I found out something today about Ozma:
If you are weak, Ozmas weaker!!!
I put off ALL abilities on every char and Ozma was piece of cake. I tried a few times and he almost never used his beter spells !!!
If you want to set abilities anyway DONT SET AUTO-HASTE!!! It will make Ozma faster too! (remember my prevoius message)
I think Ozma uses Curse less when your NOT protected against it!
Its like he sees what your strategy is... Just try to beat him with only Auto-regen and Autolife and maybe HP+20%
I tried with ONLY STEINER and I almost got him, but then he used Meteor anyways...
Good luck to you all whos trying to find more challenge in Ozma. I'll make a movie of it when Im beating him with Steiner only.
If anyone's interested in the (very low quality, sorry :s) movie of me beating Ozma without Abilities set, contact me ;)