Apologize if my title, or the overall topic, seems a bit ignorant (I might be thinking of a "sound card", "in-game instruments" or "chip", instead) although I probably shouldn't say that since that's why I am here to ask you all.
While this might be better for the FFI-FFII or the overall FF section, I decided to ask this question here seeing as how there might be a better chance of someone of FFIX knowledge who may know more info about this.
My main question is whether the PS1 version of Final Fantasy I uses the same instruments as Final Fantasy IX. When I say "instruments", I am talking about something similar to midi or a "chip" (although this maybe more applied to pre-N64/PS1 games).
I'll give you a few examples from FF1's OST:
Gurgu Volcano
Deep Place
Please note that I am simply asking a question due to my curiosity about both the game's music; nothing negative. This may also apply to the remake versions of FFII although at the moment, I am curious about I and IX. I also realize that FFI may only use a small portion of IX's instruments.
Thank you.