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  1. #1
    Registered User Dion Rogers' Rinoa
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    Dion Rogers' Rinoa

    Stumbled across this while just perusing some info about FF VIII, and I just want to know people's opinions about it. Basically it's just a computer-generated model of a design that was submitted to a contest. This was the winner.

    Front View
    Side View
    Back View

    Personally I think it is pretty cute. It is definately revealing, but I don't think it's slutty. However, the back view looks like she has a severe case of VPL (visible panty line).

    It was made back in 2005 or so, but when I first saw it I immediately thought of Yuna in X-2. Also it seems to be pretty popular with the cosplaying crowd, most of which prefer this design over the in-game Rinoa costume design.

    So what do you all think of it?
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  2. #2
    All is One.One is All. Dion Rogers' Rinoa Firefly's Avatar
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    It looks great,but to me that isnt what Rinoa should look like.They should make another character outta that.Name it...idk Bob. lol jk
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  3. #3
    Registered User Dion Rogers' Rinoa Yesha's Avatar
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    It Looks good but kinda reminding me of Yuna's outfit on FFX-2.. maybe the hair, the boots, over-aLL..

    ALso.. it's kinda reveaLing.. I can't imagine a girl character wearing that and fighting on a battLe scene..

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  4. #4
    I want to play a game. Dion Rogers' Rinoa Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by *Yesha* View Post
    ALso.. it's kinda reveaLing.. I can't imagine a girl character wearing that and fighting on a battLe scene..

    Rikku in Final Fantasy X-2 had less than that and Rikku's "transformation" in FF X-2 gave off a slutty feeling to me.

    On to Rinoa's new look: in the world after the events of Final Fantasy VIII that could be her one of her outfits. Then again, the outfit doesn't match her personality in my view.

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  5. #5
    Cain Highwind's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Rikku in Final Fantasy X-2 had less than that and Rikku's "transformation" in FF X-2 gave off a slutty feeling to me.

    On to Rinoa's new look: in the world after the events of Final Fantasy VIII that could be her one of her outfits. Then again, the outfit doesn't match her personality in my view.
    Agreed. Even as an original character (I remember when the art was used as a fake FFXIII ad LONG before the game was actually announced) it looks like a bad Nomura design for a X-2 like game.

  6. #6
    Wow. I remember stumbling across image in 2008 or around that year. My first impression of it was that it was pretty cute.

    The first thing that does pop into my head looking at it is that it looks like Yuna's FFX-2 outfit. I believe it would be the shorts that seem similar. Like I said cute, not slutty(although I dislike the VPL, it doesn't exactly bug me), but the thing about the design that draws me into it the most is the hair. The style of its amazing, and it slightly makes me wish Rinoa had this haircut.

  7. #7
    This ain't no place for no hero Dion Rogers' Rinoa Tiffany's Avatar
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    I dislike it. I really liked Rinoa's character, and I don't feel she needs to be slutted up in order to be more appealing. But that's just me. I also disliked Yuna's new outfix in X-2.

  8. #8
    I'm diggin it. It's not Rinoa, since Rinoa is very cheesy and innocent. But I like this chick. If she was real I'd definitely bone her.

  9. #9
    FF:Zero (RMXP) - Writer/Director Dion Rogers' Rinoa Petros's Avatar
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    I like it. It follows the trend they set up for Kingdom Hearts in general of alternate outfits. I've never been adverse to somewhat slutty ones as it's not exactly uncommon in Final Fantasy I mean just look at Rydia in Final Fantasy IV, the girl's wearing a Green swimsuit when she becomes an adult!

    Although I will agree with Cain Highwind here, it doesn't adapt to the personality of Rinoa well, unless her personality changed to Paris Hilton all of a sudden - which you can kill me if you want but I think that would make a very interesting plot twist for a sequel if she became the one who was distant to Squall. In X-2 Rikku changed her outfit but her personality was a match to be honest, Rikku was always quite rambunctious (No, I am not calling her a slut, just loud and overly happy, you can kinda tell that if Final Fantasy X was a more adult game she'd probably be playing the field a little). Yuna on the other hand, her personality in X wasn't quite like that but her model in X-2 was more lively and loud, Rikku probably rubbing off on her, so the outfit suited her more.

    Of course it could always be due to weather conditions, like Ashe's rather interesting choice of garments for a Princess but acceptable if you look at Basch or Vaan who wear similar outfits because Rabanastre is in the middle of an area where the climate is very hot.
    Last edited by Petros; 12-13-2009 at 12:18 AM.

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  10. #10
    ...Whatever Dion Rogers' Rinoa SquallMLeonhart's Avatar
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    Re: Dion Rogers' Rinoa

    Talk about over sexed... not necessarily a bad thing but Rinoa doesn't seem to the type for just short shorts and a bra.

  11. #11
    Do the elements trust you? Dion Rogers' Rinoa bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Dion Rogers' Rinoa

    I can't tell if it's yuna or rinoa
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  12. #12
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Dion Rogers' Rinoa ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Dion Rogers' Rinoa

    As much as I'm for a girl as potentially good looking as Rinoa wearing less, I don't think in terms of her character it really is right for her. Kudos for the design whoever did it though.

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