A: Right hand,left side of chest.
Q: Why were sifer and squall fighting at the begining of the game?
Printable View
A: Right hand,left side of chest.
Q: Why were sifer and squall fighting at the begining of the game?
A. I think they were Training ( Sparing )but I guess it kind of turned into a brawl lol.
Latin name of introduction music.
A: Liberi Fatali
If I spelled it wrong, you still get the point :P
Q: SeeD, who created it, for what purpose, and who was the mastermind for using them as mercenaries?
I believe it was Edea who came up with the idea for SeeD's, yet Cid took her plan into action with the funding from Garden Master Norg.
I'm pretty sure it was protecting the world from the Sorceress or evil something.
And I think Cid used them as mercenaries to earn money to support training more
Q. Name all of Rinoa/Angelo's Limit Breaks.
Originally Posted by Phantom
Angelo Cannon
Angelo Rush
Angelo Search
Angelo Strike
Angelo Recover
Angelo Reverse
Invincible Moon
Wishing Star
Q. Name all of Zell's Limit Breaks.
A: Rush Punch
Head Shock
Heel Drop
Dolphin Blow
Mach Kick
Meteo Strike
Burning Rave
Meteor Blast
Different Beat
Final Heaven
Q: What part of his body does Zone feign an injury in when called for action?
A: His stomach. He always complains of a stomach ache.
Q: How much money will Zone give you for the Girl Next Door magazine?
A. I always thought he gave you a Pet Nametag? Correct me if I'm wrong.
Q. What magic can be drawn from Abadon?
LV 1-19 cure esuna dispel
LV 20-29 cura esuna dispel
LV 30-100 curaga esuna dispel flare
Q how much time do you get to catch lunitic padora in esthar
A: I Think it was 30 minutes or something of the sort, it being stopped at 3 different times...
Q: How many Ragnaroks initially brough Adel into space?
A: Three.
FFGuru, I think if you give it to him for free he'll give you the Pet Nametag, but otherwise, you can charge him 10 000 Gil. ^^
Q: what GF can you use to upgrade your weapons
A. Doomtrain - You can use his ability Junk Shop to call a Junk Shop to upgrade your weapons.Quote:
Originally Posted by khmaniac101
Q. Fill the blank below:
HP Bonus increases character's HP by ____ each level up.
I think the item is called Samantha soul
and you get 3 from reining it
What does Laguna's card refine into?
A.100 HerosQuote:
Originally Posted by Tiger Lily
Q.What does Odin's card refine into?
A: 100 Dead Spirits.
Q: Name 4 of the 6 CC card members and where you can find them.
Correction: There are 7 CC (Card Club) members.Quote:
Originally Posted by Cell
Jack: This member can be found wandering around the Directory.
Prince Spade: This member can be found on the second floor near the elevator.
King: Take a nap in your room and Quistis will appear to challenge you.
Queen Heart: This member (XU) can be found on the Bridge.
Q. Name the rest of CC members and where you can find them.
A: Joker: Training area.
Diamond: The two girls standing in the directory.
Club: The guy in a greenish suit walking out of the domitory.
Q: Name all the species of monster that can be found on the island closest to hell.
A: T-Rexaur, Grendel, Malboro, Blue Dragon, Hexadragon, and Ruby Dragon.
Q: Now, name the monsters on the Island Closest to Heaven.
Tri-Face, Malboro, Chimera and OchuQuote:
Originally Posted by Lunasa
Q.What does Irvine' Card refine into?
Wow, these questions got harder when I left.
A: 3 Accelerators, I think.
If so, FQ.
Incorrect! My question still stands:Quote:
Originally Posted by ArmTheHomeless
Q.What does Irvine' Card refine into?
A: 3 Rocket Boosters...i think it was that...or 3 lightweights...
Q: What does Rinoa's card refine into?
That was close but not close enough!Quote:
Originally Posted by Chris Redfield
A. Three Magic ArmletsQuote:
Q: What does Rinoa's card refine into?
My question still stands:
Q.What does Irvine' Card refine into?
Irvines Card Refines into 3 Rocket Engines.
What rare card can you "Card" from Grats?