i havent played in awhile, maybe 70 hours if you train hard and get all the powerful weapons
Im playing ff9 for the first time.
Ive played others in the series so im not an ff newb.
How long will it take roughly to complete a playthrough that includes beating hades and ozma and collecting all summons?
Il probably dabble in other sidequests but i definitely want to beat the superbosses
i havent played in awhile, maybe 70 hours if you train hard and get all the powerful weapons
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Like Savior said, probably something around 70 hours. Chocobo Hot & Cold is pretty time-consuming. And Ozma, I still have yet to beat him. Even with the long range handicap eliminated, absorbing Doomsday and having it hurt him, even with those, I still get beat easily. Good luck!![]()
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if you 100% it may actuallly take a little less beileve it or not because you gotta get all the way to disc 4 or the end of disc three i dont remember in under 12 hours to get the excalibur II
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I'm not going for a 100%
70 hours seems long. 7 and 8 took about 50 and that includes all optional bosses. When you add in the fact that its possible to get near the end in 12 hours, 70 hours to complete seems a lot.
I have heard Ozma is super tough though so maybe I need lots of training.
Training to beat Emerald seemed to take hours out of my life although a lot of them won't be in my play time as it was time I spent dying.
it just depends on how you play the game
if you rush through it just to beat the game then sure it wont take 70 hours but if you do aditional stuff like get high level, build weapons to be strong, collect cards, blah blah then it will obviously take longer i cant really give a time if your just gonna rush through because i never do that.
and btw getting to excalibur II in less then twelve hours (you have to get to memoria i think) its pretty freakin hard. on my hundred percent i got excalibur II at like 11:40 somewhere around there so idk.
im just spit ballin but i guess a rough estimte could be between around 45 if your rushing and not doin much grinding to lvl up i really dont know, even on playthroughs were i didnt hundred percent i still do quite a bit so 45 is my best guess for ya
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Every story must have an ending and every story needs a savior
I agree, it should take around 50 hours to complete, but you are going to need to do a fair bit of grinding if you want to take down Ozma, also the Chocobo hot and cold game can take up a big chunk of that time aswell.
its your game dude take your time whats the rush i spent about 80 hours 1st time i like the idea that its gonna take me ages to complete
Games beaten:- Crisis core, FF7 FF9 FF10. I need more time to game
My first time playing this game back in 2003, it took like 40 hours on my first playthru, training, doing hot and cold, getting items.
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Yeah, I'd say 40-50 is a good estimate unless you really go out of your way to see and do everything and grind.
good luck!
I hope your fist time is as good as the first time I played Grandia and Breath of fire 4 hell things could of went better if I would just catch a child in hid-n-seek![]()
I thank THE LEGEND OF DRAGOON because it wasn't for this game I would have never started playing FINAL FANTASY and discovered FINAL FANTASY X which is my favorite game I would be more than happy to put this pic as my signature.