He's actually my favourite character in the game; if I didn't like him as a char boss so much it would really annoy me that you don't get to use him as a permanent PC.
The reason I like him so much (apart from his all round coolness) is that I think of all the characters, he is the most interesting exploration of what happens when young teenagers are thrust into roles of such enormous responsibility, danger and violence as SeeDs are.
Seifer is under gigantic pressure for his whole life, is privileged with prodigious ability but is never given the freedom to fully explore it and so he finds an escape route through service to Ultimecia, and even though he grows to understand that he has only really forced himself into another trap, he convinces himself in the way only a teenager can that he is doing the right thing; it grows to a point where his pride and shame at what he has done drive him to continue on his dark path rather than apologise and try to atone for his actions.
He, like most of the other characters in the game, is barely more than a child and as such he has a youthful and naive way of dealing with the world-shattering events that surround him. I think he's one of the most feasible and convincingly written characters FF has ever had.
That said, he is still an a**hole
