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Thread: Why people want a FF7 Remake

  1. #31
    Registered User Why people want a FF7 Remake NeoAquarius12's Avatar
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    Re: Why people want a FF7 Remake

    Yeah, the decision to remake X first was a little strange to me, but I trust the professionals know what they're doing!

    And as for the FFVII remake... I think the reason why it's so in demand is because the game has sequences and characters that BEG to be shown in modern graphics. There is new generation of gamers out there waiting to find this game that just can't because of the limitations on technology. And get out of here with your PSN arguments... Not everyone owns a PS3 or know what they're getting themselves into. That's for people who are already looking for it. My copy freezes when I enter Wutai, so I really need an online edition.

    It would be beautiful though, wouldn't it?

  2. #32

    Re: Why people want a FF7 Remake

    I think I would like it because of the graphics, the story chouldn't be messed with, it is perfect just the way it is. That's it

  3. #33
    Registered User Why people want a FF7 Remake Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Why people want a FF7 Remake

    Well, the only reason I'd want a remake would be for the graphics. I would like a remake of FFI through VII because I struggle to play VII and can't get into any of the previous ones because of the graphics. I can't connect with the characters when they are blocks with no faces all the time.

    I suspect this is why I'm not much of a fan of VII, because I just can't see them as people when they look like chunks of lego, and the story is really really good and the gameplay is awesome and I know that, but don't feel it when I play. I'd rather have a remake of I-VI before VII though because I actually can't play them at all.


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    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
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  4. #34
    What is the difference between a remake and a remaster?

  5. #35
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why people want a FF7 Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: Why people want a FF7 Remake

    I think the people who want a remake Are justified by the fact that they would play it. If you don't want a remake then shutup and don't play, stop treading on our dreams!

  6. #36
    Registered User Why people want a FF7 Remake Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    Re: Why people want a FF7 Remake

    Quote Originally Posted by Future Angel View Post
    What is the difference between a remake and a remaster?
    (I think, but might be wrong)

    A remaster is basically the exact same game just with better graphics, the whole game is the same, they don't remake anything, they just go over the graphics and make things look shinier and better on a newer system.

    A remake is where they build the game from scratch again, not just make the same things look better but build the environments, the characters, the story, the monsters and everything in the game again.


    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."

  7. #37
    In my opinion, they should just leave FF7 as it is. True, it will be very nostalgic to play the game once again with better graphics and all but i'd still prefer the classic. Just my opinion

  8. #38
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why people want a FF7 Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    They are not taking away the classic and replacing it with a new version. You can still have the option to play the classic. Why does everyone want them to NOT give us the option for a remake? Geeeze.

  9. #39
    Yeah, I know right? I don't know why people see this possible remake as a bad thing, it wouldn't, actually, there isn't a possible way this could make any 'harm' to them. If it is different and bad, just don't play it, won't change a thing. If it is good and identical to the original, great!, let us get nostalgic times infinity

  10. #40
    Don't know about FF7, but I'd really want FF8 to be remade on PS3 with extra areas in act 4, so you could do more stuff and possibly a sequel. Everything about that game was awesome to me.

  11. #41
    Spectral Patriot Why people want a FF7 Remake Chaos_Weapon's Avatar
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    Why not?

    FF7 has the lowest 3D quality when you compare it to 8 and 9. But, it also had one of the most compelling and suspenseful storylines I've experience playing the FF chronicle along with its backstories and fillers. Not to mention, the character roster is without comparison. I'D WANT TO SEE IT HAPPEN, CAPTAIN!!

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  12. #42
    For a graphics boost and maybe a voicing cast. The gameplay was already awesome as it was, there was no need to expand on it.

  13. #43
    FFVII with great graphics would be awesome, however that's not the only reason I would support a remake. I think it's a shame that a game with such an amazing story has to be stuck with such a poor translation. A better translation into english and voice actors would be right up there with better graphics for me.
    You are entitled to your wrong opinion.

  14. #44
    The CG
    I don't expect a remake to happen. Certainly not any time soon. I honestly believe they'd make FFVII-2 before they'd remake the original.

  15. #45
    Certified tech, come at me! Why people want a FF7 Remake SuperSabin's Avatar
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    How about Final Fantasy VII: the Live Action Film? how well do you think square could pull that off?
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  16. #46
    Quote Originally Posted by SuperSabin View Post
    How about Final Fantasy VII: the Live Action Film? how well do you think square could pull that off?
    No good live action film of a video game to date.
    I'd say odds aren't good.

  17. #47
    Chocobo Queen Why people want a FF7 Remake Katpuss's Avatar
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    If SE bring out a VII remake I will probably buy it (as I do most FF releases), however I don't believe it's the best FF instalment ever. I believe XIII-2, III (DS and Android Version) and Dimensions to be much better and the graphics on IV (DS) very much superior.
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  18. #48
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Why does everyone view "better" or "updated" graphics as a bad thing? It's not as if they'd delete the classic version from history and inject you with video game memory-stealing nanites. The original game will always be there, even if they mess up a remake.

    I'd quite like a remake so that I can revisit the story in new and improved ways. Yes, it will have better graphics, but that's not a terrible thing. If anything, the story is the bigger deal for me, and if they can clear up a few loose ends for everyone, all the better. But yes, I'd like to see it with the same design as Advent Children. Won't happen, of course, as Advent Children was a huge challenge in itself and that was just a two hour long movie.

    I think it would work. If they made it a short ass, cheap venture like the latest instalments, then I can see people complaining.

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  19. #49
    I'm doing my first play-through of FF VII at the moment, and I love it!
    In my opinion, a remake isn't necessary, because for me, better graphics wouldn't make anything better!

    BUT: If there are enough people wanting a remake in HD, I can't understand Square (or any other company) not producing a remake...

  20. #50

    Why people want a FF7 Remake

    A remake would destroy the charm of the game!

  21. #51
    Boxer of the Galaxy Why people want a FF7 Remake Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by belakkaleb88 View Post
    A remake would destroy the charm of the game!
    FF7 is one of my favourite in the series and I think it had very little charm. What makes that game great, is everything else. The story, the characters, the progression, its past, everything that builds up to an epic finale can only be improved furthar with the use of modern graphics and applied mechanics.

    having said that, if they dont remake it with Tifa booby physics, then they shouldn't bother remaking it at all.


  22. #52

    Why people want a FF7 Remake

    I think the character models and the world map are the charming things that jump out at me. Just thinking about the bulky ultima weapon flying around on the map is a little charming, definitely not the story other than a few events

  23. #53

    Why people want a FF7 Remake

    Forgot to add I totally agree on the boob physics haha

  24. #54

    Lightbulb Are we being selfish?

    Why people want a FF7 Remake-ff7remake-jpgMaking a FF7 remake with updated graphics would allow a whole new generation of gamers to enjoy my favorite Final Fantasy. What's wrong with that?
    FF7 Remake=More People Enjoying FF7

    How awesome would that be? I could use an excuse to play through it again!

    And if I ever have a son, I want this awesome game available and appealing for him too!


    Watch this!! THIS IS WHY. This looks awesome for the most part...

  25. #55
    I love FF7 it is my second fave FFgame just behind FF10. The hype for a remake of this game will never die unless Square-Enix actually commit to doing it. The problem is that Kitase said "Yes" but he wanted to speak to the developers of the original FF7 before he went ahead. TheN after speaking to the main programmer of FF7 he changed his mind and said "No" due to the remake estimated to be a ten year job. Lastly he said he would be willing to if he could have it out in a year or so with luck as technology is moving so fast what's to say they may be able to do this in a few years time? Just keep hoping like I am!!!

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