What are some of the things you enjoy when you play FFVIII?
All the recent discussions about the game made me want to start up my last file (just got the Ragnarok) and from the moment the opening credits theme started I knew it was going to be my next gaming fix.
Anyway, one of the things I love doing in VIII is drawing or creating a strong spell to Junction to a party member. Seeing their Speed or Attack getting boosted by a huge amount is pretty darn satisfying, especially nearer the start of the game if you don't Card Mod a ton (like I don't) and then near the end when you get access to the really strong spells.
Travelling the world to get parts for upgrading weapons is also pretty cool. I'm hunting Adamantoises to Card Mod, and then turn into Turtle Shells for Squall's Punishment Gunblade (nearly finished Disk 3 and I haven't got Lionheart- shocking, right?)