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Thread: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

  1. #1
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    If you had the opportunity to be friends with a couple of characters from VIII and hang out with, who would it be? I'd pick Selphie, Zell and Squall.

    Selphie - Very upbeat, sweet and always looking to have fun. The type of person you'd want to socialize with at a party IMO.

    Zell - Can be a loose cannon at times, but nonetheless a loyal guy who'd have your back. Definitely somebody who could cheer you up if you're feeling down.

    Squall - I'm talking Squall at the end of FF VIII. A loyal and caring friend who I'd want on my side if I were in some sort of trouble.

  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I would choose Quistis and Quistis only. She is an intellectual person, and I like people that make me think. Although she can be a bit too hard on herself, I think that we would have a lot to talk about. Even though I am nervous around people I first meet, I think I would be able to tell her anything. She seems like the type of person who wouldn't blab to people about what you tell her.
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  3. #3
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    I would choose Quistis and Quistis only. She is an intellectual person, and I like people that make me think. Although she can be a bit too hard on herself, I think that we would have a lot to talk about. Even though I am nervous around people I first meet, I think I would be able to tell her anything. She seems like the type of person who wouldn't blab to people about what you tell her.

    Interesting choice. I could definitely see her having a big sister/mentor kind of influence on me just like she did with Squall. She's somebody who would certainly help to keep you grounded and in a prime state of mind.

  4. #4

    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Swayne View Post
    I would choose Quistis and Quistis only. She is an intellectual person, and I like people that make me think. Although she can be a bit too hard on herself, I think that we would have a lot to talk about. Even though I am nervous around people I first meet, I think I would be able to tell her anything. She seems like the type of person who wouldn't blab to people about what you tell her.
    Damn! You stole my choice..
    I apologize if you was like this '''' . If i made any gramar, spelling or any other stupid mistakes, i`m sorry

  5. #5
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by latvis20 View Post
    Damn! You stole my choice..
    Seems like Quistis is a popular choice lol.

  6. #6
    That guy. Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Hot Shot's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I'd choose Quistis for the same reasons above, but I'd also add Irvine. He'd be quite funny and upbeat but without the annoyingness of Selphie. I'd also like to hang with Zell too. His OTT attitude would probably be pretty funny too I guess.

  7. #7
    Memento RK Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    If I were to meet/hang out with anyone, it would be Squall, Rinoa, Edea (When she's good), Laguna and Co, Irvine and Seifer and co.

    Squall would be cool to meet. It is basically what I was when I was younger. It would be nice to have a conversation with him now that he sees the good in life.

    Rinoa would be nice to meet. I completely loved her character and would love if I had the chance to meet her in person.

    Edea also seemed really interesting. Being a Matron and all...

    Laguna and co are really awesome guys. Laguna is my ultimate hero in FFVIII. He's all I would ever ask for in a father. Kiros and Ward seem like really awesome people as well. Talking to them about Laguna and their adventures would be a treat.

    I would LOVE to have a conversation with Irvine. He seems like an all around good guy. I always felt bad for him when he was rejected.

    Seifer and co would be hilarious to meet. They all seemed like great people around the end of the game. (I mean the ending scenes when they are fishing when Seifer isn't corrupt)

    Overall, I would say that I would like to meet everybody, but I didn't like Quistis very much, nor did I like Selphie. Maybe it was the hair and their attitudes. I don't think I would get along with them very well. That's just me.
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  8. #8
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    If I were to meet/hang out with anyone, it would be Squall, Rinoa, Edea (When she's good), Laguna and Co, Irvine and Seifer and co.

    Squall would be cool to meet. It is basically what I was when I was younger. It would be nice to have a conversation with him now that he sees the good in life.

    Rinoa would be nice to meet. I completely loved her character and would love if I had the chance to meet her in person.

    Edea also seemed really interesting. Being a Matron and all...

    Laguna and co are really awesome guys. Laguna is my ultimate hero in FFVIII. He's all I would ever ask for in a father. Kiros and Ward seem like really awesome people as well. Talking to them about Laguna and their adventures would be a treat.

    I would LOVE to have a conversation with Irvine. He seems like an all around good guy. I always felt bad for him when he was rejected.

