I don't think I've ever run into that run into that river. I might've, but i can't remember. Also, what's the name of that song from FFIII that you can listen to if you have the Une's Mirror and Doga's Artifact in the Black Mage Village?
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I don't think I've ever run into that run into that river. I might've, but i can't remember. Also, what's the name of that song from FFIII that you can listen to if you have the Une's Mirror and Doga's Artifact in the Black Mage Village?
It has been a while, so I'll try to revive it.
this is just providing a little more detail to the rest of Tantauls' escape. If i remember correctly, during an ATE, Baku & co. are at the south gate:
BAKU: It was good of Blank to point out this river before he left and gave the map to Zidane.
Also, on the world map, there is a river dividing the forest that leads to the south gate.
I know this isnt right thread to say this but...
I only got to the part where you chase that black mage to the village XD
You can laugh if you want :drool:
If you know, why did you post anyway?
You'll get warned if you keep posting stuff like this.
Do you want any help to get further?
If you don't, don't post in this thread, but make a thread like "Where are you in your current playthrough?".
I need some help...
Im on disc 2, and i get to that gagart? Or something like that... And i have Zidane, Vivi and Dagger, and when i get on that train thingy i run into a snake? I dont know how to kill that bastard!!!
Please help me!!!
If it's the first time fighting it. I remember the first fight being harder then the 2nd. My advice would be to keep Garnet ready to act quickly for a heal an pummel it with Zidane and Vivi casting it's most powerful magic all the time. I can't remember any special thing to do to it.
I don't know on which level are your characters Silverdragoon but your opponent isn't hard at all. There is no special tactic for it but just in case scan him and see his weakens, you should probably use that to your advantage. Just remember to cure with Garnet and throw some Hi-Potion if it's necessary. Attack with Zidane, Vivi should cast his strongest magic and if you have a chance try to steal with Zidane, I think you should get something useful.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that Ralvuimago or something? I think he takes on some sort of defensive position when you use a physical attack.
Or was that the first one?
Can someone please describe to me where to find the Ocean Chocograph? It's the only one I never found...
Its on the west side of the map, left from that reef. I litererally covered every inch of that sea button bashing til I found it ]: It's in that general area anyway, good luck
Ummm. how do you get ark?
You can buy a Pumice from Hades in the Memoria. He is hidden in the ocean scene area. If you equip it to Dagger, you get the summon ability to master it.
You have to beat Hades first, then he opens a secret Synthesis Shop, where you can buy/ have him make other things as well. You need Pumice Pieces, two of them I think, I remember you can also have him make some if you need another to get Ark, so no problem there. It's just a matter of gathering the items you need if you don't have them in stock already. You'll be able to see what you need once he opens shop. You can also get Save the Queen there, Beatrix's sword.
I'll make sure*
There ya go:
- Item Gil Required Items
Robe of Lords 30000 White Robe, Black Robe
Tin Armor 50000 Hammer, Ore
Protect Ring 40000 Dark Matter, Rebirth Ring
Pumice 50000 2 Pumice Piece
Garnet 350 Ore, Remedy
Amethyst 200 Ore, Annoyntment
Peridot 100 Ore, Soft
Sapphire 200 Ore, Antidote
Opal 100 Ore, Potion
Topaz 100 Ore, Eye Drops
Lapis Lazuli 400 Ore, Dead Pepper
Pumice Piece 25000 Hammer, Pumice
Save the Queen 50000 Javelin, Silver Gloves
Phoenix Pinion 300 Phoenix Down, Gysahl Greens
Ether 500 Echo Screen, Vaccine
I think you get one Pumice Piece from defeating Ark at Oeilvert and another from finding one of the chocographs, Outer Island 2 I believe. Apparently you can also steal it from Ozma (that's probably not the recommended way to do it, since he's the hardest boss in the game... you need to have played Chocobo Hot & Cold up to a certain point to reach him anyway). You can get another one by synthing a Pumice + Hammer, but to get a Pumice you need to have synthed two Pumice Pieces anyway I believe...
Gypsy Elder, I don't know if you ever found that chocograph, but here is a good website to help you out (or anyone requiring help with that sidequest): Final Fantasy 9 / IX / FF9 - Chocographs. It shows the exact locations on the map where they are found.
Has anyone a good strategy for beating the final boss. Its my first time playing through the game in a few good years and my characters are level 60+. I feel too lazy for raising and i want to complete IX again before next Tuesday( cause you know what is happening). Any hints, especially at nullifying "grand cross".
I watched really good video on youtube about this not that long ago. He had defeated Necron before it even had a chance to use "Grand Cross". His characters were also in the level 60 area.
Here's his character setups and strategy:
Spoiler tagged to reduce post size:
Video: YouTube - Final Fantasy IX - Necron, the easiest final boss ever!
Hope that helps. :)
Thanks for the info but from what I can see with the weapon and ablity list theres a lot i have yet to acquire. No option, I have to go back to the grind. Speaking of which is there anywhere i can buy those or are they acquired from lengthy side-missions.
