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Thread: Garnet/Dagger's starting summons

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  1. #1
    Certified tech, come at me! Garnet/Dagger's starting summons SuperSabin's Avatar
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    Garnet/Dagger's starting summons

    Has anyone ever attempted to level up Garnet/Dagger enough to be able to summon her starting Eidolons in the game (assuming it is possible)? If so, how did you go about doing it?

    I'm curious to see if anyone has actually bothered to do so and their methods of going at it. Anyways, post away!
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  2. #2
    Boxer of the Galaxy Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    Has anyone ever attempted to level up Garnet/Dagger enough to be able to summon her starting Eidolons in the game (assuming it is possible)? If so, how did you go about doing it?

    I'm curious to see if anyone has actually bothered to do so and their methods of going at it. Anyways, post away!
    You need to be at least lvl 30. The mana costs once you gain the summons are dramatically decreased. The reason they cost so much in the begining is because Garnet is afraid of them/doesnt understand them fully which is why the MP cost is so high.

  3. #3
    Ayyye Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    and if you were thinking the same thing as me "MORE MP = UBER POWERFUL!" noep

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I could be wrong on this but I believe before she overcomes her fear of her Eidolons the mana cost increases with every level until that part of the game happens where she can cast them. I could probably be totally wrong on that but I swear I saw that happening when I tried to have her summon early on.
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  5. #5
    Registered User Garnet/Dagger's starting summons
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    Garnet/Dagger's starting summons

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I could be wrong on this but I believe before she overcomes her fear of her Eidolons the mana cost increases with every level until that part of the game happens where she can cast them. I could probably be totally wrong on that but I swear I saw that happening when I tried to have her summon early on.
    I think this may be right I never tried it because it seemed virtually impossible

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Rowan's Avatar
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    Should name this thread Garnets/Daggers/Sarah's summoning.

  7. #7
    Relaxin' with Final Fantasy Garnet/Dagger's starting summons KainsBro's Avatar
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    I think I have leveled up to use them before she lost them... Actually, I have, but yeah nothing special about the extra mp cost, just a pain to make you over level for no reason...

  8. #8
    Resident Saint Seiya fanboy Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Leon's Avatar
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    Killing those Crawler monsters at Gargan Roo during Disc 2 was the best option to grind with Garnet's party. The cost never increased or decreased as she leveled up, and the Eidolons weren't super powerful once you could cast them. But at least you grew powerful enough to take on the rest of Disc 2 rather smoothly.
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  9. #9
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Tallulah's Avatar
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    I always wanted to try and get Garnet to a high enough level to use her powers before the *beep* hits the fan, but I never had the patience. I guess the couple weeks I have between returning home and returning to work I will have time to try it... and an excuse to play Final Fantasy IX again!

    EDIT: Sorry for necroposting. With a busted leg away from my consoles and only my phone (or a crappy laptop that I can't reach) for Internet, I am bored beyond measure... :/

  10. #10
    TFF's Resident Messenger Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    My first copy of Final Fantasy IX was heavily used. So used that Disc 2 wasn't playable. And before I thought of borrowing a friend's save file, I only played Disc 1. One playthrough of Disc 1 I was able to summon Shiva before I left Dali. Instead of finding Vivi (gasp!), I had Zidane and Dagger travel around the accessible areas of the Mist Continent and level grind.

    It took me for what seemed like forever. I only did it to finally see what the Summon spells looked like. It was my first Final Fantasy game, and wanted to know so much. After finally being able to summon Shiva the one time (because Dagger only had enough MP for one summon) I realized that it wasn't worth the work to get the rest. It wasn't even the full sequence when Shiva was cast.
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  11. #11
    Registered User Garnet/Dagger's starting summons Cry For Garnet's Avatar
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    Summary of Garnet's summoning abilities in their 'locked' version.

    1) You need to be around level 29/30 to have enough MP to use them
    2) The animation sequences are shortened than when their MP cost is decreased as of disc 2
    3) Some of the higher level Eidolons are unavailable at this point (Such as Ark)
    4) The Eidolon's attacks actually does LESS damage at this stage, not in relation to Garnet's magic level, but because she has not unlocked their full potential, she is scared of their destructive abilities etc.
    5) The best place to achieve this is against Crawlers in Gargan Roo, but by this point you might as well just go to pinnacle rocks anyway.
    Last edited by Cry For Garnet; 05-18-2013 at 06:30 AM. Reason: Grammatical Error

  12. #12
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I've done it for fun. It wasn't all that exciting, alas. I wouldn't recommend bothering. I actually did my grinding on mandragoras outside Treno so a bit earlier than most of you in Gargan Roo lol. Took awhile and definitely wasn't worth it, but hey at least now I can say I did it on the internet. Woo.
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