Alright I have to say that I thought it was going rather smoothly in this play through as I try to keep all my characters at level one until I can maximize their stats later on in the game. Only needed to restart a few times, maybe 4 at the most up through leaving Lindblum and getting Quina in my party. I am absolutely having the hardest time with the Black Mages that you have to fight at the beginning of Gizamaluke's Grotto. The Needle Fork is equipped on Quina so I blind and silence the two of them with tents and have Quina attack away trying to inflict petrify on them and I either petrify one, or kill one of them because Quina hits for such erratic damage, 25 one turn then 500 the next which kills the mages in one hit. It's so frustrating and I've done this battle like 25 times and still no luck!!!!

Anyone done a level one run through of the game and have any advice to getting past these darn Black Mages. Any parts that you have gotten stuck on or frustrated with when running through the game trying to stay at level one?