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Thread: Laguna's Fatherhood: FFVIII Prequel

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  1. #1
    Everyone needs a savior Laguna's Fatherhood: FFVIII Prequel the_savior21's Avatar
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    Laguna's Fatherhood: FFVIII Prequel

    I know that there was already a thread on this and it got closed but this thread is meant to be more about a prequel to the game rather then the relationship between the two of them but as things go when i am typing i lose focus and just say whatever comes to mind so apologies in advanced

    Now with this who prequel business, i mentioned it in the FFIX sequel thread but i didnt go much in depth about it.

    To start off i would like to voice my opinion about the relationship between the two so i may get it out of the way early. Obviously i think that they are father and son. i believe that all evidence points to this with raine being squall's mother.

    What i think would be awesome is to see a prequel to FFVIII not quite in the style of crisis core being as the main character from VII, Cloud Strife, plays a big part in crisis core. But i think it would be an awesome game to have laguna's crew and their journey through the galbadian army, laguna's visit to winhill, meeting up with kiros, a journey to add ward back to the party and finally ending the game with a final battle with adel in esther. it almost would kinda have to be like VIII was with ultimecia just coming out of nowhere (i know that she actually is in the whole game and that she possesses edea) but you couldnt really tie adel to the rest of the game except for that he control's the eastern part of the world. Maybe and attempted take over of galbadia? idk. i also think it would be pretty cool if you got to play the scenes from FFVIII when you are in the "dream world"

    At the very end of the game after the takeover of esther in the final FMV obviously it would show how laguna became president but after that kinda like in Star Wars Episode III if anybody has seen it how it shows that padme gives birth to the twins and then dies after the final battle between vadar and kinobi. Basically the final scene of the fmv would involve raines death via childbirth and show baby squall, then drop curtain so to speak

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  2. #2
    Registered User Laguna's Fatherhood: FFVIII Prequel Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Laguna's Fatherhood: FFVIII Prequel

    I think that'd be awesome. Maybe starting when Laguna leaves after Ellone is captured, his story from that point onward is something we see very little of and I think it's the most adventurous part of his journey. It'd be nice to know if he actually knew he had a son and why he never found Squall if he did know.


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    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."

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