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Thread: 9's Best Character?

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    Registered User 9's Best Character? Locke4God's Avatar
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    Orlando, FL

    9's Best Character?

    I'd like to find out how everybody ranks the main characters of 9! And you can do that however you like. Who you found most important? Who was most fun to play with? Who was most likeable? A comination of all of those?

    I'll go with

    1. VIVI - To me he was just a flat out awesome character, as good as any in any game of the series. THE black mage. His struggles with mortality included, he was just fun and relatable and I thought the clear breakout character of the game. He empitomized what 9 was supposed to be all about.
    2. Garnet - She's just a great female lead. Powerful but vulnerable, on par with Yuna or Terra, and several others as well.
    3. Freya - Just a kind of wicked cool mysteriousness about her and a lot of power too. She's tragic and just actually was one of the only characters that felt like a traditional 2nd level characters, who joins the party for similar reasons as the others, but brings an entirely different perspective on the mission.
    4. Steiner - I did love his dopeyness, and in the end he was quite useful.
    5. Zidane - Well, I prefer my leads to be a little more manly. A Cecil, Balthier, Auron, Type, but aside from that Zidane was very useful and I can get the likeability aspect. I do wish that they had played more on his "harbinger of death" purpose, and had him endure of a bit of a personality crisis where maybe the rest of the team has to bring him back, but regardless he was fun and useful.
    6. Quina - Caith Sith all the way. Kind of a WTF characters, but fun regardless. I did enjoy eating frogs with her. errr him. IT.
    7. Eiko - Ya know, I didn't get much out of her other than that she was Garnett part B.
    8. Amarant - Honestly I really wanted to love this guy, but he was introduced so late and presented very little reason for why he wanted to be a part of the team. I wished he had played a stronger role, because I do like him, but just didn't find that there was much of a reason to.
    Last edited by Locke4God; 04-06-2011 at 01:05 PM.

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