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Thread: FFVIII Help Thread

  1. #31
    You're asking a lot, understanding that takes time. Try using the tutorials. Buttttttt, I'll give it a go anyways.

    Everything in this game revolves around your gf's. They are the basis of the junctioning system. They allow you to learn new ability's and use magic. When you get a new gf you choose what ability's to teach it. Some ability's make your magic stronger, others your hp. There's a lot more to it than that, but those are the basics.

    Junctioning is the method of using magic you've drawn from enimies to customize and strengthen your characters. You equip (junction) magic you've drawn from enimies to different stats like hp, strength, vitality, magic, speed, luck and a few others. You can junction a maximum of 100 magic to each stat. Depending on the strength of the magic, you can easily double the damage you do with magic or double your HP. You can only use one type of magic on each stat. Some magic works better on some stats than others. Ultima is probably the strongest magic in the game, but Full-life will raise your HP more when junctioned than ultima.

    For your first play through the game you have the option to auto junction, this allows you to junction magic to make your magic high, your hp high or you strength high. This probably the best method for you at the beggining. Later on you can fool around with different settings. I won't go into trying to explain status junctioning or elemental junctions as you can easily get through the game for the first time without understanding those.

    Hopefully this helps a little, if not ask questions and you'll get answers.

  2. #32
    Sora Valour
    Quote Originally Posted by OnOneRyder
    You're asking a lot, understanding that takes time. Try using the tutorials. Buttttttt, I'll give it a go anyways.

    Everything in this game revolves around your gf's. They are the basis of the junctioning system. They allow you to learn new ability's and use magic. When you get a new gf you choose what ability's to teach it. Some ability's make your magic stronger, others your hp. There's a lot more to it than that, but those are the basics.

    Junctioning is the method of using magic you've drawn from enimies to customize and strengthen your characters. You equip (junction) magic you've drawn from enimies to different stats like hp, strength, vitality, magic, speed, luck and a few others. You can junction a maximum of 100 magic to each stat. Depending on the strength of the magic, you can easily double the damage you do with magic or double your HP. You can only use one type of magic on each stat. Some magic works better on some stats than others. Ultima is probably the strongest magic in the game, but Full-life will raise your HP more when junctioned than ultima.

    For your first play through the game you have the option to auto junction, this allows you to junction magic to make your magic high, your hp high or you strength high. This probably the best method for you at the beggining. Later on you can fool around with different settings. I won't go into trying to explain status junctioning or elemental junctions as you can easily get through the game for the first time without understanding those.

    Hopefully this helps a little, if not ask questions and you'll get answers.

    or you can look for a walkthrough ^ thats a good one for me! or you can
    | look for one on the internet.

  3. #33
    i thnk i figuredit out lol thanx

  4. #34

    Here is what you do...............

    Hey I can Help you. I have a map That will show you all the locations and hidden draw points email me if you want to get it

    [email protected]

  5. #35
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread
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    UK, High Wycombe
    Can anyone give me tips on beating Adel? She keeps killing my party with her spells. Any help woulb b great

  6. #36
    Shake it like a polaroid picture FFVIII Help Thread RagnaToad's Avatar
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    She's weak against Wind so just keep casting Aero and heal Rinoa.
    She uses Ultima right? If I remember correctly you cant absorb Ultima so thats a bummer.
    DONT CAST HOLY on her, shell get pissed off.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 01-14-2006 at 09:52 AM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  7. #37
    Registered User FFVIII Help Thread
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    OK. thanx. I'll remember that. I'll try this later today. I haven't played it 4 along time.

  8. #38
    hey um i got a problem with the eden gf, i wanna get the easy way by beating tiamat but i dont know what will happen if i kill all eight bosses then leave the castle because i still want 2 defeat ultimecia again. please give us a hand.
    "Who is more Foolish? the fool or the fool who follows him"--Ben Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope


    / \
    ( o o)

    SAVE GRAMMAR, now that I know that there is no official association for saving grammar I'm starting it. People who join this will respect the rules of grammar or at least type you instead of u. If you wish to join please private message me. SAVE GRAMMAR

    Members: Shaun Taylor 18, The Soul Stalker, garoupinha87 and Tiger Lily

  9. #39
    please give us a hand
    Wtf? We wants it, we must haves it. You're playing this game with other people eh?

