs.

  13. #43
    Registered User What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Shiro's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    I used to think I was like Quistis, as I am a teacher and wear glasses. Though in reality I think I'm more like Rinoa - impulsive, outgoing and prone to temper tantrums :-p Her body language is also almost identical to mine; when I'm thinking up a strategy I - to use Squall's words - tend to 'plop down on the floor', haha!

  14. #44
    Registered User What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality? Squall8's Avatar
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    Re: What character from FFVIII you resemble the most in personality?

    Squall throughout the game.

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