    Seifer and co would be hilarious to meet. They all seemed like great people around the end of the game. (I mean the ending scenes when they are fishing when Seifer isn't corrupt)

    Overall, I would say that I would like to meet everybody, but I didn't like Quistis very much, nor did I like Selphie. Maybe it was the hair and their attitudes. I don't think I would get along with them very well. That's just me.

    I totally agree about Squall. I always saw his outlook on life as nothing more than a teenager and not all 'emo' as some people see him as. I'd definitely want him on my side in battle and I'd be willing to bet that he'd go out of his way to help you if you needed it.

    As for Irvine, I always felt he get a bad rap and may have been seen as a creep but he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

    Laguna was very good man who laid it all out on the line for the ones he cared about. He's definitely a prime example of a role model and his positive nature was very refreshing as well.

    Rujin and Fajin were hilarious and I'd love to spend a couple of hours with them for some laughs.

  9. #9
    Memento RK Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion Heart View Post
    I totally agree about Squall. I always saw his outlook on life as nothing more than a teenager and not all 'emo' as some people see him as. I'd definitely want him on my side in battle and I'd be willing to bet that he'd go out of his way to help you if you needed it.
    I wouldn't call Squall Emo, he just lost his way in life and thought he was alone. It happens when you lose all memory of his childhood. He thought he was abandoned. He had accepted that and accepted it as a norm. He thought he was supposed to live his life alone, so he didn't really interact with anyone. It also didn't help that he was kind of shy and not accustomed to others helping him. Once he was brought out of his shell, he turned out to be a great person. As with the rest of the crew. THAT's the person I would like to meet. I also wouldn't mind meeting the one before that as well. If all it takes is a "Rinoa" I shouldn't have a problem bringing him out of his shell.
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  10. #10
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by R.Kyra View Post
    I wouldn't call Squall Emo, he just lost his way in life and thought he was alone. It happens when you lose all memory of his childhood. He thought he was abandoned. He had accepted that and accepted it as a norm. He thought he was supposed to live his life alone, so he didn't really interact with anyone. It also didn't help that he was kind of shy and not accustomed to others helping him. Once he was brought out of his shell, he turned out to be a great person. As with the rest of the crew. THAT's the person I would like to meet. I also wouldn't mind meeting the one before that as well. If all it takes is a "Rinoa" I shouldn't have a problem bringing him out of his shell.
    Couldn't agree more. I always hated when I would read about Squall being 'emo' because being alone was all he knew. As you said, he grew to accept that and felt it was how he was going to have to live. He never made anyone feel sorry for him, he just kept to himself and was never exposed to any emotional ties after he left the orphanage. I defnitely would love to have a long conversation with him on his perspective on life after becoming more open and caring as you said.

  11. #11
    Fueled by Coffee Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Three people have stole my choice! lol

    I would love to hang out with everyone, we could all go on a cruise or something haha, but I think the only person I would become close friends with is Quistis for the reasons mentioned about her being intellectual and deep, I see myself having conversations with her and learning from her. I agree that she is hard on herself sometimes, but this reminds me of someone I know and respect greatly for setting such high expectations for herself. I can depend on someone like Quistis in times of need and we would support each other.

    My second choice for friendship would be Squall, I thought I didn't like loners very much until I met one of my closest friends. I understand how it feels like to be friends with someone like Squall, it's not about conversations or the amount of times you meet and talk, it's kinda hard to explain, but completely reliable!

    I don't think I can handle people like Rinoa, Selphie or Zell for a long time, they have 'big' personalities and are so hyperactive all the time, no, Rinoa is actually kinda too-princessy for me. I like them from a distance and admire them all for things like their loyalty, but me being around people 24/7 upbeat will make my attitude b!%@ and bossy lol

  12. #12
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    Three people have stole my choice! lol

    I would love to hang out with everyone, we could all go on a cruise or something haha, but I think the only person I would become close friends with is Quistis for the reasons mentioned about her being intellectual and deep, I see myself having conversations with her and learning from her. I agree that she is hard on herself sometimes, but this reminds me of someone I know and respect greatly for setting such high expectations for herself. I can depend on someone like Quistis in times of need and we would support each other.

