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Thread: Single is better?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Single is better? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In a place far from the exalt.

    Single is better?

    I thnk that having just squall or zell as an active party member is WAY more efficient then the whole 3.

    My squall could not get hurt by magic, he only took around 13Dm for a flare attack.
    His evasion was pathetic, as in he could not get hit.
    Compared to Quistis stock, he attacked 4 times before she could attack, but by then, squall was ready again...

    He has 8490 Hp, but he doesn't, or should I say, rarly gets hurt.
    And mostly everything is above normal.

    I beat Omega solo without hero items., though it took me 2 tries due to light pillar. Took me 3 lionhearts o.o

    Your oppinion?

  2. #2

    Re: Single is better?

    I remember bragging to my fellow finalfantasy lovers that I beat the last boss solo. but to be honest, had I distributed all the magics amongst 3 players junctions, I don't think i would have

    9999 hp, all elements heal, auto x-potion etc...

    takes some hefty junction... towards the later part of the game atleast solo is easier

  3. #3
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Single is better? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Single is better?

    It really does take some precise junction. I only just did Omega with Squall solo. He was down to his last few HP.

    I couldn't see how it was more efficient. I always say 'every little helps'. I only tried it solo because, well, I could do what I'm doing now really. Being able to say that I had. If you have the right team, you can destroy Omega with a whole team.

    The way I see it, like most of the game, it's all down to the junctions.

  4. #4

    Re: Single is better?

    Well, about it being "easier later on in the game" to solo, i disagree fully. My basic strat for fast stat maxing is to have squall, irvine and zell dead at all times to avoid letting them level until i got bahamut. I used quistis and selphie as my solo's throughout, and the boss scaling compared to junctions is quite funny, starting level squall (level 10 i think?) one hit killing seifer at end of disk 1, etc. The fact of the matter is that your solo character will level up, but your dead characters will bring down the level of your enemies. Also I solo'd omega using squall and zell (zell was far easier imho) without low-level dead characters

  5. #5
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. Single is better? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2010
    In a place far from the exalt.

    Re: Single is better?

    Well, my squall never gets hit, always attacks first, spells do about 20 dmg... all that.
    I beat Omega in 3 minutes solo...>.>

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