The lyrics "fithos lusec wecos vinosec" anagram to "succession of witches" except for 4 remaining letters which form the word "love"
Could this mean something?
The lyrics "fithos lusec wecos vinosec" anagram to "succession of witches" except for 4 remaining letters which form the word "love"
Could this mean something?
Yes, they're the themes of the game.
fithos lusec wecos vinosec has another meaning as well. I forgot where I found it, but I found it rather interesting.
YAY FOR FORESHADOWING! Alsoalso, that's what the song is called. Yay for Rowan! Solving life mysteries one anagram at a time!
che, stop laughing.
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Well I bet you didnt know that.
Just for the record, the words are not latin. They are made up. Anyone claiming to know what they meant is obviously lying.
It means "to the stars through difficulties" in Latin.
Yes, I believe 'fithos lusec wecos vinosec' was an old old wooden ship which was used during the civil war era