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Thread: Who wants a FF7 Remake?

  1. #1

    Who wants a FF7 Remake?

    The site in my signature is trying to petition Square Enix with as many signings as possible........please check it out and sign. We have no way of knowing if FF7 will ever be remade if we don't do anything about it.

    I know that lots of other people want one, it's a relatively small thing to do to help.
    Join us and see your favourite Final Fantasies remade for modern consoles.

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  2. #2

    Re: Who wants a FF7 Remake?

    Hi Jenova.

    I went from desperately craving a next gen FFVII remake to consigning myself we will never see one to now actualy hoping that it doesn't happen.

    The reason for this is the disturbing road gaming has taken in the last 10 years. With the advances that we have seen over the last decade gaming could be at a level i could never have dreamed of when i played FFVII in my late teens. Instead we have an industrie determined to pander to the whim of morons who can barely string a sentance together and think the churned out block buster money spinners like Call of Retard: Modern Borefest are great games.

    All the best developers have sold out BIG TIME Especialy Square-Enix. The monstrosity that was FFXIII still gives me nightmares. Can you imagine what Square-Enix would do to a FFVII remake? I shudder to think. It should not, No, CANNOT be allowed to happen.

    Jenova i apreciate your love for the greatest game ever made i realy do and i feel for you because i once thought as you did and i know you are coming from a good place with pure intentions but think of it like this. We already have FFVII. As long as you have your original copy then you can play it whenever you wish right?

    Sure the graphics are dated but so what. 10-15 years from now any remake will look just as dated and FFVII will have lost it's soul for the sake of making it look shiney... Not worth it imo.
    Last edited by TheBusterSword; 02-14-2016 at 11:08 PM.

  3. #3

    Re: Who wants a FF7 Remake?

    We don't need a VII remake, we have plenty of sub-series games in the title. Crisis Core, Dirge, we even have a friggin' movie, isn't that enough? I'd say just keep this game a classic, though I'd rather have a VI remake then VII. I know this game has a lot of fans, but this is just my personal opinion, I'm just not a fan of it. We even have Dissidia and Duodecim, VII characters appear in these as well. And that's still not enough? Anyway I disagree.

  4. #4

    Re: Who wants a FF7 Remake?

    I understand people who say they won't play a remake for these reasons........what I don't get is having an aversion to a modern console remake. I know that SE has flopped a lot of things recently, but it seems because of this their talking about moving the series in "new directions" after FFXV -- doesn't this make it the perfect time to talk about remakes? Sure, the company might completely mess it up, but we won't know unless they actually make it. And I personally doubt that they ever will if we don't make ourselves heard.
    If you don't want a remake, that's fine -- but it won't kill you if there is one, just don't play it. I respect your opinion, though, TheBusterSword, and am glad there are still people out there who don't think games are just about graphics.
    @ Flame Kid:
    I know not everyone's a fan of VII, but the site has a petition for a FF6 remake now as well, why not sign that?
    Join us and see your favourite Final Fantasies remade for modern consoles.

    Visit FFREMAKE (Final Fantasy Remake) to make it happen!

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  5. #5

    Re: Who wants a FF7 Remake?

    Who doesn't want an FFVII remake is the real question here don't you think? I absolutely love the original but I would trade my left eye for a remake of this game just try to imagine how ****in awesome it would be!!! I have signe a petiton myself (twice!!!) as has my missus but after following this issue for a long time all I can tell you is this. 1) Yoshinori Kitase said Yes to a remake but first he needed to talk to the original game developers of FFVII. 2) After speaking to the main prgrammer of the first FFVII game Kitase said No remake as he was told it would take about 10+ years to make and that it was not a viable project. 3) Kitase went on to say if they could bang out a remake in a couple of years or so it would be seriously considered. My final comment on these issues just makes me hope that because technology is moving so fast nowadays that they soon develop a system which will enable them to build a remake in a couple of years. I firmly believe that one day there will be a remake of one of the best games (in my eyes anyway) ever made and I look forward to it!!!

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