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Thread: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

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    Registered User Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Squall's Avatar
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    Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    For those who have beat FFVIII, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what Ultimecia speaks of as you fight her in her final form:

    "Reflect on your... Childhood..."
    "Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions..."
    "Time... It will not wait..."
    "No matter... hard you hold on. It escapes you..."

    Always made me wonder the meaning behind her words and I guess it is however you interpret it?
    Last edited by Squall; 09-15-2011 at 04:14 PM.

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  2. #2

    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    I haven't played FFVIII, but from reading the words that you posted, it seems that she might be referring to the player's innocence and childhood. Kind of like warning us never to forget who we are as we grow older and time and experiences change us.

    That's just my interpretation of it anyone. I suppose it could be fourth wall breaking, which is pretty cool xD

  3. #3
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion Heart View Post
    For those who have beat FFVIII, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what Ultimecia speaks of as you fight her in her final form:

    "Reflect on your... Childhood..."
    "Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions..."
    "Time... It will not wait..."
    "No matter... hard you hold on. It escapes you..."

    Always made me wonder the meaning behind her words and I guess it is however you interpret it?
    What she means by this is what as long as time flows, everything that has happened in the past is lost and will be forgotten. As long as time contionues to flow, nothing will last and your existence is futile.

  4. #4
    Registered User Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    What she means by this is what as long as time flows, everything that has happened in the past is lost and will be forgotten. As long as time contionues to flow, nothing will last and your existence is futile.
    Do you think she was speaking to Squall specifically? That's kind of how I saw it as...

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  5. #5
    Fueled by Coffee Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion Heart View Post
    "Reflect on your... Childhood..."
    "Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions..."
    "Time... It will not wait..."
    "No matter... hard you hold on. It escapes you..."
    I'm pretty sure there is an "And..." in the end.

    I agree with Rowan, it's the conclusion for the events of the game, and the proof is how her sentence ended with 'and...' she didn't even have a few more seconds to speak few more words, time escapes you no matter how hard you hold on, and you cannot change the past.

    I also think it's about Squall, more like what happened to him after the battle...

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Time applies to everyone. Which is why she wanted to control it in the first place, so she could rule forever, so her life and her actions wern't futile. I think the words she said affected squall. Also that 'and' part was good since it finally applied to her once she was defeated, if you know what I mean.

  7. #7
    Registered User Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    I'm pretty sure there is an "And..." in the end.

    I agree with Rowan, it's the conclusion for the events of the game, and the proof is how her sentence ended with 'and...' she didn't even have a few more seconds to speak few more words, time escapes you no matter how hard you hold on, and you cannot change the past.

    I also think it's about Squall, more like what happened to him after the battle...
    Yeah there is, thanks for reminding me lol.

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  8. #8
    Scourge of Esthar Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Actually, I always got the feeling that she's talking about herself more than anyone else. Ultimecia pretty much had her entire life stolen from her because she spent most of running and hiding from SEED, who, by her time, had become merciless witch hunters. Even after she managed to remove the threat of the SEEDs in her time, she learned of a prophecy stated that a "destined SEED" would step up to kill her, which kinda meant that her life and childhood were never hers to begin with and her "time" was taken from her before it even began.
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  9. #9

    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Cryptic indeed. Lost/unattained love maybe? Time will not wait for love. Once you miss the chance, it'll slip away. Maybe lost love is why she became evil?

  10. #10
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    Cryptic indeed. Lost/unattained love maybe? Time will not wait for love. Once you miss the chance, it'll slip away. Maybe lost love is why she became evil?
    omg. Rinoa theory is shes Ultimecia. What if Squall never rescued her? And Ultimecia was the result of a parralel universe that shifted into the current dimension? Ultimecia controlled time so its not so farfetched. Rinoa said herself that if 'ultimecia' controlled her , seed would have to kill her. Maybe theres more truth to that than meets the eye. They say sorceress has a normal lifespan, but what if they are in that contraption in esthar? How did adel live for so long?

    I think we might be onto something here.

  11. #11

    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    So Rinoa wasn't really Rinoa anyomre when Squall rescued her? Sounds cool, though abit confusing.

  12. #12
    Boxer of the Galaxy Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    she was being posssesed by her future self, she was only able to do this once she had the power of the sorceress (conveniently the only time rinoa was able to be controlled is when she had the power of a sorceress, interesting...) so this makes me think that because squall and the others rescued her, they were able to travel to her time and defeat her.

  13. #13

    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Yeah, very plausible. Especially since the Time Compression is nothing but pure chaos. Having Rinoe being possessed could've helped draw the future and present together.

  14. #14
    I will save the world Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion Heart View Post
    For those who have beat FFVIII, I'm interested to hear your thoughts on what Ultimecia speaks of as you fight her in her final form:

    "Reflect on your... Childhood..."
    "Your sensation... Your words... Your emotions..."
    "Time... It will not wait..."
    "No matter... hard you hold on. It escapes you..."

    Always made me wonder the meaning behind her words and I guess it is however you interpret it?
    Hmmm....this is an excellent question. Squall was happy when he was a child, or at least with Sis. Time takes things away and it doesn't wait for anyone. It seems no matter what you do or what you want to hold on, you get old, people change, people die. Things slip your finger tips. Perhaps he was trying to get into Squall's mind, but the bottom line is, Time will escape us all and no matter how hard we try to hold on to someone, it'll fade away into time....Time, both a friend to many but an enemy to all.

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  15. #15
    Registered User Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Ultimecia's cryptic message during the final battle

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    Hmmm....this is an excellent question. Squall was happy when he was a child, or at least with Sis. Time takes things away and it doesn't wait for anyone. It seems no matter what you do or what you want to hold on, you get old, people change, people die. Things slip your finger tips. Perhaps he was trying to get into Squall's mind, but the bottom line is, Time will escape us all and no matter how hard we try to hold on to someone, it'll fade away into time....Time, both a friend to many but an enemy to all.

    Sounds about right

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