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  1. #1

    hero or holy war

    Ok im on disc4 and im after heroes or holy wars. i didnt play the cc side quest and i havent got laguna or gilgamesh cards. am i stuffed and resigned to fighting omega with the couple of heroes i have?

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth hero or holy war Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: hero or holy war

    You might as well use gameshark codes since fighting Omega Weapon with hero and holy drinks means no challenge whatsoever. I'm not sure what's with these kids nowadays, but Omega Weapon can be taken down fairly easy with well developed strategie, if you need tips on how to do that feel free to ask.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  3. #3

    Re: hero or holy war

    No I'll try and beat him without looking up strategies at the moment.

    It might take a bit of trial & error, it's been ages since I played 8 and I can't remember his attack pattern.

    I've got a few bosses in the castle to beat yet anyway.

    If anyone does know how to get their hands on Holy Wars though, I'm not above using them

  4. #4

    Re: hero or holy war

    Omega Weapon was insanely hard. I could never beat it.

    I'll also try my own strategy next time. So it's actually easy if you know how? This is interesting...

  5. #5
    Registered User hero or holy war Squall's Avatar
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    Re: hero or holy war

    They're both overkill so I never use them. It can make the latter part of the game too easy and not much fun at all if you ask me.

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  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth hero or holy war Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: hero or holy war

    Quote Originally Posted by Odin1199 View Post
    So it's actually easy if you know how? This is interesting...
    Omega Weapon is there for a reason, to test your skills, by using hero and holy drinks you do just the opposite. I developed my own strategie, it works better than I thought, out of ten times with Omega Weapon I emerged victorious seven times, good odds if you ask me.

    Since creator of this thread wants to defeat Omega Weapon on his own I'll place this in spoiler tags...

    What you need to do is create 100 X-Potions, all which can be done via Alexanders Med Up ability, 3 Mega Potions are required to create one X-Potion. Mega Potions can be easily obtained by defeating a really weak opponent called Mesmerize after which you get one or several Mesmerize Blade's, one Mesmerize Blade can be turned into two Mega Potions via Carbuncle's Recov Med-RF ability.

    After you acquire 100 X-Potions you equip Auto Potion ability to all your members, Leviathan, Cactuar and Tonberry are GF with formentioned ability. When your characters health goes under half they'll automatically trow X-Potion on themselves, not only will they recover but you save yourself trouble of casting Curaga which can be used more wisely, in other words you can junction it to one of your stats. Omega Weapon can still wipe your party fairly easy, which leads us to key factor in battle against Omega and that's Quistis.

    Her Limit Break Blue Magic is ideal for offensive, defensive and support purposes, which makes her the most useful character in the entire game. Her Mighty Guard is sweet as it casts Regen, Haste, Protect and Shell all at once, and her White Wind is better than Curaga. You need to do some other preparations as well, like junctioning proper magic to it's right place, Ultima to attack, Protect to defense, Haste to speed, and so on. You'll also need certain GF abilities to raise your strength, vitality and health. And of course the ultimate weapons, since you'll be relying on Limit Breaks a lot it wouldn't be bad if Leonhart would pop out every now and then. Omega Weapon doesn't have a weakness but you can still cast meltdown on him, Cerberus is also useful since you can cast one magic three times at once. I think that's about it, if I forgot something I'll add later.

    There's an easier way to defeat Omega Weapon, even more easier than using hero and holy drinks. Selphie can generate an ability called "The End" which kills instantly any opponent whatsoever, that includes Omega Weapon and Ultimecia.

    Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity

  7. #7

    Re: hero or holy war

    Ha i did consider putting selphie in aura then using a hero and seeing if i could get the end but it just seems super rare. ive had it once on this playthrough against cerebrus

  8. #8
    Registered User hero or holy war Squall's Avatar
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    Re: hero or holy war

    Quote Originally Posted by lmiddleham View Post
    Ha i did consider putting selphie in aura then using a hero and seeing if i could get the end but it just seems super rare. ive had it once on this playthrough against cerebrus
    I actually had it pop up a couple of times, before I knew what it was lol. Never crossed my mind to use it but I'll keep an eye out for it during my next playthrough.

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  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy hero or holy war Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: hero or holy war

    Junction 'death' to status defence, then just have everyone just limits. If you have lion heart, you might get lucky and use lion heart. Also zells limit break is deadly if you have 255 attack. It also depends on what level you are. People who are level 99 should focus on consecutive as mentioned, if you are a low level gamer you would have different options.

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