A. pupu card and a accelerator
Q.which is rarer? rossetta stone or a laguna card?
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A. pupu card and a accelerator
Q.which is rarer? rossetta stone or a laguna card?
A. I would say the card because there is only one card, but there can be multiple Rosetta Stones.
Q. Who do you win Ward's card from?
A. you win ward's card from Dr. Odine during disk 3
Q. Who do you win Kiro's card from?
A. You can win it from a man in Deling City after you lose the Minimog card to the Queen of Cards.
Q. What are the first three rare cards you can get in the game and who do you get them from?
A. Ifrit- Won from Ifrit in battle.
Zell- won in a Duel from Zell's mom.
Seifer- Won from Headmaster in a duel/Diablos- Won from Diablos in Battle (depending on which you do first)
Q. Name all rare cards obtainable in Disc 3.
A.The cards are
Squall (correct if im wrong)
Q. What are the names of bosses in Ultimecia's castle called?
Actually they are Minimog, Quistis, and Ifrit.
Minimog you can get right away from the guy running around in Balamb Garden and you can get Quistis's card from one of her groupies in Balamb Garden.
Actually you can get almost every rare card in disk three. The only ones I can think of that you can't get in disk three are Ifrit and Cerberus. ;!Quote:
Originally Posted by Cloud1
Originally Posted by Cloud1
Red Giant
Omega Weapon
and of course Ultimecia
Q. Where can you find all of the Occult Fan magazines?
A. Occult Fan I:
- You can find this in the Balamb Garden Library, within the bookcases.
Occult Fan II:
- You can find this edition by challenging the Pub Manager in Dollet to Triple Triad.
Occult Fan III:
- You can get this edition by finding the Master Fisherman at FH. (Fisherman's Horizon)
Occult Fan IV:
- You get this edition off the Presidential Aide in Esthar's Presidential Palace.
Q. Why did Ultimecia want to compress time?
so she would destroy everything and be the ruler of all...although there is nothing cause...everyone is dead...
Q: Why did Griever joined Ultimecia? hehe...aint so easy
Since no one has answered, I'll ask another question.
Q. List the stats of a Tri-Face at Level 100.
dunno bout the tri face one but griever joined ultemicia due to her junctioning with him
griever was ultimecia's gf was he not?
Q. what was the method to obtain pupu's card?
HP: 21,600
Strength: 165
Vitality: 94
Magic: 253
Spirit: 25
Speed: 30
Evasion: 5
Q. List the materials required to make Quistis' Save the Queen, and two methods of obtaining each material (if there are two or more methods for getting that material).
Malboro Tentacle (2): Card Mod Malboro (4). Dropped by Malboro.
Sharp Spike (4): Card Mod Grand Mantis (1). Dropped by Grand Mantis.
Energy Crystal (4): Card Mod Enoyle (10). Dropped by Enoyle.
Q. What item teaches a GF Auto-Haste and give two methods on how to obtain this item?
A: The Accelerator teaches one of your GF's Auto-Haste.
1st method: Card Mod-Kiros= 3 Accelerators
2nd method: Tool Refine- 100 Lightweights= 1 Accelerator
Q: How many Rosetta Stones are there on the game?
A. Infinite because you can refine them.
Q. What happens if you devour a high level T-Rexaur?
A. Your HP is restored to max, status abnormalities are removed and or Str. increaes by 1.
Q. List all monsters who are immune to or absorb the Ice element.
No one? Well it's been a week so here's the answer.
• Glacial Eye
• Krysta
• Left Orb
• Omega Weapon
• Right Orb
• Snow Lion
• Tri-Face
Q. List the height, age, birthday, age and blood type of three of the six main characters.
Squall height 5foot 8 inch blood type ab birthday august 23rd age 17.
Irvine age17 height 6 foot birthday november 24th blood type: a
Quistis age: 18 height: 5 foot 6 inch birthday october 4th blood type a
I may be wrong on quistis age and irvine height though.
Question- what is the lowest level squall can finish the game at?
A. Level 7 is possible, but you have to completely go out of your way in order to do it.
Q. What would Squall's stats be if he were level 100, with no junctions, and no stat boosts, except for obtaining his Lionheart gunblade?
HP: 4187
Str: 77
Vit: 41
Mag: 45
Spr: 36
Spd: 37
Luck: 22
Acc: 255%
Q. What spells, when 100 of that spell are Junctioned to Strength will increase it by 35 or more?
A. Tornado, Flare, Quake, Pain, Triple, Aura, Meteor, Holy, Ultima.
Q. What spells, when 100 of that spell are Junctioned to HP will increase it by 4000 or more?
A. Meteor, Full-Life and Ultima.
Q. What effect would the following spells have when 100 are Junctioned to Elem-Def?
A. 100 Fira will add 80% Protection against Fire-based attack.
100 Blizzaga will give 20% Absorption to Ice-based attack.
100 Thunder will give 50% Protection against Lightning-based attack.
100 Holy will provide 100% Protection against Holy-based attack.
100 Bio will provide 50% Absorption against Poison-based attack.
100 Flare I think provides 80% Protection against Fire, Ice and Lightning based attack, and...
100 Ultima will provide 100% protection against all elements.
Good mix Rocco, I really had to think there :)
(Incidentally having 100 Ultima, Shell, Life and Full-Life is always a good idea if you have Elem-Defx4 on. Provides 90% absorption of all elements! Yes having Apocalypse does 100 but it's very hard to get.)
Q. What magic can you draw from Edea? (First fight)
A. Cura, Life, Dispel, and Double.
Q. What can you Mug from Gayla and what is the use of this item?
A. Mystery Fluid. Teaches Quistis her Acid (I think) Blue Magic and can be refined into 10 Meltdowns.
Q. What can you devour that increases your defense?
A. As far as I was aware just Adamantoise but if I'm wrong feel free.
Q. How many Tonberries do you have to kill at the Centra Ruins to bring forth Tonberry King?
A. About 20.
Q. What are all of Quistis's weapons and how much do they cost?