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Thread: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

  1. #1

    Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Hi, this is the first 1:09 minutes of a montage of ff8 i'm currently making. The song is somewhere I belong by linkin park. I've posted this here because I somewhat got stuck after where the video ends, and can't find a suitable follow up clip. Any suggestions on things to improve in this edit so far? And tell me what you think too. All contructive critisism is welcomed. You'll find the video in the link just below. I forgot to mention, youtubes lag bs might have lagged the music ahead of the video slightly. But it's only like a fraction of a second long haha

    YouTube - FF8
    Last edited by Tulpa; 01-21-2011 at 09:22 PM.

  2. #2
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Final Fantasy 8 Montage Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    A Final Fantasy AMV using a Linkin Park song. How original.

    And the answer is of course, Zell skating on that hover board thing. Just that. For like, four minutes, or however long that dumb song is.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  3. #3
    Death Before Dishonor Final Fantasy 8 Montage Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    It isn't a bad AMV in itself. It is a very decent start. As Polk said Linkin Park is very unoriginal. Change up the songs, and don't use Drowning Pool - Bodies, or Last Resort. Be original. Throw some Irvine in there, and it will be good.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  4. #4

    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Polk, you're a ****. Just sayin.

    And thank you Josh. I do need a change of song, a quick search of "somewhere I belong final fantasy" turned up wayy too many results, but i'm at a bit of a loss as to which song to use

  5. #5
    Registered User Final Fantasy 8 Montage Joyful Blue's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Quote Originally Posted by Tulpa View Post
    Polk, you're a ****. Just sayin.
    You sir, have a way with words. I'm sure you'll have 'em all rushing to help you with that sparkling personality!

    Looks decent but should have some more variation on the transitions between shots and it ends way to abruptly. Not exactly the most original title in the world either, even if I was wanting to watch an FF8 AMV I probably wouldn't find yours with it simply being called "FF8".

    Oh, change the song of course! Can't really help you on that though since I can't really spot a theme in the video as such so wouldn't know what type of song would best convey what you're trying to show.

  6. #6
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Final Fantasy 8 Montage ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    It is a cool video, but I would suggest using a different song. I've seen tons of different ones with Linkin Park songs on, and a lot of them used that one. All the clips fit with the song, but I'd scrap the idea and start fresh with a better one. Also use clips from the other characters.

    It's not bad for a starting point though.

  7. #7

    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Firstly, he said, "And the answer is of course, Zell skating on that hover board thing. Just that. For like, four minutes, or however long that dumb song is." The montage is clearly of just FMV's, so why would he suggest to put in zell on his board, thats a clip thats about 5 seconds long, thats not an FMV. He's obviously being sarcastic, not contributing to my video one bit like I asked, and thinks just because this is my first post that he can be a d*ck to me because he doesn't like the song. I've seen this a million times. He's being a d*ck, so I call him so. If he talks like this to everyone whose new, who just want to share a video they made about final fantasy with other people who love final fantasy, I think i'm just doing the site a big favor.

    Yes, I know the transitions are a little repetitive, but there aren't as many good, for lack of a better term "climax moments" in the FMV's that can match the music that great, and I figure a dissolve transition (the flashing) would help reinforce the beats since there aren't many good clips to go with the spikes in the song. Basically, there aren't as many explosions, jump landings, etc, that would go well with the beats of the music. FF9 seems to be much better for this.

    Also the reason it ended abruptly is because that's how far I got in the montage, and just wanted to post that much up to see what people think. I didn't wanna let the rest of the song play with no video. It of course wouldn't be that way in the finished version of the video.

    Yes, the song definitely needs to be changed, but I was just really making this montage to get my feet wet again with editing video game amvs. I just had that song in my music collection and decided to give it a test out. I was really making this montage for a test for the most part. Finally, there isn't really any particular theme behind the video, except for the whole "being confused about who you are" of squall, and the lyrics reflect his feelings, which is what I tried to do with the part of Squall walking in the barren wasteland. I suppose because the song is about loneliness and finding yourself its so popular for Final Fantasy. go figure.

  8. #8
    Lady Succubus Final Fantasy 8 Montage Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Yeah, I'm gonna go ahead and agree with everyone here in that the song is way overdone. There are other songs that convey that sort of feeling as well.

    And as far as Polk goes; the correct sort of action to take against something like that is to report the post and let the mods handle it; not to lash back at the person. Otherwise you'll get punished too.

    Although he did kind of contribute, since you just asked for a closing clip, not specifying the type of clip you needed. But that's on a technical standpoint and arguing semantics, so I'll just let that go.

    But anyways, yeah.

  9. #9
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Final Fantasy 8 Montage Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    Despite the lack of originality of song choice (I mean, Linkin Park, jeez! ), I quite liked the editing, particularly with Rinoa at 0:21. There were a few issues with the editing at 0:27, but I'm sure you could resolve that if you review it.

    All in all, not bad, but it doesn't stand out amonst the rest of the Final Fantasy fan videos. I'm afraid.
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  10. #10
    Smashtheincredible Final Fantasy 8 Montage matt's Avatar
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    Re: Final Fantasy 8 Montage

    I like it, Yeah ive seen better, but i have seen so much worse, defo a change of song would suit, but all in all its a nice peice. I couldn't do it so big ups to you
    Games beaten:- Crisis core, FF7 FF9 FF10. I need more time to game

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