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Thread: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

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  1. #1

    PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    Final Fantasy VII and Final Fantasy VIII have already made it to the PlayStation Store and have seen solid, steady sales for a number of weeks now. However, another in-demand title is fan-favorite that many want to see re-released onto the PlayStation Network as a PS One Classic is Final Fantasy IX.

    Confirming the news via Twitter, Hashimoto’s announcement doesn’t signify the game is ready to be pushed through to the PSN, rather that it’s now up for testing. We’re promised an update following ‘Golden Week’, which should mean we’ll know more sometime next week.”

    Source: Playstation Lifestyle

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  2. #2
    The Lone Dagger PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    Good to hear, you think they'll go to X and the PS.2games from here or backwards to VI?

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  3. #3
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    If they do, backwards to VI. All previous FFs bar III had PSX ports that could be made available on PSN and I strongly doubt the PSP would be capable of handling actual PS2 games like the FF series titles (maybe they could introduce PS2 software emulation to the PS3, but that doesn't strike me as being likely too soon, and they would make less money then from titles available to both PS3/PSP titles).

    This is all speculation though and I wouldn't be surprised if we don't see any from the rest of the series anytime soon (even though I'd love to see FFIV-VI on there).
    victoria aut mors

  4. #4
    The Lone Dagger PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete! Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    I would love to see the past Final Fantasies up there as well, I know I've talked with you about how they recently took the backwards compatability of the newer PS3's to not be compatable anymore with PS2 games and providing a software on PSN that you could download and install onto your PS3 I think would make them a lot of money as well, barring of course a ridiculous price and those people that still have their PS2's along with the PS3. Which includes me but I'd still think about buying the addition for my PS3

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  5. #5

    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!


  6. #6

    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    I just bought and downloaded FFIX on PSN. I didn't realize it was such a recent development though.

    I'm glad they released it because trying to get hold of FFIX on disc here in SA is a royal pain.
    You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

  7. #7
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete! Leon's Avatar
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    Re: PSN Version of Final Fantasy IX is Complete!

    Some of the people I have met said it was a waste of time and money, but in my opinion I'm glad it was added to PSN. I bought the PSP I own today simply because of FFIX (and Dissidia, too).

    It all started in late '01 or '02 (can't remember). I was in 5th or 6th grade when I first received Final Fantasy IX for the PS1. Sadly, it was borrowed, and we had to give it back just when we got to Disc 3.

    And so, I was sad because, since I was a kid and hardly had any friends, I actually grew attached to the characters (weird, huh?). I even had dreams about the game throughout the years, until the opportunity came. Once I heard that it was on PSN, I did some research and bought a PSP. Took weeks before I could finally download it, but at long last I was able to play the game that I waited 8+ years to play again!

    This game is not only awesome, but also holds a lot of sentimental value. If my home is ever on fire, my PSP is the first thing I'll try to save (aside from my loved ones, of course). My thanks to the geniuses who put the game in PSN!
    Last edited by Leon; 12-14-2010 at 01:15 AM.
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