Ok This thread may seem a little bit weird but me and my brother argue whenever this subject comes up because i pronounce it like Seed and he pronounces it CD. so i was just wondering what everyone else thinks on that subject :3
Ok This thread may seem a little bit weird but me and my brother argue whenever this subject comes up because i pronounce it like Seed and he pronounces it CD. so i was just wondering what everyone else thinks on that subject :3
I'm with you on the "subject"; I pronounce it as "seed". I'm not sure if you have used this reasoning but where do SeeD members live? In a gardern (i.e., Galbadia Garden, Trabia Garden & Balamb Garden). What does a person plant in a garden? Seeds. It makes sense and is most logical to pronounce SeeD as "seed".
If the Garden's were called "Discman" than "CD" would be more of an appropriate pronunciation.
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ive always pronounced it see-d because the 'D' is capatolized - therefore, giving the hint that it may be an extra syllable. if it was all lowercase, then i'd probably say it as 'seed' (like the thing you plant in the ground)
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Well, I can see where some people would pronounce it as "CD" because of the uppercase "D" at the end, but I've always just said it as "seed", for pretty much the reason that Zargs pointed out.![]()
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So if I spell my name LoaF like that, will you call me Loa FFFFFFFFF?
I find it funny that people get confused at the name because of the capitalized D...it's just to look nice and cool....Seed....SeeD...which looks better.
Also I believe this kind of thread was made before...and recent...like in the summer.
Last edited by loaf; 09-25-2010 at 11:57 AM.
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Seed. I also go by the "Garden" reasoning. "CD" never even came up in my mind. Didn't know anyone would come to pronounce it that, but I do see why someone would.
I think they even say something about that in-game.
I always said "CD" in my head, I mean I don't get why else the "D" would need to be capitalized.....if they wanted it SEED then it should just be "seed"
I'm assuming it's supposed to be clever, SeeD, seed.. garden duh lol
Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-25-2010 at 02:20 PM.
I'm not familiar with any other forums of proper nouns which have capital letters at the end, so I just kept pronouncing it like "seed". I figured seed was directly related to the "gardens" in the game, and it was a reoccurring theme, except they spelled SeeD a different way to add some flair.
I have always pronounced it the most logical way "seed". CD just doesn't really make sense, just because there is a capital D doesn't make a difference.
Especially when you look at the way they say it in sentences during the game, I can't come up with a good example on the spot, but I always thought it fit better as Seed
It is actually not that uncommon to see that in government/military acronyms. There's a good possibility that the acronym is S.D. and they added two E's in the middle to make it easier to deal with. "S D" is more clunky than "Seed". Another example would be "ShRINE". You can quickly say "shrine" and people know what you mean rather than "S R I N E" The lowercase letters mean nothing. At least, that's my take on it. So in other words, I've always pronounced it as "seed" as that is how a government/military acronym would work.![]()
I always thought it was said as seed as well, it makes sense... Garden - SeeD. CD is kind of eh.. weird. I guess it doesn't matter either way.
never even crossed my mind to pronounce it any other way than 'seed' especially as the gardens, are called...well, gardens. It's just seems to glaringly obvious to even consider pronouncing it any other way
Even if there was any kind of doubt, toward the end of the game Ultimecia says summat about planting seeds in a run down garden.. or summat. Or is it Edea, and clearly not that near the end of the game....eh. Point. You get it.
I say seed; makes more sense.
I don't know how anybody consideres it to be CD...wow...
I've always said Seed, then i realized all my friends were saying CD.???, i didn't know why but they had me saying it like that for a while.
I have also said it Seed as in a plant seed. I thought about saying C-D because of the capital D at the end of SeeD but it just didn't sound right to me.
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When I first played it I pronounced it CD but my friends called it Seed so I say it as seed as well now. In any case does it really matter how you say it?
Funny as other people said...
Kinda makes sense together. But hey, not here to hurt anybodies feelings
I never thought about saying it like that, the CD way
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hi i say it as seed thats how i pronounce it there is no other way of sayin it.that is seed thats it.
I've always said seed, though I've heard C D. Main reason for that is that their bases were named gardens. That's likely because of the name of the group. If they were called CDs, I'd call their bases disc drives, not gardens. And Squalls made up secret behind SeeD was based on the name "seed". Were it CD, he'd probably have made up something about music or data.
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It was more of a plant seed pronounciation for me, since Squall explains the whole seed-plant strategy if you end up giving up the info to the guards at the beginning of disc 2. Though, that is technically when Squall died is at that point, so anything is possible.
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hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):