    My second choice for friendship would be Squall, I thought I didn't like loners very much until I met one of my closest friends. I understand how it feels like to be friends with someone like Squall, it's not about conversations or the amount of times you meet and talk, it's kinda hard to explain, but completely reliable!

    I don't think I can handle people like Rinoa, Selphie or Zell for a long time, they have 'big' personalities and are so hyperactive all the time, no, Rinoa is actually kinda too-princessy for me. I like them from a distance and admire them all for things like their loyalty, but me being around people 24/7 upbeat will make my attitude b!%@ and bossy lol

    Yeah, Rinoa isn't somebody I could see myself being around all the time. Maybe at a social gathering or event, but not on a day-to-day basis. I get the vibe that she'd have to be the center of attention and always in control of everything. Not to say that she isn't nice, but as you said, too much of a 'princess'.

  13. #13
    Fueled by Coffee Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Elise's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lion Heart View Post
    Yeah, Rinoa isn't somebody I could see myself being around all the time. Maybe at a social gathering or event, but not on a day-to-day basis. I get the vibe that she'd have to be the center of attention and always in control of everything. Not to say that she isn't nice, but as you said, too much of a 'princess'.
    I would say she is bad-stubborn too. She is quite naive, yet does whatever she wants with no consideration to any consequences, and her actions put Squall and the others in lots of troubles, especially in the beginning. Annoying sometimes. Some other female characters are good-stubborn, like Yuna, she is wise and her stubbornness can be interpreted as determination, and she takes full responsibility for her actions. I'm just using Yuna as an example to make a clear point.

    Please note that I don't hate Rinoa at all. I'm just saying why I probably wouldn't be friends with her.

  14. #14
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Elise View Post
    I would say she is bad-stubborn too. She is quite naive, yet does whatever she wants with no consideration to any consequences, and her actions put Squall and the others in lots of troubles, especially in the beginning. Annoying sometimes. Some other female characters are good-stubborn, like Yuna, she is wise and her stubbornness can be interpreted as determination, and she takes full responsibility for her actions. I'm just using Yuna as an example to make a clear point.

    Please note that I don't hate Rinoa at all. I'm just saying why I probably wouldn't be friends with her.
    No worries, I understand what you're saying completely lol. Stubborn is a very accurate adjective to describe her actually.

  15. #15
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Roz's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    If I wanted to have an intellectual conversation, I'd go to Quistis and Xu. I can totally see myself discussing philosophy/politics/whatever with them.

    If I wanted to have fun or gossip, I'd go to Selphie. Some would say she's too hyper or annoying, but I like her. I'm sure we'd find something to talk about.

  16. #16
    I will save the world Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Hero without a Name's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I'd probably go with Quistis, Selphie, and Squall

    Quistis: I just want to hang out with and maybe give her a hug or just an ear to lend too...Squall was a brick wall lol

    Selphie: Very upeat, very fun, plus I just wanna dance

    Squall: I wanna train with the gunblade with him, plus he was cool at the end of the game, props to him!

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    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Squall's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hero without a Name View Post
    I'd probably go with Quistis, Selphie, and Squall

    Quistis: I just want to hang out with and maybe give her a hug or just an ear to lend too...Squall was a brick wall lol

    Selphie: Very upeat, very fun, plus I just wanna dance

    Squall: I wanna train with the gunblade with him, plus he was cool at the end of the game, props to him!
    Good choices. I bet Selphie would be boat loads of fun and a nice friend to have to cheer you up. Squall is a badass, plain and simple lol. And I think he's actually a good guy and I'd love to be around him, especially how he turned out at the end of FFVIII like you said.

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  18. #18
    squall69 Which character or two would you want to hang out with? squall69's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    squall simply because i reckon i could make him laugh and look on the brighter side of life

    selphie she was just a gem bless her

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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quote Originally Posted by squall69 View Post
    squall simply because i reckon i could make him laugh and look on the brighter side of life

    selphie she was just a gem bless her

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  20. #20

    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Zell and Irvine. What a night out that would be!!!

