A. It varies depending what level Squall is at. I'm pretty sure every enemy's HP varies. I'm not going to list all the HP amounts. There are just too many.
Q. Is it beneficial to devour a bomb?
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A. It varies depending what level Squall is at. I'm pretty sure every enemy's HP varies. I'm not going to list all the HP amounts. There are just too many.
Q. Is it beneficial to devour a bomb?
..Did not even try to devour it ;! but I guess It's not beneficial anyway.Quote:
Originally Posted by Squall333
QF If I'm right.
You're right. You take damage if you try to devour a bomb.Quote:
Originally Posted by Omega Weapon
Yeah. Like I said I'm pretty sure it varies. Each form changes depending what level Squall is at. I'm almost positive that it would change. I don't think there is just one HP value.
A. Zone and Watts
Q. What is the password for the Forest Owls?
A. But the Owls are still around
Q. While you're in the Lunar Base, What rare cards you can find there ?
Answer: I think it's Alexander and Laguna.
You can get Laguna off Elone and Alexander off uhmm Piet?
Question: How can you get Squalls Lionheart in Disk 1?
A. The required items : Adamantine [2] , Dragon Fang [4] and Pulse Ammo [12]
* Your characters must be at LV 30 or above.
* Defeat Adamantoise to get Adamantine.
* Mug Anacondaur to get Dragon Fang.
* Mug Elastoid to get Laser Cannons, Use Ammo-RF ability to refine them into Pulse Ammo.
Wow! That was your first post here :O!
A: Can you mug Diablos? If you can, what can you mug from him and at which levels can you mug those specific items at?
A. I mugged Diablos once when I was at LV 100! and got Shaman Stone!Quote:
Originally Posted by Dragoon_Nick
QF If my answer was what you're looking for.
Q. How many Chocobo Forests are there in the game?
A. 7
Q. How to reduce Adamantoise White Wind's effect ?
class a?.. i cant remember .. i know its a letter.. right?
Q. What continent is Esthar on?
What the hell you're talking about ?!Quote:
Originally Posted by saber372
Originally Posted by Phantom
My question still stands:
Originally Posted by Omega Weapon
Deal damage to him.
It only recovers half the hp they have...
Q: What is the girl's name you can win the Selphie card from? Its one of Selphie's friends.
A: I think her name was just Selphie's Friend.
Q. What does Rosetta Stone teach a GF and name two ways you can get a Rosetta Stone.
It teaches Ability X4.Quote:
Originally Posted by Squall333
Way no.1 : You can get it from Esthar shop as a gift.
Way no.2 : You can get it from Ultimecia's castle.
Q. What command abilities are available to learn in Disc1 ?
- Magic
- GF
- Draw
- Item
- Card
- Darkside
- Mad Rush
- Doom
- Treatment
- Defend
- Kamikaze
I think that would be all of them.
Q. FQ.
A. Mug it from a high level Bomb. It is somewhat rare so it might take some time.
Q. Can another GF learn card besides Quezacotl in disk 1?
A: Well other GF's can learn it, but I dont think they can learn it on disk 1 because I got the item to teach card on disk 3 so umm Ill say no.
FQ if correct...if not then oh well
The correct answer was actually yes..
Q. Is it possible to have all the auto abilities on one character?
Let me remember..
Auto Shell
Auto Reflect
Auto Protect
Auto Potion
Auto Haste
A. No
Q. Is it possible to defeat Seifer in the end of Disk 3 without attacking him ?
A. Yes if you had Odin then Gilgamesh will defeat him.
Q. How many Timber Maniac Magazines are there?
A. I think there were 11 or maybe 12 ( correct if wrong )
Yeah I think that it was 12, but it could have been 11 or 13.
Q. Which GF(s) HP will get up to 9999?
Bahamut, Eden, Doomtrain, Cactuar, Tonberry, Alexander, Cerbuncle, Leviathan and Pandomona.Quote:
Originally Posted by Squall333
Which GF has the lower HP ?