I started playing again, but I'm only training everyone to boost stats. I was wondering if anyone ended up with any extra magic? since I pretty much Drew all the magic I could, there's still not enough space to split all of it between between my main party. It's pretty much all the weaker magic, or the ones I don't use like cure, silince, blind, Confuse Zombie, ect. Since I set everything up like this: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forums/fi...anization.html All of the magic Drawn would go to Squall and then I would split it between him and Irvine. All of the left over magic that I didn't use or had too much of would go to Zell.
I only junction the higher spells now so I just transfer the useless magic to a person I'm currently not using in my party or Zell since I only have him Draw, but I don't think I can get rid of it unless I use it all -_-;