    Anyways, you're question is kind of odd but I'll do my best. You're asking can you beat the monsters in Ultimecia's castle and leave the castle before fighting Ultimecia? If so,the answer is yes. The only real reason to get eden in the castle would be if you missed it before, or you chose not to get it because you wanted to keep all the fixed encounters in the deep sea facility. Otherwise go get it from Ulitma, better fight.
    Last edited by OnOneRyder; 01-21-2006 at 12:59 AM.

  10. #40
    3 things
    1. thanks for your help ill try it 2morrow morning
    2. the term "give us a hand" is 2 do with australia dialect were we sometimes refer 2 ourselves as us
    3. im 2 lazy 2 go verse ultima because ive tryed a couple of time and just gotten my ass kicked.
    thanks again
    "Who is more Foolish? the fool or the fool who follows him"--Ben Kenobi, Star Wars A New Hope


    / \
    ( o o)

    SAVE GRAMMAR, now that I know that there is no official association for saving grammar I'm starting it. People who join this will respect the rules of grammar or at least type you instead of u. If you wish to join please private message me. SAVE GRAMMAR

    Members: Shaun Taylor 18, The Soul Stalker, garoupinha87 and Tiger Lily

  11. #41
    Hey I never tried this before but does Carbuncle's reflect work on Ultimecia.

  12. #42
    Carbuncles effect works on your characters, adding Reflect to everyone. It has no effect on Ultimecia.

    If you mean her magic spells, than the answer is it will reflect all spells that can be reflected. Special spells of hers such as Apocalypse probably cannot be reflected, as it's like Ultima, unblockable.

    Basically any inherant attacks she has, cannot be reflected.
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    Legion of Angels

  13. #43
    FFVIII Help Thread
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    Birmingham UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Vahn70
    Hey I never tried this before but does Carbuncle's reflect work on Ultimecia.
    Yes it does... briefly. Ultimecia will waste no time in knocking it off with dispel.

  14. #44
    Where is a good place to get cursed spikes..?
    Its a pain to find 100 and refine it into darkmatter = 100 Ultimas..

  15. #45
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I think the best way to get Curse Spikes is to mug Tri-Faces. I think you get a few curse spikes per enemy. I am not sure if that's right or not. If you have Diablos, equip Mug to Squall and use it during battle. You can find them before you encounter Edea at Galbadia Garden. I hate fighting them, they annoy me! I think you can also find them on the Island Closest to Hell and the Deep Research Centre. I hope that helps. Good luck. You could also modify Tri-Face cards but you only get one per card. It would be better off trying to Mug them.

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  16. #46
    So Im about to play through again because its been a LONG time, so does anyone have any tips or anything about where I should do things and what I should learn?

  17. #47
    hey someone i need some info on FFVIII, there is a monster in Esther when your going to meet Kiros at the presidential palace on disc 3 where he wants us tko help put an end to Ultimecia, well this monster is called the Elnoyle and i would like to know just much DAMN HP this guy has!!!

  18. #48
    Quote Originally Posted by Slain
    hey someone i need some info on FFVIII, there is a monster in Esther when your going to meet Kiros at the presidential palace on disc 3 where he wants us tko help put an end to Ultimecia, well this monster is called the Elnoyle and i would like to know just much DAMN HP this guy has!!!
    It depends what Squall's level is. What is it?
    Last edited by Palazzo; 04-18-2006 at 08:00 PM.

  19. #49
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Yeah, it all depends on what level Squall is on. I know it's pretty high because it normally takes me ages to defeat him. That's usually when I'm on a high level though.