  21. #21

    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Zell would be my immediate choice, I took an instant liking to him. His energy and sense of humour is great, and I just think he'd be fun to have around. That said, I can see how he could be a little too much at times.

    Aside from Zell, I'd go for Quistis. The total opposite to Zell! Intelectual, a bit quiet, but very caring. Plus, she's rather hot...

  22. #22
    Chief Inspiring Officer Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Seifer would be my choice. He just strikes me as interesting. He has his own twisted views on things.
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  23. #23
    Elementalist Which character or two would you want to hang out with? IcyJJ's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I would like to hang out with Quistis. She was a great character and her abilities would be fun to learn about.
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  24. #24
    The Mad God Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Quistis. Intelligent, level headed, kind in a big sister kinda way. And she wears leather and likes whips, need I say more?

    Rest of the party were good characters and all, but not the kind of people I could see myself getting along with.

    Seifer I'd get along with well. Guy knows how to have a good time and get what he wants out of life, and is willing to do whatever he has to to achieve his goals. Fuujin and Raijin get along well with him, so I'd likely get along with them well. Raijin I could definitely see myself hanging out with. Fuujin's a little... odd, but seems like a devoted friend to Seifer, so I'd imagine I'd like her fine if I got to know her.
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  25. #25
    Traitors Can't Hide. Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Phoenix Rising's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I would totally love to hang out with Selphie, Zell, and Squall. Selphie is just so charismatic, outgoing, and active, yet she also has a knack for technology, as we saw with her website. Zell is also very outgoing and he's very loyal to the end, they both just seem like they would be awesome to hang-out with. Squall really reminds me of myself, especially in and immediately after high school.

    Rinoa is just too "uppity" and princessy, so I think she would annoy me really fast. Irving does seem like he would be a cool guy to hang out with, but I just felt that he was introduced way too late in the game, that it really just made his character less interesting than the others. Irving also seemed kind of creepy at first, he seemed like he was just your run-of-the-mill player, but eventually you find out he is really a great nice guy, I just found it a little unbelievable that he couldn't bring himself kill Edea, but I guess that's just human nature for you. I could see Quistis as like a "big sister" mentor figure, but I really lost a lot of respect for her when she ran back to apologize to Rinoa in the middle of their mission.

  26. #26
    Boxer of the Galaxy Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    It would be great fun to kick back and eat hotdogs with Zell. I'd like to study with quistis. Would be awesome to train with Squall, or talk about women with Irvine. It would be great to play music and sing with selphie. It would be great fun to play fetch with Angelo and joke with Rinoa. Think of all the adventures you could have with Laguna, Kiros and Ward. Or to traverse the vast city of Esthar with Odine and visit the tombs of the sorceress. Imagine flying garden with the help of Naida or just playing cards with Cid and Edea. Discussing philosophy with Dr Kadowaki and eating fish with Raijin. Cooking with Mrs Dincht and reasing copies of 'Dirty magazines' with Zone...(actually, probably not so fun..). How about travelling back in time with Ellone and revisiting some of the times that made you most happy.

  27. #27
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    Selphie and Rinoa seem like the best company. They both seem like a lot of fun, I think Zell would be ace to hang around with too. But in real life pretty much all my mates are boys so since I tend to get along better with them I'd say Zell and Laguna


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  28. #28
    Registered User Which character or two would you want to hang out with? Benihime2059's Avatar
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    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I'd prob only Say Squall We both dont talk much and think to our selves alot

  29. #29

    Re: Which character or two would you want to hang out with?

    I'd hang out with all of them. They're all interesting characters. Squal is an introvert, but he's a loyal and good friend. He's someone you can rely on. Quintis is a smart and interesting person to talk to plus she's devoted and passionate. Rinoa is charismatic and also energetic. She's learned alot during the game, so she won't be very stubborn or naive, imo. Selphie is pretty hyper, but has a good personality. Might be abit jittery, but I'm sure it's an age thing. Irvine is a passinate guy, but he's more of a lone wolf. Interesting, nonetheless.

  30. #30
    Irvine would be a cool buddy to hang out with I guess. We could hang out at target ranges just shooting for fun. Hope he doesn't go limit break with me or else the whole place would crash. HAHA

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