Triple Triad is by far my favorite mini game not just in FF VIII, but entire series. I'm kinda eager to see how your cards turn out, perhaps one day I'll do the same and make my own.
As you can see, im working very hard on this. I have all ff8 images saved individually and resized to a nice 157x199 pixellation. Only a margin up from the original quality I was able to snag them at, so image quality remains about the same.
My next move is to print them all out, i can do 2 colums of 3 without losing aspect ratio by making a contact sheet in irfanview. After I print out both the red and blue version of the card, I will stick them onto a thin cardboard paper before running them through the laminator and having my final product. I plan to cut-laminate-cut and then relaminate. It seems like a long process, but id rather not have these cards peeling on me sue to the amount of effort and time this is gonna take. Final product should be up in a few days, I look forward to showing you.
Triple Triad is by far my favorite mini game not just in FF VIII, but entire series. I'm kinda eager to see how your cards turn out, perhaps one day I'll do the same and make my own.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
If anyone is interested I will be uploading all the images resized in a zip folder for anyone interested. I don't mind sharing with you guys.
I like the idea too but I don't have a permanent Winzip or anything for zip files. That doesn't mean the method has to be changed it just means I have to wait to get paid/deposited again. I have a question though, because of this topic, does anyone have experience with the 'Wall' rule. Like if you have a card with an 'A', it counts for 'Same' rule. But when I played, it didn't work..maybe I just didn't check to see if I was playing with both the 'Wall' rule and the 'Same' rule.
Teo vs Wolf (Leg.of.Drgn.)and Toboe vs Walrus (Wolf's Rain)
Holy shit, this is so awesome. Once you have completed the project, you HAVE to take pictures of them in use. Please?
Community Manager; Forum Administrator
reppin' SOLDIER since 2004 • CPC8 class of 2009Random;:
Are you going to print anything on the backs of them, too?
Totally a cool project, mad props.
The opposing colour will be on the other side of each card, making a simple flip when a players card has been taken. This weekend has taken a detour of the drinking kind! but soon will have them on the go. I bought a laminator just for this project, now I want to laminate everything.
Also, was there always an Adel card?
There wasn't actually. In fact, these cards are not the actual ones from the game, but rather different versions I scoured from a nifty little source. The best part is, the triple triad cards arn't limited to just ff8,
There are triad cards for every final fantasy all the way upto 13. Also dragon quest, xenogears as well as other games with all their own values. I plan to start on an ff7 deck after this.
Rowan, will you marry me? This is the sickest thing I have seen in awhile. I'll totally start playing this instead of Magic if I can get others in on it.
CPC8- 'fo bros, 'fo life, 'fo shizzle
Dude, great idea. This could totally be the next big thing. It would be interesting to see how the value's change for gf's (playing ffVIII right now) through the other games.
yo sorry, havn't forgotten about this. Getting down to doing it this weekend!
i never noticed there was never an Adel card.... even pupu the alien had one and she didnt
Anyway, they look top (y)
Printer ran out of ink, gimme a couple of days.
Hey Rowan,
I just got my kid playing FFVIII and want her to have a go at triple triad. Did you ever upload the files for people to print in the end? I'd massively appreciate it if you could upload or email them to me as looks like you did a great job. Hard to find this kind of thing in England!
They made real ones in Japan. I try to sell them on ebay all the time. Other people are asking way too much for them and ruined the market though.
Please, can you share the decks??