    I found on a site that says his HP ranges from: 30968-159000
    That's a fair amount isn't it? The battle seems to go on for ages!
    The website:

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  20. #50
    hmm i believe about level 44

  21. #51
    Banned FFVIII Help Thread Victor Draconix's Avatar
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    world of destruction
    In windhill in where a train and a girl round it stand
    how?... is there any secret or item we can get...
    I emebber really remember when talk to her several
    time and go and back a seat over there (one of them)
    changed(turned to another side) but heard in rumour
    in city from people that... that there maybe a trian
    aaaa ... train that reach you somewhere but i don't
    used to read fags or some... and and ddd in somecity
    (edea' parade city) some soldier thalking about em...
    almasy and a ground passagee to sowmrer ...
    please wer er aaa nn <<< ?
    please where i can find answer of secrets?
    Last edited by Victor Draconix; 08-09-2006 at 04:52 PM.

  22. #52
    hey im new but please can you help me out with final fantasy 8 what i need to know is where can i get all the GF's from
    locations please for each one p.s. zells the best character and how does this mp thing work on this web page??????????

  23. #53
    GF Locations:

    Quezecotl: Initially equipped
    Shiva: Initially equipped
    Ifrit: Fire Cavern
    Siren: Draw from ‘Elvoret’ (Flying boss at the Dollet Communication tower)
    Brothers: Defeat Sacred & Minotaur (Tomb of the unknown King, Galbadia)
    Diablos: Use the ‘magic lamp’ item (Given to you by Headmaster Cid, before Timber)
    Carbuncle: Draw from Iguion (Bosses summoned by Edea in Delling city)
    Leviathan: Draw from Garden Master NORG
    Pandemonia: Draw from Fujin (Balamb)
    Cerberus: Defeat Cerberus in Galbadia Garden
    Alexander: Draw from Sorceress Edea (Galbadia Garden)
    Doomtrain: Use the 'Solomon ring’ (Found at Tears Point in Esthar) once you get 6 Malboro Tentacles, 6 Steel Pipes and 6 Remedy+
    Bahamut: At the Deep See Research facility (South West of the map) Answer the first question with the first answer, second question with the second answer and the third question with the hidden third answer)
    Cactuar: Defeat ‘Jumbo Cactuar’ (Cactuar island: South of ‘Tears Point’)
    Tonberry: Defeat around 20 Tonberry’s at Centra Ruins, then defeat ‘King Tonberry’
    Eden: Draw from Ultima Weapon (Bottom of Deep Sea Resarch Centre)
    Odin: Complete the puzzle at Centra Ruins, then defeat him.
    Gilgamesh: Get Odin, then when you fight a certain person at the end of disc 3, you'll get him.

    If you missed drawing any of the drawable GFs, you can draw them later on in the game from bosses on Disc 4.

    Siren: Draw from Tri-Point
    Leviathan: Draw from Trauma
    Pandemona: Draw from Red Giant
    Carbuncle: Draw from Gargantua
    Alexander: Draw from Catoblepas
    Eden: Draw from Tiamat
    Last edited by Palazzo; 04-20-2006 at 06:21 AM.

  24. #54
    Hi everyone. I was wondering if someone can give me some tips about how to beat Omega Weapon? I can't seem to beat him!


  25. #55
    i dont no but do you lot no how to get zells card?
    <img src=> <img src=>

  26. #56
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    You can get Zell's card from Ma Dincht at Balamb. You can visit her at the beginning of disc one or later on in disc two. You can only play her when you have Zell in your party. She has never played the card for me though lol.

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  27. #57
    ok but can you get squal?
    <img src=> <img src=>

  28. #58
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    What do you mean exactly? Are you talking about Squall's card? If so, you can win his card from Laguna in Esthar or on the Ragnarok. That is after he is aboard of course, just go up to him and ask to play cards with him. I don't think he is too difficult to play cards with.

    CC's YouTube Page|Add me on
    Is on Facebook so feel free to add me. =)

  29. #59
    ok got it thanks for the help
    <img src=> <img src=>

  30. #60
    Does anyone know a good place to train at the start of disc three with just the garden as transport?

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