^ It would help me to help you if you say which weapons and abilities your party doesn't have. I did look up the FFIX abilities page, and it has every ability that you can have your characters learn and what items help them to learn it.
List of Final Fantasy IX Abilities - The Final Fantasy Wiki has more Final Fantasy information than Cid could research
As for the weapons, here's there locations:
Steiner's Ragnarok can be found using a chocobo after you find a chocograph that leads you to the treasure chest.
Vivi's Mace of Zeus can be found in Memoria in a treasure chest.
Zidane's ultimate weapon can also be found doing the chocobo hot and cold and finding the chocograph which tells where the weapon is hidden.
As for Garnet, I honestly don't know why the Magic Racket is equipped on her, other than the fact that it boosts holy magic, but you can just buy that in Lindbulm.
Magic Racket is one of her best weapons cause it has magic+2 and has a decent attack from long-range. I use that most of the time :)
It can also be used by Eiko which peps up her magic stats too, which is nice.
You don't have to level up exp much (60 would be good enough for me at least) but leveling up AP is needed, if you want a fast way you can always petrify enemies that have a lot of AP, some in Memoria and catch all the friendly monsters, they have a lot of AP (Just watch that you have every armor/weapons they can learn from.
The final bossses died quickly from my using DragonsCrest(9999), and Amarants No Mercy(around 8000), I just had Zidane attack(around 4000), and Eiko support.
Dragons crest has something to do with jump, but I think killing dragons may help boost it too, I killed alot of grand dragons to get to level ~60. and it consistantly does 9999.
I have a question about the choco treasure hunting game. I can't seem to find ANY of the bubbling areas in the oceans, I have compared spots on maps, and exactly down to the spots seen in youtube videos, but see nothing. I have the Gold choco, and I am on disk 4.
I am playing the game on a PS3 and a 1080pHD, would that have something to do with it?
On a side note, the game looks horrible in HD. :(
Yeah i agree, think it looks best on a PS1, but awesomeness in emulator.
Horrible in PS3.
But the answer is no, you can still see the bubbles in PS3, just have to know their locations, give some time for that.
Btw kudos on the Dragon's Crest, you've been killing a lot of dragons :)
Jump has nothing to do with it though.
Thank you, I finaly found what the problem was. turns out there are no bubbles over the ultima weapon. I found the other bubbles in the world by looking close, however I can't seem to dig anything up from the bubbles near Quan's place.
Nothing I really need there anyway, I guess I can just lt that one go.
but while I'm posting here, does anyone know why sometimes the dead pepper places wont work?
You can't dive normally beneath Quan's place, you have to enter Quan's dwelling and just jump from the platform :P
Dead Peppers should work on all cracks at least but if it doesn't work then you've probably been there before. Some cracks may look like they're for opening but they don't look like the regular ones so they're probably fake.
But the ones you open clearly have a dark crack in them so they can all be open the first time.
I just started playing this game again after a few years. I've beaten it probably 5 times and played a few hundred hours. However I have never tried to get the Excalibur 2. So I plan on trying to get that on my next play through. I was just wondering what areas in the game are no longer accessible once I reach Memoria. I know of two for sure (Clerya and doing the Mr. Morrid's Coffee side quest) but I know there are more. After I get Excalibur 2 I'd like to go back and collect the items I missed and do the side quests. The only one I do not care about is the racing Hippaul. It's a pain in the neck and I know I won't be able to complete it and still get the Exalibur weapon. So if anyone knows the areas or side quests I need to make sure I do that I won't be able to return to on disc 4 I'd greatly appreciate it.
You certainly need to get the items in Gulg Volcano (unless you don't want them).
The Gulg Volcano, Esto Gaza, Conde Petie, Ice Cavern, Kuja's Palace, and Oeilvert are the places that won't be accessible once you reach Disc 4. Hope this helps.
Is it possible to steal every item from Beatrix each time you go up against her? I fought her in Burmecia, and I missed out in getting one thing. I would reset and fight her again, and again, and again. I gave up and decided to move on. Now, I am about to fight her in Cleyra, and I want to know if trying to steal every item is even possible.
You don't need to necessarily steal everything from Beatrix to maximize your items. You always have a chance to steal everything you detect however the only limited items you NEED to steal are the Blood Stone from Tiamat, the Dark Matter from Ozma, Genji Armor from Maliris, the Genji Gloves from Lich, the Genji Helm from Kraken, and a Pumice Piece from Ozma. All other items can be bought or synthesized to your heart's content throughout the game (although some become unavailable at certain points) I hope this helps.
Thank you! I didn't want to move on in my current playthrough without getting an answer. I have played FFIX before, but I wanted to go through it again and see if I can get everything. Now I know that stealing from Beatrix isn't necessary, just helpful.
Yeah stealing from her is never necessary but i always try really hard to do it each time xD
I have managed to steal all times from her maybe in 1-2 saves of all my 10 :P
If you are really trying to get everything including the Excalibur 2, may I suggest looking up invincible garland's perfect run on youtube