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  1. #1

    Thumbs up How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    *This is for people who want to know! It's only going to be brief because it's pretty simple!*

    I'm not sure if I'm allowed to be telling people how to make something to mind numbingly easy but if not I'd appreciate someone telling me so, and where to post in future ^^

    Also I'm going to post the tip as a spoiler just in case someone changed their mind and doesn't want to know. Because I'm thoughtful like that.

    Okay, if you enjoy levelling up and beat monsters in the field etc. then you are going to find FF8 very hard to beat. My first playthrough was a struggle, very enjoyable but lots of loading after being destroyed. When I got to the 4th disc I reached level 100 by going to the island of hell (east of Balamb) and using Quistis' limit break 'degeneration'. And upon a final battle with Ultimecia found it incredibly hard, even with GF's (she expels them) and lots of magic and limit breaks.

    Pretty much the whole point of what I've just said, is that the game is level capped. On my most recent playthrough (few months ago) I learned this, and the game was a breeze.

    1. Don't level your characters, flee any battle possible. (Boss battles with give your GF's experience but not you!)
    2. Draw as much magic as possible, whenever possible.
    3. Make your GF's learn junction abilities. THEY ARE KEY FOR MAKING YOUR PARTY STRONG!

    If anyone wants more tips or help, feel free to ask.

    Hope this helps in playthroughs of FF8 to come.

  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy How To Beat FF8 Easily... Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    You almost nailed it. GF's wont gain EXP from boss battles, but they will gain AP. The only reason you would need a GF to level up is IFRIT and thats to be able to learn AMMO refine at his level 10 in order to make squalls lionheart. Also, you can 'card' enemies to finish a battle and gain AP with no EXP.

  3. #3

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    AP, that's the one! XD that was my first playthrough where I actually noticed it being level capped at all. Thanks for the card tip too, I'll be sure to use that XD

  4. #4
    Boxer of the Galaxy How To Beat FF8 Easily... Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Not bad for a first playthrough. Remember , card modding will create powerful magic and allow for the creation of all weapons, even as early as disc 1. It will also provide more gameplay as the game is rather fun. Although all fun is lost when the random rule is introduced. Its able to be abolished, but by tedious means.

  5. #5
    Everyone needs a savior How To Beat FF8 Easily... the_savior21's Avatar
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    Strategic Junctioning is the key to high level playthroughs, really its the key to battles low or high level but its really not that hard just max 4 stats each strength hp vit and spr for everyone but rinoa then max magic in stead kf strength for her its really not the difficult unless u level to like 40-70
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  6. #6
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    How I easily beat FFVIII?
    Lionheart/Limits. Pretty much at one point my noob self at the time just relied on Limit Breaks from maybe from Edea battle in Disc 2 till the very end, especially Lion Heart.

    That's with literally, the worst Junctioning ever. I loaded that file up again a year ago, and actually couldn't beat Ultimecia with what I had on my characters, let alone the GFs I had lol. It was that terrible.
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  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) How To Beat FF8 Easily... che's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    How to easily beat FF8? Don't play it.

    I stream Bloodborne, FFXIV, and occasionally other games.

  8. #8
    Registered User How To Beat FF8 Easily... Squall's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    How to easily beat FF8? Don't play it.

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  9. #9

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    How to easily beat FF8? Don't play it.
    I prefer my gaming experiences to be less stressful these days, so I enjoy doing things the easy way.

  10. #10
    The White Wizard of Fynn How To Beat FF8 Easily... Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Beating the game with everyone at level 100 isn't hard if you have 100 of the most powerful magic for junctioning. It's tedious, but you need 100 Flare, 100 Holy, 100 Meteor and 100 Ultima to max out strength, HP, defence and magic defence. The only way to get them is by drawing them one at a time at the Island Closest to Hell, or from that Behemoth-like boss at Ultimecia's Castle. The former can take hours.

  11. #11
    Everyone needs a savior How To Beat FF8 Easily... the_savior21's Avatar
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    You can also forbid mag refine for ultima meteor and f mag refine for flare holy im not for sure maybe L mag refine but if u do it this way.flare and idk its been a few months meteor are a breeze holy and ultima can still be a hassle though
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  12. #12

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    when i play ff8 i don't max all my state i get everybody to 100 and there hp up to 9,999 and i get all my gardean forces nearly leved up. and all my magic is at 100 magic. then i go and get ulimica and finish her off for good.

  13. #13

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    FF8 is already to easy why would you want to make it any easier?

  14. #14
    Registered User How To Beat FF8 Easily... Squall's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Quote Originally Posted by markandrewkinzett View Post
    FF8 is already to easy why would you want to make it any easier?
    Haha, good point

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  15. #15

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Quote Originally Posted by markandrewkinzett View Post
    FF8 is already to easy why would you want to make it any easier?
    I posted this for anyone interested. Don't waste my time with pointless comments like this.

  16. #16

    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Even though I know that the enemies in this game level up to match you, I still can't help myself from leveling up I enjoy it more when there is a real challange. Then again if you do spend the time to get all the strongest magic spells, and junction them properly even most maxed out enemies arn't that difficult. With the exception of Omega.

    From what I remember on the PS2 version Omega Weapon matches your level, but on the PC version he is always at level 99.

  17. #17
    Registered User How To Beat FF8 Easily... Squall's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay View Post
    Even though I know that the enemies in this game level up to match you, I still can't help myself from leveling up I enjoy it more when there is a real challange. Then again if you do spend the time to get all the strongest magic spells, and junction them properly even most maxed out enemies arn't that difficult. With the exception of Omega.

    From what I remember on the PS2 version Omega Weapon matches your level, but on the PC version he is always at level 99.
    I never was able to beat Omega. Next playthrough I'm going to try and take him out.

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  18. #18
    Everyone needs a savior How To Beat FF8 Easily... the_savior21's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Squall View Post
    I never was able to beat Omega. Next playthrough I'm going to try and take him out.
    You need to card mod laguna and bahamut and u should be golden
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  19. #19
    Registered User How To Beat FF8 Easily... Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: How To Beat FF8 Easily...

    This is exactly what I do now on my playthroughs. I get to about level 5 by the end of the game but am so strong. Diablos is a saint. Draw magic from enemies and then run from them never hit things before running because doing any damage means you earn exp, Diablos you get really early on and because bosses give heaps of ap and no exp it means that not too long into the game you get encounter none which means running all the time is no longer necessary. Then there's the card moding, which is fantastic for making you super powerful really early on and making the rest of the game a breeze.


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