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  1. #1
    I will save the world Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    I just defeated Final Fantasy VIII a few days ago and while there is a happy ending, everyone is together, Rinoa and Squall are together yadda yadda. But what does the future hold?

    Will SeeD cease to exist now that the most dangerous threat has been defeated? And if so, what do all those kids do considering they were all trained in combat, what do they do now? I could see Squall become like a gunblade teacher or something to younger kids, that would be pretty sweet, and also I think Zell might enter himself in a few hot dog eating competitions but then get disqualified for throwing a hot dog at the camera

    So what do you think? What happens after the kids save the world?

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  2. #2
    Registered User Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    I just defeated Final Fantasy VIII a few days ago and while there is a happy ending, everyone is together, Rinoa and Squall are together yadda yadda. But what does the future hold?

    Will SeeD cease to exist now that the most dangerous threat has been defeated? And if so, what do all those kids do considering they were all trained in combat, what do they do now? I could see Squall become like a gunblade teacher or something to younger kids, that would be pretty sweet, and also I think Zell might enter himself in a few hot dog eating competitions but then get disqualified for throwing a hot dog at the camera

    So what do you think? What happens after the kids save the world?
    I would've liked to have seen what Laguna's future would hold. Does he try to establish a relationship with his son, or does he continue to keep his duties exclusively on Esthar?

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  3. #3
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    SeeD won't cease to exist. Squall and Co. may have defeated Ultimecia, but that was in the future. She will still be born. She will still have hate in her heart because of the "witch hunts" that go on in her time (recall "Edea's" speech in Deling City, it pretty well paints the picture of what Ultimecia was going through in her time), and she will still rise to power and slaughter many, many people...SeeDs included. You see that when you first enter into her time period, and see dead bodies in white SeeD uniforms near her castle.
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  4. #4
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* che's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    You see that when you first enter into her time period, and see dead bodies in white SeeD uniforms near her castle.
    That's their fault for being at her castle, imo.

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  5. #5
    Everyone needs a savior Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* the_savior21's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    very blunt but true che
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  6. #6
    I will save the world Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    SeeD won't cease to exist. Squall and Co. may have defeated Ultimecia, but that was in the future. She will still be born. She will still have hate in her heart because of the "witch hunts" that go on in her time (recall "Edea's" speech in Deling City, it pretty well paints the picture of what Ultimecia was going through in her time), and she will still rise to power and slaughter many, many people...SeeDs included. You see that when you first enter into her time period, and see dead bodies in white SeeD uniforms near her castle.
    If she is going to be born again, then why the crap did they kill her in the first place? She did a time compression making everything into one thing. It technically wasn't the future, but there is no past, present or future in time compression, it's all the same. They killed her in that world, even though she transfered her powers. Yeah I agree you see dead bodies but that might of also been SeeDs that thought of Ultemcia's castle. I could be way off, but back to my original question, if she's gonna rise up to power again. What kind of crap ending is that?

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  7. #7
    Everyone needs a savior Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* the_savior21's Avatar
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    I think its safe to say that she will be born again because she gives edea her powers... It like a time loop kinda
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  8. #8
    Registered User Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    Quote Originally Posted by the_savior21 View Post
    I think its safe to say that she will be born again because she gives edea her powers... It like a time loop kinda

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  9. #9
    The White Wizard of Fynn Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Mindu's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    Time Compression seemed to be broken when Ultimecia was defeated. After all, everything is back to normal in the ending scene. She will still be born (and become a ruthless sorceress) in the future, although I agree with the previous post that bringing her back as the main antagonist of a sequel would be a bad plot device. I haven't played Dissidia yet, but I don't know if that's canon.

  10. #10

    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    I'm pretty sure the whole point in going into the future to whoop her ass was to stop the time compression and make sure she didn't take power

  11. #11
    Scourge of Esthar Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* CrazedMonkey's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    I can't in all honesty say that I would like to see a sequal to VIII. Maybe if it followed Squall and Rinoa's kid, but not if it revolved around the characters from the original. I thought everything was wrapped up quite nicely, leaving no real loose ends unless you count Laguna never mentioning Squall was his son. I think I'd much prefer a prequal that revolved around Laguna and his time with Raine and up through the war with Adel.
    Last edited by CrazedMonkey; 03-11-2012 at 11:18 PM.
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  12. #12
    Memento RK Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    I would have to agree with a prequel rather than a sequel. What exactly happened to Laguna during his journey? Why did the three of them split up after the excavation and why were Estharian Soldiers attacking them? (That would be because the armies were at war I guess). Was Esthar still keeping themselves hidden before that time? and HOW THE HELL did Laguna become president when he was originally a part of Galbadia?!

    Maybe I should make a separate thread about it.

    I don't believe all was explained as one would hope.
    Didn't squall Die? That ending scene is rather inconclusive. It did raise questions when I first saw it.

    After they saved the world though, they partied and got on with their lives. Another story could pop up, but it would be completely unrelated to sorceresses and the things that happened with Squall and co. It probably isn't worth making a game. I do like that kind of world aspect though, but that same concept is used for all Final Fantasies before that and after. The ending worked for the events that transpired in FFVIII. I don't see a need for a sequel, but more of a prequel as it has been stated before.
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  13. #13
    Registered User Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers* Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy VIII The After Years? *possible spoilers*

    I think SeeD will still exist as they did before Edea(Ultimecia) started trouble. I mean, they worked for years doing jobs so they'll likely just continue doing so. Jobs like assassination or fighting or protecting people; much like the armies but for hire. I'd imagine they'd be hired for things like if there was a big event of something and there needed to be more security or something like that.

    Honestly I see Squall eventually becoming the next president of Esthar It makes sense given that he is Laguna's son and Rinoa is the last sorceress, until then I think he'll stick as a SeeD but will work closely with Esthar.

    I reckon Cid and Edea will re-open the orphanage and Xu will be the next head master of Balamb Garden.

    I think Selphie will go back to Trabia and take charge of making repairs and someday reopening the Garden, Irvine with her perhaps.

    I think Zell will continue as a SeeD no doubt and will eventually become a teacher and will settle down and have a family in Balamb near his family.

    I'm not sure where Quistis will go, but I think either she'll work as a SeeD like Zell or she'll leave when Cid and Edea do and help them with their orphanage. I don't think she'll ever teach at the Garden again though.

    As for in the very distant future, yes Ultimecia will be born, and she will take control of the world in her time (much like Adel did in the past) and then try to compress time which will lead to her being killed by SeeDs of the past (Squall and co) and then her time will be free of her.

    Last edited by Sheechiibii; 05-02-2012 at 01:35 PM.

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